I want to get into tactical rpgs, what are your favourites?
I want to get into tactical rpgs, what are your favourites?
Silent storm.
have you looked into the recommendations in your dozen other threads?
>dozen other
This is the first thread I've made about this
Fire Emblem is my favorite trpg series :)
Best game
Yu-Gi-Oh! Capsule Monster Coliseum.
loved that game, I'm pissed off that there hasn't been anything like it in a long while
also that tarot shit at the start is pretty soulful
What do you want other than tactical rpgs.
Engaging story? Waifus? Upgrading units? Class-combos? 30secs of unskippable skillanimations?
og x-com
fallout tactics
Tactics Ogre is good
Final Fantasy Tactics is good
Xcom is okay
Front Mission 3 was wonky, but it's the only mecha tactics game I enjoyed
There's a series about super robots from multiple series being used in a tactics style, but I didn't enjoy it
Valkyria Chronicles, Front Mission 3, Disgaea 3 and Final Fantasy Tactics Advance
Based. Advanve and A2 are a must in exploring this genre.
I played FFT A2 and its probably the most boring and piss easy tactics game ive played so i dont recommend it
linking skills to weapons and equipment was a mistake
Jagged Alliance 2
7.62 Hard Life
you should start with the gba fire emblem games if youre starting. I found the maps and the tactical elements to be better than games like tactics ogre and you can play it on anything.
war of the lions a good one to start with
Fucking soiboi pleb get the fuck out of here with your faggot dating sim visual novel trash.
(earlier) Fire Emblem games are literally just ramming Rocks against scissors, scissors against paper, and papers against rocks. They're the most tactically unsatisfying games I've played
Old xcom in general and piratez in particular
fire emblem game mechanics are simple and the maps designed well enough for you to use those simple mechanics to plan out.
most other tactical rpgs tend to throw so many shit at you which either overcomplicates the gameplay or they have some glaring flaw in the tactical element which you can exploit or trivialize other gameplay elements.
Wild Arms XF, Stella Deus, Ragnarok Tactics, Saiyuki Journey West, Tears To Tiara II, Jeanne d'Arc, Disgaea.
My only gripe with this game is my guys all deal piss poor damage against heavy armor or monster units unless they use mace weapons, but that in turn make them slow as fuck. Also sometimes my guys just left my party.
jean d'arc on psp
stella glow on 3ds
both are great and fairly unique.
If you didn't pick loot before the end of battle, will you miss it?
you can try to get skills for damage boost on specific monster types. but this can be tedious since you have to grind for skill points if you just get them.
you can alternatively just use long ranged units to take potshots at those enemy units.
But i don't really want my party made up of a bunch of archers/crossbow. Also wish fists aren't bad.
then play the one vision mod
archers are very op in the game. the most of the maps are open fields and you have insane range + decent damage.
real life
final fantasy tactics advanve 2 is one of my entire time favorites.
Front mission 3-4-5
I'm making one. I hope you all like it. Reveal in a few months
Generation of chaos (and its sequel Aedis Eclipse) were both surprisingly fun.
The UI for GoC is absolute cancer though.
How will we know it's your game?
ill have a character named vivian in it
Shining Force 1 and 2
Phantom brave
Show me your game and I'll tell you why it's shit.
Disgaea games have the best gameplay in the genre. However, don't get into them unless you can stomach an absolutely atrocious plot. Disgaea 5 had me giving up and mashing through dialogue for the first time in my entire life, but it's still one of my favorite games. Generally they are iterative and get better with each installment too, so just start with 5.
If you're used to normal JRPGs, Arc the Lad Collection is a great game to get started, as it is more or less a JRPG at core with basic TRPG elements added in.
>gba fire emblem
>dating sim
underage detected
no thanks
That wasn't a question.
final fantasy tactics
advance wars
wasteland 2
Play this, and the rest of the dept heaven serie, all the games are pretty unique and experimental, but they fucking work, they are fun and really a expirience you wont find anywhere
new game never ever.
I prefer to build a balance roster. Just using one overpowered units type just boring for me.
>I prefer to build a balance roster
>complain about shitty damage output
there is no reason to build a ""balanced roster"" in this game since certain classes are useless
nvm. It's Tactics Ogre LUCT
Fuck that. I want a city builder RPG.
stronghold was basically that
What's the difference between 7.62 hard life and 7.62 high calibre? i got bot when i bought one
invisible inc
High caliber is the base game and has access to the Blue Sun Mod made in the west which adds a lot of content and stability. Hard life is a mod/expansion made by Russians that aims more for a more hardcore ‘realistic’ approach. I recommend saving and quicksaving a lot. Game is pretty unstable and it’s really easy to break quest lines.
>Disgaea games have the best gameplay in the genre
Really? It's just ability spam in the main campaign and in the post game you either one shot your enemies or they one shot you
Dwarf fortress.
boys play final fantasy tactics
men play luminous arc
Ragnarok tactics? Why have I never heard of this?
It's not what you do in the battle, it's what you do to prepare for it. Just look at the sheer autism involved in beating 20-star carnage Baal. It's the combined minmax cheese optimization of a hundred different game mechanics coming together into a single 10-minute turn to just barely one-shot the boss.