Games where the protagonist dies and comes back to life?

Games where the protagonist dies and comes back to life?

Attached: demo.jpg (900x900, 95.75K)

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>comes back to life?
lol gud one.

chrono trigger

he sucks now

it's for real this time actually

he said he went sober for a couple weeks in order to accomplish this long overdue feat. idk if he can abstain from being a full blown alcohol again. I can say from experience.

>it’s real

All I want from Demo is a full Should you watch of a complete shit anime. His editing and humor is what I enjoy. But I have no clue what shit he’s going through.

mass effect 2, except it all happens in the first 5 minutes of the game

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shut your stupid ass up

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Why did he remove this from his channel?

literally who

Gonna cry?

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fucking nigger

>those max payne violins
I'm getting old

Why does he still hide his Bleach AMV channel?

>he doesn't know
Ah yes I can smell the new fagness from here


shit your pants

literally all of them because of savescumming. i think the only true game where the protagonist doesn't come back to life would be a game that only has one copy made and the game is deleted if you die

He's hardly a newfag just because he doesn't know a funny weeb on youtube.

>new fagness
go back

Yeah he fucking is

tranny simulator 4 but without the coming back to life

>Bleach AMV channel

Speaking of anime reviews. Is Grumpy Jii-san even still alive?

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No U

Yas Forums can you remind me why I'm subscribed to this channel?
Looking over thumbnails and videos I can't find anything I'm particularily interested in anymore. Was I really just that desperate at the time for "Edgy Anime Man". Did I actually just fucking grow up and not notice it?

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>edgy anime man
you forgot who he is. He's just hilarious

you sound depressed or retarded and forgot he hasn’t made a video in 3 years and all you did was rewatch his reviews over and over until you hated them

He did anime edit videos with funny voices. His Sakura Trick ones are particularly good.

>Edgy Anime Man
What makes him edgy?

So what makes Demolition D the golden standard of the eceleb everyone has to know on Yas Forums?

the name is literally on the jpeg user, my fucking god RETARD

he's a 4channer
I get my anime opinions from him

he was around before you came here, election tourist faggot zoomer

Imagine getting so angry that someone on Yas Forums doesn't know your favourite anime reviewer.

I've been here since 2005 and I don't know a single e-celeb you kids talk about.

lurk more

I miss him.
All we got after he left was gigguk doing his anime reviews, and I don't hate the man but chocolat had more soul in my opinion.

I don't watch anime, he is just geniuinly funny

>I've been here since 2005
This kind of style of posting just disqualifies your own argument.

I can't wait for the long overdo "this is why we can't have nice things ___" where he reads 3 years of "please come back"

>unironically watching youtube anime reviewers
And I thought Yas Forums couldn't fall any deeper.

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Jade Empire
Tales of the Abyss (Ambiguous)
Shin Megami Tensei IV - Apocalypse
Mass Effect 2
Prototype (kinda)

he was alive in 2018 so maybe

nah, zoomer faggot, I’m not angry. It’s easy outting the newfaggots in this thread. project more next time.

>watching youtube anime reviewers
This has been a thing since like 09, as far as I remember. How does this exactly surprise you now?

Most obvious, imo.

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It has been a thing for literal normalfags and ironic weebs. I just had a faint hope that Yas Forums was better than that.

>users of an anime website watch an anime reviewer
Weird isn't it?

It's a no-win situation though. If you're not moot then someone could have been here before you and still not know about you're favourite anime reviewer on the video game board. But if they said they've been here since [year] you'll just laugh them off because only newfags say it, even if it's true.

was he on stream recently or something?

Blood Omen: LoK

Yas Forums is very popular and Yas Forums is one of the most popular boards

It's weird this thread is on Yas Forums and not Yas Forums, yes. Since it has nothing to do with video games.

no he was active on his personal site

You would have been laughed away as a gaiafag if you posted shit like that back in the good old days. The elections really ruined this place.


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He still makes videos but doesn't upload them since youtube just flags them when he does.
Humor on Youtube is dead, you can only say boring safe stuff.

I don't know bros. I just watched his most recent video and while 15% was interesting thoughts on niche anime the other 85% was was ADD, lol randum, be as crude as possible humor. I can see this fitting perfectly into the mindset of someone who just discovered Filthy Frank in his prime but 3 years is a long fucking time to be gone on the internet.
I guess I'll stay subscribed just in case I enjoy the next one. Kinda feels like all the edgy self destruction shit caught up to him and I have my doubts he's actually back for good.

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Not only is it strange for user to be here since 05 and not even know any of the more popular local e-celebs of back in the day without even having much of an interest in them, just by sheer merit of other anons discussing them, but let's assume user was here since 05 and was never interested in e-celebs and doesn't know any. Then why's he sticking around in this thread right now asking these useless questions? If he had a sudden change of heart he could just easily go check the archives or if he still doesn't care, he could've just ignored the thread, like he always did, since 05.

There's been manga dump threads on Yas Forums, movie night threads on Yas Forums, which also often included anime watching, ronery threads on Yas Forums and so on. This isn't anything new or out of the ordinary for Yas Forums.

Just watch his stream on twitch, the E3 ones are pretty funny.

I hope his health is better nowadays.

Why do people bitch about anime on a website that was made to discuss anime? Anime has been and always be part of Yas Forums culture as a whole. Nothing you can do about it.

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This guy is pure Yas Forums. Wish he came back.

I ain't going through 8 hours of stale ass E3 streams just so Yas Forums can tell me I"m one of the boys.

I watch anime, I just don't watch some basedboy e-celeb talk about anime on youtube like some zoomer retard.

We ain't bitching about anime fag, we're bitching about anime tubers on board meant for video games.
Yas Forums doesn't even give a shit about this crap.

ive been here even longer and must have grown out of the Yas Forums phase just feel old. mostly enjoy deus ex threads.

That's quite number of buzzwords.
You ok there buddy?

Reminder that Demo is Yas Forums culture

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The chances that demo is fucking about on here are actually pretty high, although at this point he's probably asleep in a drunken stupor.

I'm ok, thanks. What about you, zoomer? Did your favourite e-celeb read your donation comment today?