How come videogames never touch on serious stuff like philosophy or religion?
Sure you sometimes get religion inspired setpieces or a portrait of a philosopher on a wall but overall I've never seen a game make any deeper point besides "muh hope".
How come videogames never touch on serious stuff like philosophy or religion?
Lots of jap games do.
Maybe it just went over your head
If you kill god through the power of friendship it doest count
90% of game devs are literal retards. They can barely code, what makes you think they read?
Wow, you sound like you've never played a JRPG, ever. How old are you, kid?
you hit the nail on the head, they're either for children or porn
Because games are for kids.
>science: answer to questions
wow engineers can into strawman comics?
It can be extremely hard to implement and makes you look pretentious.
This might not be a good example, but take a look at The Witness. It shows a lot of different perspectives on the world, but only a few people care about that and most just talk about the gameplay.
>Muh philosophy
Fuck off I don't need weird pedagogism of showing off
YIIK would be a better example
The 'philosopher' in this one really is a retard who isn't asking any question the engineer isn't meaningfully answering. The problem of the nature of personal identity is potentially hairy, but as far as we can tell there really wouldn't be anything that would identify you, either from outside or from your own perspective, aside from that you happen to have a particular history continuous with your original body.
Going to /sci/ and realizing that half the people there don't actually comprehend the hard problem of consciousness at all is eye opening though.
Doesn't take into consideration a third party.
>from your own perspective
yes you can, you know you came first
you're the one who stepped in the cloning chamber that said 'IN', not the one next to it where the clone is produced
the comic is set in america
u cheeky fuck
Try these on for size
Drowned God
Cosmology of Kyoto
Maybe the question about identity would be more interesting if clone chambers are made with that ball and cup sleight of hand trick function
>cloning machine has 3 chambers
>you get into the machine blindfolded or something
>it quickly and randomly switch chambers position
>your clone has the exact same memories as you
>serious topics of science, philosophy or religion
this is your brain on weeb
Nier Automata. It's a shame Yas Forums will never discuss this game in good faith. Planescape Torment is very philosophical and religious too.
made me reply you bastard
ah yes the funny meme brap game that makes camera go down when on ladders so you can look at brappers with the le wacky dev who derailes interviews and wears a funny hat
truly videogames intellectually peaked that day
thats as much about rigion as God of war
Please hang yourself
My brothers in atheism....our little corner of the internet has been invaded by the Christcucks, literal subhumans who are opposed to everything that makes us human, like intelligence, style and smoking weed while looking at the stars...we must find a way to push them back once and for all..
In science we trust...ramen...
Well that's my recommendations.
coping faggot
it's okay to enjoy porn but don't cope with your religious upbringing by telling yourself it's actually deep philosophical works
>Nier Automata
robot ass simulators are not games, and are certainly not philosophical
they do, play more games nerd
not a single word about Christianity in this entire thread aside from yours
stop posting and go back to whipping yourself or whatever
name 5
*sticks fingers in butthole*
*smells it*
If the clone is a copy of you it has your memories and would remember stepping in and getting cloned.
plainly not true
Jackie Chan
Jackie Chan
Jackie Chan
Jackie Chan
Jackie Chan
>not understanding that the christian invasion of Yas Forums is serious business
we can't even have a nice porn thread on Yas Forums without election tourist prudes barging in and complaining
You can discuss Nier: Automata, but you've got to make a thread about Drakengard if you want to do it. But it's not super deep anyway. It just tricks pseudo-intellectuals into thinking it's deep because half the characters are named after philosophers. There's a basic story of characters living in a sad world who try (and fail) to find happiness and you'll get in every Taro game.
>nip game
>schrodinger's cat, dude
Every time
>24% of users liked this game
Holy shit, that's a giga yikes
Is okay jesus loves you anyway.
It's just ghost in the machine yet again
>left causes depression and suicide
>right causes happiness and fulfillment
GTA5 is a study of religion. When playing Frankling, this lost soul, a young man who is being railroaded into a life of crime and degeneracy by his environment, you live across the street from a church. But you can't enter the church. You can enter gun shops, gyms, you can do pagan rituals such as waling into the water, or going on a pilgrimage, but you can never do the christian ritual of entering a church.
In a sense, the game doesn't allow a christian player to save Franklin's soul. It is deeply poetic and philosophical, when you think about it.
They do, Yas Forums calls them "2deep4U"
Most atheists are highly dependent on the state and its functions, holding them in complete reverence.
Atheists are more delusional and dangerous than any christcuck desu
>left is reality
>right is cope
if you want to avoid unhappy thoughts at all cost why don't you just lobotomize yourself?
A-theist literally means not-theist. It isn't a political statement and you are simply lumping people you don't like into a boogeyman amalgam so you can easier strawman it.
Left only gives you depression and suicide if you have no purpose in life and right only causes happiness and fulfillment if the ignorance you live it doesn't conflict with the rest of the world. Saying science bad religion good is comical when you are expressing it over the internet. None of the technological advances you use would be possible if it weren't for some guy obsessed with pushing the limits of our understandings of the world.
You're trying to come off intelligent and aware but your bias is so obvious that it makes you sound like a complete moron.
It writes itself
>all religious arguments boil down to "Because God is all powerful and he made it so"
>left makes you evolve as a human
>right makes you live in blissful ignorance
Religion is just an early version of the npc meme.
>a group of people who believe that good things will magically befall them as long as they give reverence and money to a central figure
>not highly religious
Because video games are, first and foremost, entertainment and religion and philosophy are not, and should never be, entertainment.
> dude the talos principal lmao
>left makes you create epic memes that destroy the christards
>right makes you live life like a sheeple
muslims are ok though
What's my bias then? Where am I coming from?
So are films and books but they somehow manage to combine both.
This strawman again
user, I hope you're just jesting.
Yeah but its memories would differ from the instant of cloning. So it would also remember stepping out of the "clone side" of the machine. Problem solved.
Its about the USA having a two political party system, thus no third party. You are the insecure triggered cuck for posting this shit in response to a clever joke. Seethe less, pls.
Noce job proving that he is correct.