>filters 50% of Yas Forums
>filters 90% of Americans
How does this game do it?
How does Kojima do it?
>filters 50% of Yas Forums
>filters 90% of Americans
How does this game do it?
How does Kojima do it?
Other urls found in this thread:
Its fun
>How does this game do it?
By having no gameplay and horrible Kingdom Hearts-esque self-indulgent delusional writing.
>How does Kojima do it?
By being a bad writer.
Christ this is actual cringe.
It's slow enough that you have time to think Americans hate to think
By making a shit game that only contrarians and kojidrones are willing to play?
I really enjoyed it. It was something unique and I was never bored just traveling.
by being an incredibly bad and completely forgettable game
Take your ADHD meds, amerimutts.
only thing this game filtered 50% of is the price tag after a month
Incredibly based
By barely making a game. Just make a movie at that point, or something like Beyond Human.
I originally thought this was just a meme edit.....Then i learned it really is in the game. How in the world has this game been considered by some people to have the best writing of any game from 2019 I mean how many people did Kojima have to blow for them to say that?
Warcraft 3 Reforged filtered the press and players around the World.
Such a based game, OP.
Its a shitty game user, get over yourself
Its a shitty game. Never played it though.
Mostly it calls into question a lot of american beliefs and mentality
I dont get the hate this game is getting, if shit like princess beach happened in a mgs game everyone would be like "LOL classic kojima straight out of left field haha so funny!" but in ds everyone fucking hates it, make up your fucking mind you adhd riddled faggots
Westerners expect story elements to be presented visually, while nips have to have everything actively described out loud by a character for some fucking reason
It's even like that in their porn, just look at any hentai dialogue
When a westerner encounters this, he feels as though he's being talked down to, as though the writer thinks he's too stupid to understand things unless they're outright explained to him
I'm gonna have to say it. BASED
by being bad
Yeah but so did many games before it, and without sacrificing story or gameplay either
>JAPANESE """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""HUMOR""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""
Filters sales and any goodwill Kojima has had too apparently
It's just a bad and boring game.
One of the most boring ever made
Those are rookie numbers compared to how hard Drake of the 99 Dragons filters people. I guess that makes it a better game than DS.
Easy, Euros want to seem like they're not sucking American dick every day so bad that they'll huff a Japanese man's farts for 40 hours just to spite others. Literally nothing about Death Stranding is good except for how well it runs on a base PS4, and that's pretty easy when everything 30 feet in front of you turns into early PS3 ground textures. It's pretty much an excuse to listen to Kojima's Spotify playlist, but definitely not your own because if you try to listen to Spotify outside of cutscenes while doing boring as fuck trekking he doesn't allow it the cunt. I could play like eight way better games in the time it would take me to play this piece of shit again
>making a game so fantastically boring it's considered a filter now
bravo, OP. you've single-handedly lowered the board IQ below 'nigger.'
Game's pacing and evolution of gameplay over time are garbage. If I wanted to deliver boxes for 50 hours while getting spoon-fed a thematically shallow, hamfisted story I would drive a truck in real life while listening to cheesy audiobooks
It's because it's a strand type game user
Can you make a man fly? using only an unaltered strand of hay?
Go from point A to point B always.
This is basically the game
50 years from now when no one remembers a time when video games weren't the primary loci of human culture and interaction you're going to feel silly and Yas Forums will be king.
Norman is fucking that baby.
Actually there is a flying glitch in the game
>Slow means you have to think
Antarctica, everyone.
>t. Kojima
>How does this game do it?
By being garbage, that usually helps to "filter" people
>Euro hours
>"m-muh americuns"
The game is universally regarded as mediocre, the sooner you accept that fact the better
The story is full of dumb shit but I mostly liked the gameplay mechanics. Side content could use a lot of work, too grindy/repetitive.
The game is basically a pile of shit
This game is hands down the ultimate pleb/zoomer/
Forgettable trash game. Definitely the biggest disappointment of the generation
And I know plenty of smart people who disliked it. Explain.
Can you even call this shit a game?
The game itself wasn't the problem, people hated it before it was even released.
This game is unique because a combination of high production values and artistic ambition is reaaaaally rare. People will value it more once some time has passed.
>People will value it more once some time has passed
Remember when the same was said about MGS4 and 5? Kojima fanboys are still hopeless expecting newer Kojima games to pull a MGS2 scenario again.
>"... like Mario and Princess Beach"
American here, I don't understand this line. Any non Americans know what this line meant????
Earlier in the scene Sam (the protagonist) compares his situation to Mario and Peach, that he's obligated to save the damsel because it's the role that's been forced upon him. Amelie (in the webm) proceeds to make a really dumb pun that could only come from the mind of Kojima.
I was expected a compelling story with dogshit gameplay, I ended up getting hours long of uninterupted comfy gaming and building a delivery system with help of online frens, but with a dogshit story.
People ITT calling it a movie game making it glaringly obvious they haven't played it. The average AAA game that Yas Forums jerks over has infinitely more cutscenes than this. It had more "gamey" video game elements than most games.
Agreed. Its a pretty unique genre though and its not building on an established franchise/genre so it's expected the first instalment will be rough around the edges. I hope that if a sequel is ever made it ads more fun and life expectancy to the delivery system. Maybe actually make an incentive to make a delivery to remote areas in mountains or ravines other than just getting five stars for the sake of it.
Well, the game literally sucks for his bad gameplay and the nonsense story.
So yeah. It's definitely a Bad game
>filters americans
so people with IQs above room temperature in Celsius?
It's rare for a reason. Because it fucking sucks.
Games are a shit medium to tell an ambitious "artistic vision" story because gameplay gets in the way of that. Ask yourself how long the story woulda taken to be done on television, and how much, from a story perspective, the gameplay element added for the amount of time it tacked on.
Games as a storytelling medium just have a lot of limitations film just doesn't, and the theoretical benefits of it are generally just that, theoretical.
You might say that's no reason not to TRY and use them to tell an ambitious story but it's like saying there's no reason not to try eating your soup with a fork. There's something else available that is much better suited for the task.
T-the mmmmmean woman said make america whole a-a-a-again! Th-that's not what d-daddy sad at all!
the zoomers are already rewriting history saying mgs4 is a great game
>population almost entirely scientists
Really makes you think
christ the bit where theyre fucking running across the beach i forgot abotu this lmao
At least you’re not one of the delusional idiots that praise the shit out of this game and then say Kingdom Hearts is poorly written
>Spent years sucking American cocks
>They still hate your game anyway
based amerigods dabbing on nipmonkeys since 1941