REMINDER: If you dont buy HZD by the millions; Sony will drop the idea completely and Bloodborne will never come to PC

REMINDER: If you dont buy HZD by the millions; Sony will drop the idea completely and Bloodborne will never come to PC.

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they forgot Bloodborne exists
it didn't even get a Pro patch

You can actually play BB on PC through PS Now

This lol, BB is nothing to them on the grand scale

BB will come to PC within this decade. Native port or emulation I just wanna play.

>720p YT quality and 25fps max
Yeah no.

The PS3 emulator is still not stable 14 years after the console's launch.

>CEL or whatever it's called architecture
>basically a glorified Steam machine with x86 architecture
Also RPCS3 is stable nowadays and you can easily run games like P5, DeS and GoW. Perfect? No, but it's getting there.

How else would you get the full Playstation 4™ experience?

On a PS4? That runs BB better?

It's not even one of the showcase exclusives on their own page

It's amazing how cut-off Yas Forums is from reality. Bloodborne and Souls games are irrelevant/

By a small margin. No more YT compression, but it'll still have low LODs and fps issues.

Not even in your dreams dude
Japan Studio doesn't bring games to PC
Buy a PS4 or stream Bloodborne to PC with PS Now

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I'll wait for emulation and get it for free yvm.

>By a small margin
It literally doesn't have the old hunters expansion. That content is not to be missed.

Didn't know about it not having the DLC. The main issue though is the frame rate and quality.

I already beat Bloodborne on PS4 why would I care to do so again on PC?

>No Deracine

Yas Forums has such shit taste

Already beat it on PSNow, which runs the game better than an actual PS4 because it's running on a pro and thus cutting load times in half. I know because I beat it on an actual PS4 later.

The only exclusive for the PS4 I'm currently interested in is KH3. Apparently the new DLC finally made it a good game, if not the best in the series. Is that true?

Who cares. As a PCfag I played it after DaS, DaS2, DaS3, and Sekiro. Bought a PS4 and played it.
It was mediocre and not worth the hype at all and the low fps was jarring.
Plus by the time they'll get around to porting it will have been emulated, anyway.

if you enjoy challenging 1v1 bossfights then yes, it essentially is the same as KH2FM's datafights + superboss. the story is shit but that dont matter.

It's amazing how cut off from reality Sony is

Nice bait

>I played it after DaS, DaS2, DaS3, and Sekiro.
Opinion dismissed.

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Sales probably have something to do with it.

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Holy fr*ckin' crap it's Slave Knight Gael!

sorry, user, but I'm not buying that shit.

REMINDER: both those games are shit and only retarded faggots care

REMINDER: this poster is raging homosexual

I will buy it for mecha dinos, look cool.

its amazing how cut off you are from reality actually. No one here is under the illusion that the masses and large companies have taste besides you. We like souls and bb cause they are fun.

Original poster is right though, From avoids BB like a plague for some reason.

>game Co-developed by Sony Japan studio
>on PC

Naah, they not going to release bloodborne on PC

im pirating a thousand copies to ensure sony loses money

BB won GoTD idiot


>it was mediocre all along
I can see it already the moment it gets on PC.

>for some reason
because they can't do anything with it without going through Sony, and they'd rather just not be beholden to any other companies

I remember this kind of talk for every single one of the "exclusives" that turned out to be multiplats or that jumped ship down the road. We even began this gen with sony cucks saying that the ps4 would be the definitive home of japanese games and that turned out wonderfully, didn't it? Horizon Zero Dawn is the end of this coping narrative because it's as sony first party as it gets. It's over, snoynigger, enjoy your early access machine.

Console manufacturers finally realizing PC market is separate from console market and they can make additional money with timed stuff.
I think Rockstar showed the way of double dipping first on big scale.

>And to maybe put a few minds at ease, releasing one first-party AAA title to PC doesn’t necessarily mean that every game now will come to PC. In my mind, Horizon Zero Dawn was just a great fit in this particular instance.
>In my mind, Horizon Zero Dawn was just a great fit in this particular instance.
>in this particular instance.
it ain't happening


>in this particular instance.
it means " we are testing the waters,if it makes enough money more will come"
i'm afraid it won't make enough money , japan makes ridiculous estimates for such things

>a vague statement that doesn't even rule out the possibility of more first party exclusives getting pc release

>By a small margin.
No, playing game normal, and streaming at 720p without full content isn't "small margain"

If buying western stronk wamim trash is the price for having Bloodborne on PCs, I say it can rot in consoles forever for all I care.

Fuck .

the Playstation division is largely operated out of California

>I'll wait 15 years for emulator
>saying this proudly
Hahaha, what a retard
I remember this on every single exclusive that turned out to be not coming to PC. Enjoy your petition machine that can't even get best PS4 games.

>Sony will drop the idea
Dude this is NOT old Sony's idea. Hermen Hulst, the head of Guirilla games and new president of Sony WW Studios decided to do this to advance his OWN studio. He is porting HIS OWN GAMES and games with HIS OWN ENGINE, like DS.

so why haven't there been any rumors about Killzone getting ported?

Isn't spiderman and shadow of the collosus backjards?

I'm actually thinking about buying Star Ocean 5 this month.

Also, is there any point in playing SotC if I haven't played (nor I intend to play) ICO?

I'm not going to pay for zero turd

>so why haven't there been any rumors about Killzone getting ported?
because no one cares about killzone sf? it's a shit game and hermen knows it's a shit game. little known fact the only worthy killzone games were lead by a guy that was kicked out of the studio right after KZ2 released. hermen is the absolute con man. he was head of a studio based that had one mediocre success because of a fired man and now he is promoting his own engine.

>I'm actually thinking about buying Star Ocean 5 this month.
don't. play Tales of Berseria or Vesperia instead. I got it for 5 bucks and it's not worth your time. even 4 on PC is better.

>Also, is there any point in playing SotC
yep just play it.

If it's $20 perhaps.

I can't wait until bloodborne gets ported to PC and the entire fandom picks it apart and says it's worse than dark souls 1 now that it's no longer exclusive
platform fanboyism is the stupidest shit on earth

I never know Yas Forums is into baseball.

I missed my chance; I didn't grab Berseria (and World of Final Fantasy) when it was on sale recently. Played Vesperia on X360. But to be fair, Berseria is not even expensiuve; 20 euros on PSN Store.
What exactly is the problem with SO5? Everyone says it's bad, but why? OK, 7 characters in the fight at the same time looks like a clusterfuck, and I know that this game doesn't have ''normal'' cutscenes; instead, you have characters that just stand there and talk. But is that it, or does it have bigger problems? Story is garbage, I assume.

No actually Bloodborne sold around 6m units HZD sold twice that.

I couldn't give a single living fuck about BloodShite. Fuckin retard snoyggers. Your shitty console was a containment zone for literal garbage.

I'm not buying a shitty game like HZD. However I am relying on you guys to buy it so we do get Bloodborne. I'll owe you guys one later if it all works out!

I hope they pirate the shit out of HZD and send sony the message that PC ports are a waste of time so they abandon it

The "fandom" only cares about epic meta builds and the true fans got BB years ago

>HZD sells bad on PC
>''lel, mustard race can't appreciate masterpieces, this is why the majority of real gamer are on PlayStation''
>HZD sells pretty good on PC
>''lel good job giving your money to a company you apparently hate, Sony forever!''

This is your typical Snoy brain.

i dont care about singleplayer games just give me my fucking bloodborne pvp

>PC lards still think they have a chance to get Bloodborne

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