Just a flu, bro

just a flu, bro

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Now I've got nothing to look forward.

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Yeah. It's literally just a flu.

The world deserves annihilation if a flu has people this freaked out.

There's always the digital presentations.

But it is literally, actually, and unironically just a flu.

yeah it's because of China and not because no lbody gives a fuck about E3 anymore

2% deathrate literally the black death bro.
No one under age 70 dying, prepare for your whole family to die bro.
Hoard supplies and live underground so you don't succumb to this 2% death rate plague bro.

Why are they putting Corona over so hard? Its swine flu and bird flu all over again.

It isn't. It's already mutated enough that the current estimated death toll is 50 million at minimum.

Which one ?
The Nintendo Direct that we should have had months ago ?
Corona kills everything even my hype.

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oh no a video presentation couldn't be done in any other way

Why should I consider it anything other than a flu when you're such an idiot that you can't stay in Yas Forums where you belong? Why must you spam your garbage in every single board?

Your intention was never to talk about video games, you dishonest prick.

Scientist here. My name is Dood Truhs-mee. Projected death toll is actually over 6 billion.

Yeah, ok.

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>current estimated death toll is 50 million at minimum.
Estimated by who? Yas Forumstards who believe this is a bio weapon? Only ~4300 people have died from it so far, you are absolutely insane if you believe it will even reach anywhere close to a million.

>pandemic doomers
>dont realize we had a pandemic back in 2009

but its for real this time right like ebola and zyka

So what will you be playing during the inevitable 14 day quarantine? For me it's

>Ori 2
>New DCSS update
>Some switch games like rune factory 4 or animal crossing if I get really bored

It is just a flu. A flu without a vaccine, but still just a flu.

I will be playing the game called this meme virus will be dead by July.

Playstation, Nintendo, and the couple other publishers that'll no doubt crop up their own presentations around June.

Nah bro but see this one is in in RELEVANT cunt trees with fearmongering tabloids that trick everyone.

>If I ignore it, maybe it will go away

>If I wait for spring/summer the flu season will end
yeah works every year

It's not freaking out. It's a great way to dip out of events that doesn't piss off investors/fans.

Worked for global warming, didn't it?

We got a magnet yet?

Corona is a fucking meme. You'd have to be old with a pre existing condition to be in any danger. It's barely even a flu otherwise.

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It is though, it's just a stronger flu. Plus I don't care about e3 only the announcements.

Nintendo cant announce anything because they dont know when China will be able to produce the physical copies of it. That's my assumption.

But is basically is? The drama around it is the real plaque tho

>kills the old
>killed GDC
>killed rebranded E3
Corona-chan is on our side.

what is the spread-illness that got the best porn?

It's just a Flu. The Spanish Flu

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How can it be the influenza virus if it's a coronavirus, huh? Explain that one, genius.

If you looked forward to e3, you should kill yourself

They are using the virus as an excuse, but this year event was shaping up to be a shitshow with the poor reception of that whole "social eceleb meeting" change of tone.

Who cares? I have Norton antivirus.

Daily reminder that the Corona virus comes from the US.

The fact that people are freaking out over a simple flu is hilarious. I'm gonna go catch it if it comes anywhere close to where I live and I'm going to live normally just to show people that it's just a goddamn cold flu and it has no impact on your lives at all.

Stupid people who think this will be the end of the world and overreacting like this are the reason why things are getting so bad out there.

But you'll be in danger if your license expires. Stay safe, user.

reminder that you only have one life, so having 0.2% to die, or 5%, or even 60% is not relevant, you only have one roll, it's down to luck.

This is a Russian propaganda talking point. It's being fed to the piglets at Yas Forums and similar shitpits, and they gleefully spread it until enough damage has been done.


>winnie the pooh shits his pants and desperately tries to stop the coronavirus from spreading at all costs
>its just a flu tho dont worry bro ;)

Don't be retarded and get infected yourself, you dunce. You might spread it to other people who might actually be vulnerable to it and die.

I hope it's cancelled forever.

Everyone knows that.

haha yeah

technology is still the same as it was over a century ago

To be fair the CCP hates anything they cannot control so they went in all out war against it.

Tiananmen square massacre

as an edgy person i endorse your actions
please spread it to lots
you can even spread it while asymptomatic so you can do it while looking healthy
world needs culling

Listen to an expert discuss the topic and kindly shut the fuck up about things you don't understand.


t.bullied anime girl

That many people died in a record time though, we're looking at something much worse this time.

A flu with a .2% death rate won't cull any population any time soon. More people will die from smoking, heart attacks, car crashes, homicide, cancer, AIDs and the fucking Common Cold before Corvid-19, a mild flu, does any sort of major damage.

based retard

>basically confirms the world is hurtling towards oblivion
Well, guess it was nice knowing y'all.

>dude trust me

>joe rogan guest

truly an authority on anything

The 3.4% deathrate isnt the scary part. This is a estimate given with proper healthcare. When the hospitals get overrun and there arent enough ventilators for people. thats where the deathrate starts skyrocketing beyond 3.4%. Italy is a example of almost being overrun and already triaging and they passed over 5% deathrate now.

The only reason to fear the Boomer Flu is because of sheer stupidity, misinformation, and panic.

This shit kills the old and weak and can only be spread by unhygienic assholes.

So what do people do instead of practicing basic fucking hygiene?
They shutdown events, buy toilet paper, sell stocks, and spread fear.
Meanwhile, our fucking earth is becoming a literal fireball.

I was so upset to hear that the asteroid the size of Everest will miss our planet.

George Carlin predicted this. People will shit themselves over anything now.

It's just a flu bro


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Shut your fucking mouth you clueless fearmongering retards. You dumb fucking faggots do this shit anytime anything out of the ordinary happens.
>Net Neutrality
>Fukushima reactor meltdown
>A dozen other things I can't be bothered to remeber
Just because something out of the ordinary happends isn't a fucking excuse to make 1000 off topic threads.


I'm mildly worried since I'm probably in the high risk group.
No idea why everyone else thinks it's the end of the world though.

>not a single response
As I thought.

I'm just happy it means i might get teleworking for a while

How come I'm not dead yet?

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because ur gay

It's not real, right?

E3 organizers haven't officially said anything yet but publishers are bailing.

>oh no, I have to flip burgers for two weeks so pap pap doesn't drown in his own lung blood

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NEETs will survive this because they avoid people. Then die after because autism bux stop coming and their tendies runs out

>It's just a flu bro
You ever have pneumonia?
You know what happens when EVERYONE has "the flu" or worse at the same time, for WEEKS?

We hit 1000 cases yesterday, expect 1200-1300 by the end of today, maybe more if they're actually starting to test like they should be (actual number of cases is obviously higher).
Italy has had 3000 new cases and 400+ deaths in the last two days. We're about ten days behind them on the curve.

>A flu with a .2% death rate won't cull any population any time soon
Among healthy young adults. The average mortality rate overall is anywhere from 3-5%. At least 10% of people who get it have symptoms severe enough to need hospitalization, for more than a few days (these numbers partially based on China, which explicitly considers pneumonia to be a "mild" symptom, understandable when the health system is under overwhelming stress).
There are almost 100 million Americans in the United States over the age of 55, and the mortality rate increases exponentially with age to nearly 15% among the most elderly (80+) - with treatment. Assuming it was "just a flu" and infected the same share of the population that the flu does, about 1/3rd of all Americans this season, that's 33 million people at serious risk from this disease, of whom (conservative, average estimates for a whole population and just the most vulnerable) 3.3 million will require hospitalization for severe symptoms, and more than 300,000 will die.
That's all based on estimates built on the assumption of people getting treatment from a health care system that has not completely collapsed from the strain of MILLIONS of people becoming seriously ill and seeking treatment within the span of a few months.

>okay bro but I'M not going to die from it
a lot of other people are bro, it's not the end of the world but shit's gonna be fucked for a while

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you think you can buy any of these? lmao