how do we end this degeneracy?
How do we end this degeneracy?
I'm interested in dicks
>on a degenerate website
We don't? Your age is over.
not even interested in watching but will there be big black men too?
/d/egenerate is a minority, the most degenerate thing I fap to is lovey dovey straight monstergirl impregnation.
Yas Forums has always been right wing. Seethe.
Yas Forums is pro-gay and left-wing
Vampires are intrinsically linked to hell, and thus sodomy. Like demons, I assume all vampires are mega nymphos that have tried everything before unless I'm told otherwise.
I love how triggered Yas Forums is over this :3
stop using instagram and giving likes to SJW retards
> gay anal sex
as opposed to straight anal sex
Still butthurt user? Come on now
why do you idiots care so much about a stupid non canon cartoon?
Not your secret club.
lmao look around
you will never be a woman
yo will kill yourself in some years tranny
your life is misery
They don't really care, they just want something to be mad and shitpost about.
There’s a pretty big difference idiot
It's pretty much canon at this point
The greatest lie of our time.
Kill yourself.
I love how triggered Yas Forums is over this :3
Is putting your penis in a female's asshole gay?
Did it say in the games that alucard was straight?
Fuck off Billy. This thread is perfectly possible, without your blog being attached to it. In fact almost none of the threads started with your shitty blog post.
Why does this article read like it was written by an edgy 12 year old whose angry at his mom for not letting him play videogames?
But when Australia banned Mary Skelter 2 for anime tiddies and lesbians, OneAngryGamer cried about freedom of expression and evil leftie censorship.
How to spot a newfag
Not really TBQH.
I'd say Alucard is pretty based.
by reporting and hiding all One Angry Incel threads
Well, it's Netflix. Expecting anything worthwhile from them is utter foolishness.
Yas Forums isn't intrinsically politically aligned you dumbass newfag. The only politics that have ever mattered on Yas Forums are the politics of anonymity and freedom of speech.
>Yas Forums has always been right wing. Seethe.
What about pegging? Thats also straight anal, but its homo as fuck.
>he watches cuckflix
Gas the kikes, race war now
After you, poltranny
Thats gay hate when my homies mount me for anal sex wtf? Then we kiss
buy a banner, Billy
Never thought I’d have to type the following sentence unironically. Girls have butts too.
>Yas Forums has always been right wing
it was already maximum gay
hehe, thank you!
As far as most are concerned, alucard was always gay
>hating on something that existed 3000 BCE
But being an INCEL like YOU OP is pretty much against all of nature and evolution. You are fucking worthless and not even really human.
What's the problem here? Vampires (and half-vampires) are literal servants of Satan and gay/bisexual by default
>politics of anonymity and freedom of speech.
So something that the left despises and always has, good to know.
newfag T_D refugee
Give the kid a break. He's only been here 4 years, so technically to him it's "always" been his super secret alt-right incel club.
Nazis are left wing you stupid asshole
me and my boyfriend really didn't enjoy the new castlevania season
it was pretty mediocre
Yas Forums has been around for the majority of this site's existence. I'm sure if you keep seething you'll eventually make "election tourist" into a thing.
Vampires have ALWAYS been sexually ambiguous creatures who fuck and suck everything.
And don't try and say only western vampires were like this...
Yas Forums isn't. Literal redditors/twitternormies come here everyday because it's the most high traffic board.
I must say that i hate Fringorilla, she doesn't have that evil look to her it sucks balls
No they haven't.
>saying this on one of the most degenerate most blue boards.
Either you're a complete ignorant or you're trying to accumulate forbidden layers of iron.
At one point you're gonna have to realize you were literally never in good company. Yas Forums will never be your LGBT safe space.
Yas Forums has always been whatever triggers normies, and that hasn't always been the same
>Yas Forums has been around for the majority of this site's existence.
No it wasn't
If you were an actual oldfag you would know why
>What's the problem here?
You kind of said it yourself. Alucard turned on everything vampire, and dedicated his existence towards fighting them.
So it being common for other vampires just makes it more questionable for Alucard to do. Unironically.
nothing wrong with this if you are not a tranny. dilate
But he doesn't fuck, he gets fucked.
>portraying vampires as sexual deviants
yes what of it?
Yeah but wasn't he raped in that scene?
>play a tranny game
Now you see what the sexually immoral will defend. Join the winning team and follow God.
>literally called 'the Impaler'
>had a hard on for shoving hard poles into people's asses
Sounds like some repressed in the closet shit to me.
>At one point you're gonna have to realize you were literally never in good company. Yas Forums will never be your LGBT safe space.
Heck do you mean, most people on here don't even go to /d/ or /trash/, if they want porn they just go normalfag board /gif/ or /aco/.
Oh you mean that awkward moment when it was gone for like a year? Lol. 13/17 of Yas Forums's years, Yas Forums dominates.
bernie lost
>consensual sex with a man and a woman
>"b-but wasn't he raped?"
You SJWs are insane.
was he right
Now I really despise how they flags are there to begin with. But what the fuck is up with his logic here?
No matter how shit the the flags being there is, it is an objective fact that they're super tiny. And you can zoom in anything and it becomes the focus. That's like the end result of zooming in on something. What?
get some new material faggot.
>don't watch the series but engage in the discussion (like everyone else)
>assume something and get it wrong
>"you sjws"
Bases schizo
>bernie lost