Why did it fail?
Baldur's Gate 3
>Why did it fail?
Your thread? 'Cause you are a faggot.
I unironically wish Larian all ill hopes and maladies and I hope they fail. The fucking cancer of CRPG's
I'm glad this game will succeed and review well. It'll be fun to checkback on all the screenshots I made of Yas Forums seething over nothing
Did anyone else see the guy transforming in the trailer and think 'god i wish that were me'?
Because if you want a real Baldurs Gate successor you have Owlcats Pathfinder Kingmaker and the new game.
>billion likes and 0 dislikes on youtube
It will be popular, win GOTY and sell well even though it will be shit.
Are BG fans going through want Fallout fans went through
Everyone loves New Vegas even though everyone is gay there, same will probably happen to BG3.
>The fucking cancer of CRPG's
the only cancer of CRPG's is the fucking D&D ruleset, thank fucking god Larian actually made a fun turn based game instead of a RTwP shitfest
There is also Fallout 3 though
>the new D&D audience and the larianfag in the same game
Enjoy your shitty gate III
SJW genre literally can't fail, their audience is huge and they always win game awards.
>Baldur’s Gate 3 will launch in Early Access with five companions to begin with, with more coming later. Throughout the main campaign, all companions are open to romance from all other characters, and senior writer Adam Smith is looking to create more complex relationships, with the help of Dungeons & Dragons lore to mess with the players’ heart strings.
>“So, Liselle, she’s the Githyanki. And Githyanki don’t really do monogamy,” Smith told VG247.
>“So if you sleep with Liselle one night at camp, the next night you might well just find her sleeping with somebody else. And she’s going to be like, ‘oh, that was a bit of fun, wasn’t it? How are you doing?’ And you’re just like, ‘oh!’ Heartbroken!”
baldur's gate 3? you mean baldur's cuck 3?
jesus wept is larian writing cringe as fuck
Because you decided it did before playing it, because "Something something, muh turnbased, muh "bad" writing."
why did i move here? i guess it was the cuckshit
>Baldur’s Gate 3 will launch in Early Access with five companions to begin with, with more coming later. Throughout the main campaign, all companions are open to romance from all other characters, and senior writer Adam Smith is looking to create more complex relationships, with the help of Dungeons & Dragons lore to mess with the players’ heart strings.
>“So, Liselle, she’s the Githyanki. And Githyanki don’t really do monogamy,” Smith told VG247.
>“So if you sleep with Liselle one night at camp, the next night you might well just find her sleeping with somebody else. And she’s going to be like, ‘oh, that was a bit of fun, wasn’t it? How are you doing?’ And you’re just like, ‘oh!’ Heartbroken!”
they downgraded the series' unique RtWP combat into barebones turn-based combat but with cartoonish visual effects for every action like the characters doing a karate chop and hopping in place for no reason when entering combat, and landing in a puff of smoke when displaced from their position by an ability. It's just so completely out of whack and not only with the series but also with the genre in belongs to as we've come to know it.
This has got to be the upteenth time I've seen this posted, How many times are you going to hamfist us this garbage?... It's not being a cuck if you're not even fucking married or in a relationship with the character to begin with. Just play a god damn swinger and fuck everyone, you fucking troglodyte.
Any changes to the combat as we've come to know it are more than welcome. Literally can't make it worse.
>akshually it's not cuckshit it's open relationship
>i... it's polyamory
>no role-playing in this supposed role-playing game
>Old BG
D&D combat is very slow let's speed it up so you don't have to waste 20 miutes on a single encounter.
Let's replicate D&D, doesn't matter if it's slow and shit normie will love it.
they could make it worse by making it turnbased, as RTwP is literally advanced turnbased combat. That's all it is, better turnbased combat. But you dislike it because it's not in Japanese games, and that's sad.
He is kind of right though
I dislike it because it's shit, I love BG2 and Planescape Torment but combat was 0/10. Divinity OS games have infinitely better combat, not even debatable.
>day after the trailer
>Pathfinder kickstarter gets a surge of money that pushes it not just double of their last kickstarter but even pushes it higher than what DOS2 got
fuck abazigal
>series' unique RtWP
Unique trash is still trash. Turn based and real time are infinitely better than any shitty rtwp system.
Fallout 3 had a mixed leaning more on the positive reception on release. Most of the negative reputation was a slow drip in over time. On release most people were intrigued by this old franchise suddenly coming back in a new way.
12 years ago people weren't nearly as cynical or skeptical of bringing back old franchises as they are today.
>i... it's not cuckshit if you don't call it cuckshit you incel
>i... it's current year 2020 polyamory is real and valid shitlord
there's no gay or cuckshit in FO3 IIRC
it's super obnoxious in new vegas
Last thread one user has mentioned the mod for OS2 that makes the armor system go away, so I decided to finally play it. Actually, I decided to download the last version with all DLC and shit.
>Sir Lora is a squirrel fleeing the Knights of Drey - an apocalyptic order of furry knights who believe in the coming of the Great Acorn. He’ll join you in Fort Joy (along with his undead cat mount) and follow you through your adventure, sharing his wit, wisdom, apocalyptic warnings, and even some skill-crafting secrets.
I don't even know what's worse. Radical feminist werewolfs and gay NPCs or...this.
>Child logic
>turn based is too slow! we need real time but I cant handle fast combat so give us pause!
>Adult logic
>turn based allows for extremely tactical and strategic fights where every move matters, it also allows for a far more balanced experience
>Patrician logic
>real time without pause, extensive player based AI scripting and encounters designed around a continuous flow of combat is the best form of combat for any CRPG even though it requires the most amount of developer talent and skill to create
It did?
Just nuke the squirrel
It's literally impossible to create that AI, Blizzard and google together made it once and it cost shit ton of money and it was mostly about insane micro for AI, get it to learn advanced tactics is impossible and noone can really afford it even if it wasn't.
Yeah, I will definitely disable it. I just had some kind of cultural shock from this and felt a drastic need to share it, sorry.
Uh user, Dragon Age 2 had it, as did many older RPGs.
Literally all encounters were shit and required 0 strategy.
user, what the fuck are you talking about. Im talking about the ability for the player to do their own AI scripting.
And that has never worked in real time combat.
It's almost like hype dies down after release, while critical thinking about game mechanics and writing doesn't.
I think you might actually suffer from brain damage
Yeah. That should be self evident from the post. user was trying to say this current situation was the same but it isn't.
No, you just overrate old shitty gameplay that nobody liked.
>Being this brain dead
It has nothing to do with with the combat or design of DA2, or any other game, the fact is that every single CRPG can have player done scripting.
You are obviously retarded and no logic will get through to you, have a nice day.
>the fact is that every single CRPG can have player done scripting.
And fact is that never prevented any gameplay from not being shit
This is your brain on RTWP. Worse than soulsfags.
Both this and 2 had really good ai options actually. The only problem with Origins was, the game would start lagging for me after a while and every decision would take a few seconds to go through. So if I had >if lower than 30% health drink standard health potion and the game had like 3 sec lag, the character would drink all potions he can during that lag time. But that was gone in 2
It's incredible how backwards they have gone on this on Inquisition though
You probably won't understand a single word of what I'm writing, but I just happened to see your marvelous way of debating in a language you don't actually speak, and I must say that I'm deeply impressed. Don't let your dreams be dreams, comrade. Go get them.
says the faggot defending baldur's cuck 3
You too, hopefu
>baldur's cuck 3
really? that's the best you could come up with it?
that's it? "baldur's cuck 3"?
that was memory leak, restarting the game as well something with unlocking cores or something fixed it
>really? that's the best you could come up with it?
it's the best larian could come up with lmao
>Baldur’s Gate 3 will launch in Early Access with five companions to begin with, with more coming later. Throughout the main campaign, all companions are open to romance from all other characters, and senior writer Adam Smith is looking to create more complex relationships, with the help of Dungeons & Dragons lore to mess with the players’ heart strings.
>“So, Liselle, she’s the Githyanki. And Githyanki don’t really do monogamy,” Smith told VG247.
>“So if you sleep with Liselle one night at camp, the next night you might well just find her sleeping with somebody else. And she’s going to be like, ‘oh, that was a bit of fun, wasn’t it? How are you doing?’ And you’re just like, ‘oh!’ Heartbroken!”
Not really. At least it's still an RPG or sorts instead of an FPS.
fucking basedlad btfo retarded larianniggers
you play the role of your own character, not everyone else in the world
the NMA forums were on fire it was so hated
>shitposters mad at a githyanki cucking you
i mean, you should have seen it coming