What went so incredibly wrong?

Attached: 013[1].jpg (1200x1200, 328.78K)

There's wasn't even a thing to go right or wrong in the first place. It was nothing.
It never "went"

lol stadia is gonna get BLACKED!

on a deeper level (other google=shit), the number of people who actually gives a shit for "the next big thing in gaming" is very overstimated. Part of the community only cares about graphics, the other part onoy cares about the games, be them niche or mainstream. Cry all you want about it, Stadia only marketing tactic is "this is the next big thing and if you don't jump now you will be left behind", but early adopter culture is dying in every industry now

Everyone who wants to play a game has a console, it should have launched with ps5 and Xbox2
Also, the games sucks and there is no reason to play a game on stadia when the prices are low on consoles and pc

Hence why the only thing that will take off is vr and rt
Everything else besides ai and physics (no games really do soft body properly) has peaked including raster graphics.
Animation is pretty good now so there's not that much more to improve on really and silicone tech is hitting the walls and the ceiling after 7nm anyway.
Gonna be a long gen I don't see any new tech worth a fuck until 5-10 years from now perhaps longer

Can I get the SOUL version pls

The entire point of playing "consoles on PC" is self-defeating. If you're the kind of person who has enough money to pour into a PC powerful enough to emulate or run a full console, you have enough money to just buy the console and buy it yourself. My toaster laptop couldn't run Citra for shit and its infinitely easier to just buy a 2ds XL for 200 dollars than to spend thousands of dollars for a new computer.

This is the soul version

I want the one with Ricky Bobby.

Console tan shit is the worst possible tranny cumhead sewage runoff seepage on this board
Please fuck off back to Yas Forums or /trash/ immediately if you participate in this shit

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Attached: mascotz.png (1280x1244, 114.64K)

>Yas Forumstards are this weak
o i am laffin

Post the real one you sonyger

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not enough porn

This is the crybaby nintendie one.

but the character representing nintendo fans is still a manchild
nice double standards you have sonybro

The Sony character is over done, every other character has 1 or 2 things making fun of them, the butt-enraged faggot who made this put 6 on the Sony character.

kys yourselves faggots

meanwhile in reality

Attached: nintendo fans.png (1080x1209, 170.92K)

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VR is never taking off because a shitload of game types simply dont work in VR.

This one is better.

Yas Forums couldn’t handle the idea of someone making OC that wasn’t wojack related

lolol this one is higher quality

This one is balanced. Gay nigger, Skinnyfat manchild, Obese fedoralord, fucking dead.

Best version

They never even released it. It was supposed to be a free way to play games with the controller you already have, but you still have to buy their $130 controller to use stadia.

That's strange because I've played every genre in it and it works perfectly?
What a fucktard stupid statement.
Clearly your playing the wrong vidya

making the sonybro a nigger would have been enough but of course they had to add all that gay shit. nincels way of coping I guess

> What went so incredibly wrong?

They did the Ouya.

The fuck is the G supposed to represent?

Google you retarded fuck


Why is google there?

I don't get the picture, someone post the Wojak one instead

It's a subtle symbolism for how Jews are controlling all media. Each company is looking at it because they receive pay and orders from the (G)ew

Until you realize hoy can emulate More than one consolé at once

Attached: dybjMgu[1].jpg (225x225, 11.7K)

Seethe more faggots

>sony fans try to antagonise nintendo manchildren every day
>they sperg out when you return fire just a little

The one true version.

Attached: brandloyal.png (803x537, 91.3K)

Sony earned their place among the gods by winning the console wars back to back since they entered them. We won't let little nintendo bitches disrespect it.

Sony has been shit since PS3, accept it

PS3 and PS4 are shit, but still better than everything else.

imagine getting butthurt over a character representation of the brand you like

No integration with pre-existing stores. Made it tough sell ,even for people who were interested in this garbage service.

Paying a subscription for the right to buy games at full price is actually insane. Also google sucks

They bet on being a trend. You put some money on your shills in twitter and media and they expect a snowball effect from there. "look, they are saying this is the next big thing! I need to get one of... those!". It seems it didn't work but you can still find people defending it regardless.

What's the lore behind son*gger always being yellow?

Attached: zlM67BN.gif (300x244, 875.9K)

Weeb machine
Yellow fever


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>Oh no, I can't play World of Warcraft in VR for 8 hours because I get tired after standing for 5 minutes. The tech is doomed!

>streaming when American's internet infrastructure sucks ass
That's what went wrong.

Latency. Just like anyone with common sense predicted.

Attached: stadia result.png (791x1109, 425.97K)

snoy stealing a year old PC meymey and just spamming the hell out of it.

post the real version asshole

You niggers will never be happy will you?