Pretty much

Pretty much

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What did he mean by too sweaty?

ok keemstar

Player feels tension.

Destiny PvP

Dumbest fucking word. I quit destiny over it. People would ask me if I was sweaty when doing trials and the correct answer was that I was soaking my couch with sweat. Then you had to show off your kd and former wins before you get to play.

its a faggot losers way of calling you a tryhard for just playing a game to win

>still requires PS+ on PS4
This was stillborn from day 1. The reason why Fortnite is popular is because zoomers can play it without any paywalls restricting them.


it's a loser word that means "game I'm not good at"
basically it's an excuse to be shit and not try to get better, because for some reason being shitty at things is virtue now

What does "sweaty" mean in context of gaming? I see this word thrown around lately but I have no clue what it's supposed to indicate

Trying so hard to win that it would leave you drenched in sweat. Basically a new word for tryhard.

Assblasted Destiny players who can't get Luna's howl.

user you have to realize we're old now. whiteknight has been replaced with simp. tryhard has been replaced with sweaty.

Read the thread

I feel like being able to respawn back defeats the purpose of a BR.

>im watching the streams
the game is fucking FREE
i thought they said ps+ isn't required

Too much tryhard tourneyfagging, not enough zombie and bot slaying.

It isn't. I was just playing with a friend on PS4 who doesn't have PS+ a few hours back

zoomzoom version of calling someone a tryhard

tarkov has more depth, pubg is for actual sweaty fucks, apex runs smooth as fucking butter, and fortnite has all the zoomers. I didn't even know about warzone coming out until today because my brother told me.

Sweaty is a British football word for try hard. See FIFA. It is also not new, but at least 10 years old, you fucking zoom zooms.

I'm downloading it now but I played blackout with 3 friends consistently and I don't know if we'll be okay with the lack of quad queues.

>What does "sweaty" mean in context of gaming
anyone better than you
It's said by the same exact faggots who say "I'm going to start trying now" and proceed to keep getting shit on because they're shit

all I want to know if the stealing game mode has respawns, because fps without respawns is a zoomed esports bait and it makes me throw up
I need an fps to play while I wait for diabotical

who thought this was a good idea? im not complaining but might as well play against bots

I am having fun with it and have won it once already, I’ve never played any other BR game though so maybe I’m biased, but I do like the map and the missions you can do, and the gulag respawn system is neat.

I think it’s only problems are that you can be paired with dipshits or have team mates leave and have basically no chance at winning against a full squad, and that it’s gonna need a lot of people constantly playing it to stay alive, but it’s going smooth right now and I don’t think the player base will drop off any time soon at least.

He's right because it's essentially a BR with the MW:MP mechanics which means it's another random campfest designed to keep absolute scrubs in the game at the expense of genuine strategy and/or skill.

You can wipe a squad, move forward with your squad to engage another group and then get shot in the back, die in under a second, because the squad you just wiped, or a squad someone else just wiped, just redeployed behind you.

TTK is too low for a BR and the loadouts are pointless because you will come across a loadout crate without even trying and have access to your own custom kit.
Gas masks are next to useless which means the gas is a total no go which totally shuts off outside ring strategy.
Like the MP it's just too random to be any real lasting fun. It's too messy, too chaotic and once the novelty wears off it'll be dead.

Has anyone here played it? Compared to Apex, which one's better?

aren't all COD weapons essentially automatic hit scan laser weapons? how does that work in a BR game?

Apex hands down.

>because for some reason being shitty at things is virtue now
it's not.

the new modern warfare doesn't have any hitscan weapons, and you can find killstreaks and other weapons like rpgs.

>too sweaty
But the game is casualize and dumbed down as fuck. Fortnite is played by literal children yet it still manages to have a higher skill ceiling

I don't play Apex anymore but it's balanced far better than this appears to be.

Perhaps if they do some serious tweaking and redesign to the loot and spawn systems it would be decent but I highly doubt they'll do any such thing.
Warzone is perfectly designed to keep the gamblers playing along on the battle pass.

>TTK is too low for a BR
The only reason I liked Apex Legends at the start was the high mobility and how you didn't die in 3 shots. Then they just kept buffing everything and made it another game you die in 4 hits.

Why the fuck don't games let fire fights last longer than 3 seconds?

it means someone is trying to win and someone else is mad that they are trying

cause higher TTK would mean that skill matters
BR genre is essentially just gambling, thats why its popular
bringing certainty through skill would make people stop playing

Because they realised that low TTK taps into the gambling reward circuits in a powerful way and allows crap players to remain 'competitive' against more skilled opponents.
It's beneficial to their business models to turn in game encounters into more of a roll of a dice than a straight up skill based fight.

Like in the Modern Warfare MP. A good player will still top the leaderboard but with that low TTK and the crazy rando spawn, as well as the killstreak and perk system, a scrub player always has a chance to get some kills through sheer dumb luck.

With a high TTK a shit player has fucking no chance to out luck an opponent because even if they get the drop on someone, they lack the skill to outshoot and outmove the enemy who has enough time to react and fight back.
That's the whole reason.

If little timmy can't just hide in a corner and shoot you in the back and kill you before you have the slightest chance to turn and engage him, he's not going to keep playing and he's not going to keep spending his parents' money on battle passes and unlocks.
That's why they changed it in APEX. They realised that shit players (most players) were losing interest because they kept getting beaten so they took steps to turn it into another 'who shoots first wins' games.
It's not as egregious as CoD but I noticed a big different from launch compared to the game in its current state.

>Why the fuck don't games let fire fights last longer than 3 seconds?
Because it's not realistic.

>no solo mode
It's already dead on arrival.

The netcode just can't handle all those players too much warping around. Secondly melee has rediculous range. I just knifed a full squad from like 5 meters one by one. I bet I was warping on their screen like hell.

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The netcode can barely handle 20 people on a tiny map without being broken to fuck. Look up the ms response times compared to other AAA MP games it's insane how bad it is.

>the game is fucking FREE
But that's not the point you retard, he's watching the streams to gauge other people's reaction to it.

Yes it is. Most firefights in battles today last quite some time and usually only end up when air support gets called in.

nothing in apex has affected time to kill. the top 3 guns of wingman peacekeeper r99 has gotten nothing but nerfs since season 1 and they are still what pros exclusively use. there was a short period where double tap scout was insane for poke and long range picks but in an actual fight those 3 are still the top options and their time to kill has only gone down

The exact same thing happened to Blackout, shilled hard for a couple of weeks and then completely forgotten about. This one has a 2% higher chance at surviving due to it being free. I hate how a budget equal to the development cost is just pissed away to streamers. Twitch is cancer.

Play overwatch I guess

To all "too short TTK" fags. This isn't your game. Just pick another BR at this point. There are many to choose from.

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COD, more shit to do.

Oceanic CoD has always been a neet crack den, tried it tonight and nothing's changed in over a decade.

Basically if you play to win which is literally main point of all pvp competitive shooters lmao. You are better at game so it means youre sweaty lol.

Pitiful world

Sweaty is some pretty weak shit, but this is correct.

Tryhards were never good though.


Truth is the complete opposite. Losers are fuming in sweat while the winner is good vibes.

Played it for a bit last night
Map too fuckin large with not enough people
When you do find someone, someone else who was also looking just happens to shoot you in the back.
If you do get kills, that's it. You get a kill and their weapon if you want to lose it. Then you have to go scouting again.
I like shooters but this feels too zoomer for me to handle.

How does battle pass work? Just from playing or you have to complete challenges like fortnite?

Is this DSP?

>kept getting kicked from groups in destiny for using the fighting lion and a bow because it wasn't sweaty
it was a fucking broken build but people were too stupid to let me just prove it because it wasn't on some stupid fucking list

That was my point tho lol.


XP from playing. The daily/weekly challenges give you more xp if you want to do them.