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God, the way they type on Twitter fucking irritates me to no end.


This. Honestly he should be slaughtered in the streets for typing like that.

yes very goood hehe

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what the fuck is E3 and why should I care about it?

Oh no, our lives have lost all meaning now we can't watch Ubisoft's and EA's cringy liveshows because that's the only reason people watch E3 in the last decade!

Honestly, E3 is pointless in the internet age. It only served a purpose in the 90's and early 2000's.

Want to announce a game/console? Post a video on Youtube.

>only trailer after trailer after trailer without cringy on-stage shit
Based Corona

this makes me really sad i love E3 even though it is usually a cringefest

grow up

Why are they cancelling something that is 3 months away? There's plenty of time to see how Corona plays out. I guess its because of sponsorship deals being uncertain and the like, no one wants to commit and put down money on something that might not happen.

Too much planning required for a maybe. E3 setup needed to start by now, they can't spend all this money and just cancel it.

it's the convention where everyone announces their new games and consoles nig nog

if true might be the best e3 in a long time

Corona will ravage the West for months

>not muh thing i don't like
grow up

It's a foregone conclusion because all the big players are already saying they won't be attending. There won't be a point when there are no booths for demos, even if the venue was virus free.

E3 doesn't happen immediately, they are prepping for months for this to happen.

It'd be crazy if it was all just a lie like all the Smash bros leakfagging.

Based on China which is only apprently calming down now the virus won't have calmed down by e3

This. I wish they held it and everyone got corona. Fucking government trying to stop the cleansing god intended.

>Sport is cancelled worldwide
>/sp/ has few shitposting threads without moderation

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It will most likely calm down in most countries where the governments doesn't just dick around doing nothing
This doesn't include USA unfortunately


China wasn't doing nothing they just didn't publically tell people about the detention camps, though yeah that fucked with tourists


Good riddance, it has been a shadow of its former self for years, that and every other company just posting their announcements in their own channels/streams anyway making E3 worthless.

Based. Now the rest of the industry will finally realize E3 is pointless and they'll just announce their shit like drip feed along the year instead of dumping all of their shit at once.

China has lost at least a month of effective actions that could've helped to contain the virus in Hubei before the New Year.
Though admittedly they had no idea what they were dealing with and the fact Hubei is almost back online in 2 months is pretty remarkable.

E3 should return to its roots, no more useless influencers or fags buying tickets to walk around, we might even get booth babes back.

The Nintendie and Snoy conferences (i.e. the only ones most normies care about) are just pre-prepared videos now anyway

Why not wait until its actually announced, IF its announced?


I havent been to E3 in years (i live outside the USA), did they really get rid of the booth girls? That is awful.

Many years ago this would've been a bad thing. These days I'm friggin happy that the event I loved so much and which degenerated into a shitshow over time gets cancelled this year.

Thank fucking god, that shitfest won't be missed.

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You mean Microsoft? Because Sony and Nintendo don't bother with that shit any more

>no Devolver Digital segment

Why do we even need E3 any more? What does it do for the industry that each company having a personal stream can't? The only people that benefit from it are the hosting company, and the venue.

I'll believe it when I see it from a real source, not some literal who on twitter.

the demos are nice I guess, but even those could just be released on the console's online stores

You answered your own question.
E3 and everything like E3 is fucking parasites dressing up video games like show business and making money off of it.
Every single E3 I've ever seen made me want to firebomb the fucking place.

You answered your own question on the second half of your post.

Good. E3 has been shit for years. The virus is just an excuse to cancel it without getting attacked for it. Everyone started pulling out (nintendo, playstation, Geoff, the creative directors) and it was going to focus more on "social good", ads, and streamers". Anyone angry over this is a fucking moron.

The only thing that could make big events possible by then without getting hundreds infrected is a vaccine. Either that or the unlikely chance that 99% of the population got over an infection and developed immunity, which is very unlikely and shouldn't be planned for. It's better and easier to just cancel it now and plan for that. We'll probably get direct-like recordings anyway, maybe some demos.


What way? They're just typing. I find it hilarious people here can get upset at the dumbest things

It used to be a time when multiple things were announced at once so you'd know when to expect new things. But the most recent ones have been utter unfiltered garbage in all aspects so it's not even a big loss.

Why does the US need an electoral college anymore? What does it do for the nation that individual votes can't? The only people that benefit from it are I don't even wanna go full Yas Forums, I just wanted an analogy.

>lol what do you mean people started communicating like fucking retards, because a modern social medium has content constraints like a fucking SMS message in 1995

>muh cringe ridden infomercial shitshow

fuck the E3 and anybody who enjoys it.

Just follow your corporate masters on social media if you care that much.

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Oh no that sucks

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O think everyone saw this coming. It’s a bit of a shame though, I really like that time of the year. They’ll probably blame the coronavirus or some shit

>no more shitlian collage cancer
god bless


Honestly, I just like having a week of excitement and keeping up with trailers and cringey presentations with other Yas Forumsirgins. I mean, it hasn’t actually had anything exciting for some three years now, but this year has some cool announcements ahead I think.

>Not being excited BECAUSE it's a shitshow
E3 is like the comedy event of the year, and now I won't get to see companies flail around like retards on a stage and embarrass themselves.

Thank fuck we were saved from this shitshow

m8 the tanks are already on the ukraine border.