Sekiro is way more fun than dark souls

Sekiro is way more fun than dark souls

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I wasn't a huge Tenchu fan so I disagree.

>no multiplayer

>game needs multiplayer to be good


begone pvp cuck

nioh is way more fun than sekiro

ok enjoy your game for babies retard

No. It's a one note game. There's nothing else to enjoy other than the combat which isn't even that good.

Duh. It’s pretty obvious. Don’t forget it’s better than Bloodborne as well.

We need more weapons and bosses

Sekiro. Motivates you to stealth kill enemies, but bosses rape your ass. Unless you figure out how to cheese them.
Don't get me wrong, I like Sekiro. But I have a feeling that AI is lot worse than in any Souls game.

alright who was it, the ogre, Juzou? Or perhaps the shinobi hunter?

Two (imo) hardest (optional) bosses were... oh fuck me, I don't remember their names. Two guys who are located at the beginning of the game (when you go back). The guy with spear and that swordmaster in the ''well''.
Also, what's this Ogre meme?

How can I deny this but look smarter and sober?
What fancy words should I use?

yeah, well you aren't supposed to do them tat early, do them after you've beaten genichiro.
Cause Genichiro is like the end of the tutorial.

Ogre is a meme because he has filtered so many people

Found it repetitive as shit. Also why are all but 3 or so combat arts complete dogshit and/or redundant? You'd think a game where the idea of weapon variety is stripped to make way for combat abilities would make the combat significantly more indepth. But no, we end up with a fucking L1-R1 spamfest with tools (several of them being completely dogshit as well as redundant upgrade paths, which is big since the game has very few tools) and a handful of combat arts that are serviceable. Nipponese setting isn't for my taste either since it harkens back to the nippon fever in gaming during the 2000s, far less rich and diverse than western settings.

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stfu BB is fucking times better than shitkiro

Lol nah

>most main bosses are recycled 2 times
>most mini bosses are recycled 4 times
>castle area is revisited 3 times with the bonfires literally taken away from you on repeat visits
>extremely little gameplay variety, it's a one trick pony all the way through
How the fuck did this get the GOTY? It was obviously just a small side project for From.

Pretty sure she's pregnant, guys.

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They're both absolute garbage.

Sekiro is as fun as Dark Souls 1 imo of course.
Hope Elden Ring is as good as these two.



the only one that is recycled is genichiro, with the real fight being at the top of the castle, and last fight showing you how far you've come in terms of skill

Sekiro is only fun on the second playthrough. The first is miserable trial and error, the third and beyond are a waste of time unless you're hunting achievements.
Dark Souls has a mind-blowing first playthrough and never gets old because there is so much build variety.
Bloodborne and Demon's Souls are better than both.

Imagine liking From trash

>Monk x2
>Genichiro x3
>Ape x2
>Owl x2
>Isshin x2
etc etc

>1 weapon

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One man's trash is another man's treasure,
just git gud. I know it's bait but get a (You)

More like SEKINO.

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That scene with sekiro blocking owl looks great

she absorbed his essence, it may be an allegory for pregnancy but it isnt str8 up that

Post your favorite developers, basedboy


fun is subjective.

Art as a whole is subjective if you want to be a pedantic autist.

There isnt a single boss you have to cheese u retard.
Dur i cant parry i better hide in this doorway and attack a boss who cant hit me back like in my gotyay dark souls. Oh no it isnt working heeelp this game sucksss

no, dark souls is boring as fuck to replay
Sekiro = NG+6 right now
Dark souls = Never bothered with NG+

Objectively wrong

dark souls vs sekiro is just O button vs L1 button
both are extremely shallow

I just beat Sword Saint. I learned to stop hesitating and I feel great. Overall, it's a very good game but I like Dark Souls 1 better. Never been a fan of Nihon steel.

It's not my fault if your GOTY has stupid AI which can be exploited. I didn't make the game.

if the devs really didn't want you to use hit and run tactics like a little bitch, then they would have made it impossible to dmg enemies below a certain hp threshold.
They give you an option, fight correctly or take 40 minutes for every boss.

Dark souls pvp is fucking garbage

Right. Spamming Whirlwind Slash on Lady Butterfly to kill her takes 40 minutes.
>inb4 you should use another skill on her, not thatz one!

It does make the fun last much longer. Invasions are fucking awesome, as long as you dont get a hacker and even sometimes those are fun if they are creative.

the game actually tells you that you can staggerlock her by doing side step dodges.
Have you actually done any other boss or what, because you wouldn't bring butterfly who has already a very small hp pool

You said it's boring to replay and never replayed it? Did you mean to type something else or are you admitting your opinion sucks?

Felt low effort to me. Too many reused bosses, not enough combat variety, not enough weapon variety, and pretty poor writing

>turns out that writing cryptic flavor text in item descriptions is a lot easier than crafting an actual story, who woulda thunk

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No I meant it's fucking boring to start another playthrough, less going into ng+

that's funny because sekiro also has cryptic texts

shit taste detected

Only for the first playthrough


Who cares about you? There are a lot more people that do NG+7 of DaS than Sekiro

Is it playable with the framerate on ps4?

no completely unplayable, the game got a negative 31 score on metacritic on the console versions

yes. isshin is one of the greatest boss fights in vidya history, rivaling vergil 2 and devil hand.

What is it about Gen Z that makes them think people want to hear them just fucking monologue about a video game they have an opinion on