Daily reminder

Daily reminder

Attached: Screenshot_20191209-080621_Chrome.jpg (1068x1192, 430.66K)

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Imagine if she fell on you

Attached: 1555600910150.webm (270x480, 1.24M)

Attached: sniff.webm (854x480, 1.63M)

I pay the price gladly.

Attached: 1562965464602.jpg (592x444, 63.42K)

just do it make sure it kills me

Attached: 1457148508409.jpg (400x400, 11.83K)

what the fuck, I'm 8 inches taller than 2B? yo, 9S is a shota, for real.

Too much

She is an android, of course she would be heavy, what is your point?

Attached: Battle Angel Alita Vol. 02-034.jpg (1554x3744, 2.32M)


But there's most likely no smell since she doesn't eat. She probably doesn't have any anus either.

>Cowgirl with 2B

Attached: 1583872216956.jpg (480x360, 19.07K)


>168cm including heels



Imagine designing androids with no digestive system but integrating a fart box just for fetish purposes.

what a thrill...
With darkness and silence through the night...

Attached: 894370.jpg (600x600, 123.61K)

>1.2kg below my best bench

148.8 is an awfully specific number

Just put smelly aromatics inside it
Like in japanese tv shows

Do you sex less, gf less, incels really get hard and whack off to video game women? Or is it just a meme?

no need to project user.
I just like vidya girl's asses.

how much do command models weigh

Attached: commander.jpg (1280x720, 77.06K)

So it's not an edgy meme to scare the normies? You really do it?

I just want her to sit on my face and tongue fuck her asshole until I die of suffocation.

What's so edgy about fapping to video game ass?

The fuck does that mean?

We must secure the existence of our people and a future for robot waifus


Attached: 1583888278387.webm (460x574, 1.47M)

Yes I do, sometimes my GF jerks me off while I browse pictures of anime ass, what about it?

Yes, I also hire child prostitutes twice a week
Would like to bring those two passions together somehow

Attached: 1452792872677.png (770x524, 442.81K)

A fellow man of culture I see

No need, I have an understanding with the local authorities

you think i'm going to stop jacking off because i get laid once a week?

commander is the heaviest and has the biggest tits and hips

Attached: nier commander.png (725x822, 729.96K)

Hold on just a second

Why japs do this

i think all of you faggots are missing the point
>her height is 168cm (INCLUDING HEELS)

Attached: 1582251106327.gif (765x640, 1.37M)


hypothetically despite her weight the ass would still bounce if you banged her though right? like it emulates real fat?

Attached: 1583894633626.jpg (411x331, 58.43K)

What's the problem, burger?

So more like 5'1 legit height?

Jesus I didn't realize 2B was such a womanlet. Would still break my duck in her socket.

With her ass in the air and her face buried in a pillow her weight isn't going to matter.

Yeah, that's what every non-mutt country uses to measure weight (or mass, to be more precise)


i brought a 2B costume for my girl online, now it only needs to arive

that's china bro

What is this non monopoly units?

2B increases the quality of any game she's in.

Attached: 1559859332589.png (112x112, 18.12K)

I fucked a 127kg girl before I'm not fucking intimidated


>my hips are moving by themselves!
RIP user

Attached: 1564161272603.jpg (225x225, 3.78K)

Half an American.

Quite literally built for BMC(big machine cock)


i just realized that she would look like a child next to me, i'm 1,79cm.



He’s the conversion to freedom units anons

Attached: 94FF3D82-C26F-4322-B864-235BFEB51F15.jpg (591x166, 37.31K)

Attached: 1559085125527.jpg (1397x1043, 266.46K)

in fact I think 3 inches is a low end estimate for the heels she's wearing, so she might even be a legal midget (4'11)

what did yoko taro mean by this? that she only fucks white men?

This desu. Bring it on.

God I want her to perpetually pulverize my pathetic plebeian pelvis through powerful penile-vaginal penetrative SEX until my penis is nothing more than a pulpy mass of pounded paste.

Here’s the height conversion as well

Attached: F3CF8E0D-B067-4AB5-9589-E3F4CDCCD199.jpg (421x250, 36.58K)

Can somebody convert the numbers into non-retard units, thanks.

Based aryan robot waifu?


I already did you colossal goober

Attached: F19501D9-94B4-4485-B7C4-7F20F8FAB062.png (360x450, 155.13K)