>dat demo
GOTY Confirmed
Dat demo
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>GOTY Confirmed
I don't think so tim.
this is pathetic
>Barry is now openly antisemitic
Wrong guy.
Could have been a god edit if it would feature Dante from the Devil May Cry series
dont forget the candybar DLC
Needs more wojak
Get help.
Wtf I like Barry now?
I just came hard and cum is running down my leg. Just thought i would let you know that.
man if the demo is from November, the full game is going to be awesome
solid 30 is not bad
its nowhere near solid
yes it is
i played it, that shitt isn't stable
so have I and it is
wait, it isn't even 60 fps? lmfao
It's been good for me and I'm on a Slim PS4, not even a Pro. Not even a bit of slowdown on anything except the sliding down ladders.
fuck off you have
"stop enjoying things" the post.
then your PS4 is fucked
>Demo of a demo
more like BOTC
>tfw when you just pirate the PC version when it's complete
It really is.
Somehow, the guys behind FFVII and Kingdom Hearts have actually actually looked at these games and acknowledged the core issues with the combat in both of them, and carefully constructed a system that takes the positives of both while fixing exactly what was most broken, with as minimal compromise as possible.
So you have a system where, instead of your party AI running off and doing random shit all the time, either letting you do bugger all or being basically irrelevant, you actually have reasonably tight control over each other and their major attacks and the game expects you to take advantage of each person's abilities. And at the same time, you can't expect to stand around in a line and throw out attacks whenever and do anywhere near as well as when you actually carefully control your movement and timing.
It doesn't play like a pure action game where you can dodge react to everything that happens at the last moment to prevent all damage, nor is is a pure JRPG where you expect to attack, heal and level up your way to victory without paying attention to what your enemies are actually doing in real time.
All this completely pisses off idiots, and it's all the better for it. I look forward to actually playing this on hard.
It runs great on my ps4
>>buying an unfinished product
the only worthwhile post in here
Cringe shillpost
Imagine defending nuSquare
I was super hesitant about ff7r simply because I hate the way both ff15 and kingdom hearts plays. Lucky for me the tweaked the systems just enough to feel real good. My only worry now is it might be a bit to shallow for a 40hr rpg. Hope summons and a full party spices things up enough to keep me engaged till the end.
>It doesn't play like a pure action game where you can dodge react to everything that happens at the last moment to prevent all damage, nor is is a pure JRPG where you expect to attack, heal and level up your way to victory without paying attention to what your enemies are actually doing in real time.
yeah it's the worst of both worlds were the the player has full control and the core mechanics are all action game ones but none of the defensive options are viable. so the game is not solid enough to actually play like a respectable combat game.
and the RPG mechanics are fighting at odds with the action ones constantly undermining each other making focusing on strategy (which takes a back seat to the action) not feel like the proper way to play either.
so you have some unholy bastardisation like near atomata not suitable for skill based action game players nor RPG fans.
it's just a far worse version of kingdom hearts.
>the player has full control and the core mechanics are all action game ones but none of the defensive options are viable. so the game is not solid enough to actually play like a respectable combat game.
Exactly this.
Incredibly high IQ post
no it isn't you desperate fuck
the game relies on ATB for both offense and defense
Same. I love it that they've seemed to struck a novel style for the gameplay. The original game is pretty fast as far as JRPGs go, too, this style seems to compliment the game's style a lot.
FF7R is the third in a legendary trilogy of games that piss tortanic fags off alongside Bloodborne and Breath of the Wild
If only the bandwagoning was limited to these.
>ATB rate slows down when you're guarding
I love this detail.
1. ATB is just a special gauge that builds up like any other action game.
2. he's not talking about defensive magic that minimises damage. he talking about playing the game well with skill and actually using defensive gameplay to avoid damage all together. because if you're taking damage in an action game it means you did something wrong.
feels good man
>but none of the defensive options are viable
This is exactly what gives it integrity. It deliberately avoids allowing you to play it in "lol, iframe through attack and counter LMAO" style, and actively makes your defensive options 'bad' enough that you can't rely on them to carry you through things by abusing them, so that they become tactical tools to better get out of bad spots that you can only completely avoid damage/counter with them if you've set this up to be the case before hand.
>strategy (which takes a back seat to the action)
It's already more strategic than most turn based JRPGs, and that's because of its movement being free enough to be meaningful, while not letting you be so mobile that you can just jump around everything. The way guarding and dodging prevent your ATB bar from filling actually achieves what Souls aims for with its stamina bar in a more integral way, as you always want it to fill as much as possible unless you somehow want to hold it at max, as opposed to it being 'already full' most of the time and so having no incentive to not just hold your defense up.
>like any other action game
show me another action game with ATB
>talks about shitty AI and directly avoids going deeper into it
the AI in this demo is nonexistent if you don´t control your figure, they do shit
>minimal compromise as possible
you´re a shill talking out of your ass and it´s disgusting
>looking forward for unfinished products
suck my cock.
fuck off shitposter
>ATB in remake
what a stupid fucking meme you actually think meter that build up over time and add points with certain actions is a unique mechanic?
the demo looks insane with super sampling on and playing on a 1440p monitor
like you can see pores on Cloud's face
not an argument
having 0 brainpower? i imagine your problems must be nonexistent
stay mad you fucking hivemind retard
>This is exactly what gives it integrity
action combat with non viable defense is just badly designed. it has no integrity.
>can only completely avoid damage/counter with them if you've set this up to be the case before hand.
you can't completely avoid damage with them. at all. that's why they're useless for non casual players.
>It's already more strategic than most turn based JRPGs.
that doesn't matter when the genre is 90% generic trash.
the fact is there's so many enemies that require direct action, timing and planning that it completely goes against the RPG mechanics and dilutes the strategy element. making it a horrible game to play for those who like turnbased RPGs.
so what you're left with is a game that is horrible as an action game, horrible as an rpg and good as fucking nothing.
this isn't an action game you retard
That's a fair argument though
On the other hand
>show me another action game with meter'ed attacks
Is a weak argument
>the AI in this demo is nonexistent if you don´t control your figure, they do shit
Yes, that's my exact point. That's precisely what makes it more tactical than the shit that goes on with KH. Given the game involves a 3 member party moving around in realtime, having them not goof off and do much more than basic attacks means that you end up having reason to manage them properly instead of hoping the AI fights shit for you.
There all all kinds of minor flaws that I would have done differently were I in control of the project, I don't like how much Cloud moves and swings around wildly when just holding square for instance and I don't think the normal difficulty is adequate, and so dread having to 'unlock' hard. But the overall approach they're taking is immensely better than the original combat system and fixes all the fundamental issues I had with it.
>the AI in this demo is nonexistent if you don´t control your figure, they do shit
This desune.
I was really surprised at how bad the AI actually was, the human enemies come off as retards.
GOTY in general is retarded.
But it is. it absolutely is. it's at the core of the game play. it' more action than RPG.
you may as well be saying "this isn't an RPG game you retard!"
>GOTY confirmed
Won't even be the best game to come out in April
>That's a fair argument though
lol no
>digital deluxe edition
Never understood why people buy these. At least with physical deluxe/special editions you get some tangible items and a steelbook or something
>it' more action than RPG
it really isn't
I find myself using the command menu more than spamming square
you get all 3 summons
who gives a fuck about steelbooks snd you can download art books
>1 year rush job with recycled assets
>it' more action than RPG
no it isn't
But it was being developed alongside RE2 remake
What season pass?
go buy more unfinished products so you can rebuy them again for the upcoming console gen and again for the final version.
inb4 poorfag
nah i´d rather buy 3 bottles of fun or 2 bags and pirating this shit with all the dlcs for free to multiply the potential fun.
>you get all 3 summons
What are the summons?
Shit talking i have no idea if they will have one or not. I just put it in there in case they do make one.
shut the fuck up you desperate oaf
>buying 1/6 of an unfinished product stretched to 50 hours for 60 bux
chocobo chick
physical editions all miss 1 or 2
that's because you're too casual to use shortcuts.
are you finding yourself never using combos? or any of the moves that are direct actions?
your controlling action game characters, doing actions in an action game.
if it wasn't an action game, the core mechanics wouldn't be action ones. the action was first designed by cyber connect 2. simple base mechanics similar to asuras wrath.
you wouldn't have combos, strong attacks, guard, dodge roll or any other action game properties.
saying it's not an action doesn't change how the game plays... exactly like an action game.
we get it holy fuck
like an autistic record
wait is it actually episode 1 of 6? What is wrong with SquareSoft?