Paying 1000 burgers to get coronavirus

>paying 1000 burgers to get coronavirus

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Speak in non meme gibberish.


That's to be expected since it's dark out...

This is nothing but a ploy by valve. Gotta give it to them, genius move.

Hey man, if you're gonna get it at all you want to be one of the first. You need to get treatment before the hospitals start turning into triage zones with no supplies and dying staff.

>fools! You all fell for my greatest trick of all: a great game and great hardware!

It's literally impossible to get infected from hardware. A single day of shipping, which is unrealistic, is more than enough for any virus, not just coronavirus to perish.

That's cool, because it's nice to see VR growing, but I expect Index to be same tier of quality we had with all other Valve products, like their controller and link device. Poorly made, unsupported trash.

Simply because Valve don't have the capacity nor experience to properly develop, manufacture and support hardware, no matter how many 3rd party manufacturers they hire. They don't want to fully get into it so they can't compete with people like Oculus.

People literally pay $1k for inferior product, objectively.

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>103k after announcing hl:a
w8, original run was allegedly somewhere around 150k devices, and unknown amout was sold before "reveal", but not all of them.
this is some serious undersupply artificial scarcity going on.

That's assuming there's no re-infection, buddy. From a virus that has the same entry pathway as HIV.

You don't want to get this shit at all.

The virus persists for up to 9 days on surfaces.

Oversea travel and in-country posting take three times as much either way

Viruses don't live on plastic


don't mock them
alas, you are right. unless little timmy is able to convince his mom to buy him one of sets, it's not taking off. and timmy's mom is already concerned about timmy possibly having autism due to him sitting on that fucking [console of choice] yelling at screen and barely having any contact with real world.

>produce half a dozen units because chang can't actually ship you more than that
>sell them all out in 30 minutes
>brag about sales
Didn't Valve promise that they'd have units available before the launch of the game? I don't think selling out that fast really counts.

Getting mine on Friday. I can't wait to see what it's like to play these games without the screen door effect

there is no prove yet that the virus is transmitted by touch, only by air.


learn english

OP is a retard, but viruses can live for days on plastic.
When you start moving it around like you would when packaging and shipping it dies fast though

>Poorly made, unsupported trash.
It is the case so far.
>drifts after a month
>just gave Index Support to every product that supported HTC Vive, even if devs are MIA and didn't add shit.

>>Simply because Valve don't have the capacity nor experience to properly develop, manufacture and support hardware, no matter how many 3rd party manufacturers they hire.
Hey now. they don't have the capacity nor experience to make passable SOFTWARE either. How many years has SteamVR been broken garbage for at this point? Feels like a fucking day one beta release they couldn't get ready in time.

Other than HL:Alyx, they have maybe 30 minutes of content for VR made in all those years of working on it too?

30 minutes if you count all the time you stand waiting around for the quips to finish, right? Because without those it's like 5 minutes of content.

I'm guessing Alyx will be a 20 minute game with 8 hours of an unfunny NZ cunt shouting in your ear about how much people loved how wacky and zany portal was.

When will people abandon VR for good, it just doesn't work for videogames

>Election boomers invade Yas Forums and especially Yas Forums
>Complete hysteric obsession with an illness that kills boomers all over Yas Forums
Starting to see a link here.

I'm hoping with this being the first real VR game, a lot of people will buy in and realise how empty the experience is. Up until now, 99% of the audience for VR has been absolute brainlets who are willing to put up with complete garbage purely due to buyers remorse.

I think everyone wants VR, it really is the future of gaming. But slapping a screen to your face and waggling some controllers around isn't VR. They call it VR, but it's really "Advanced Kinect".

Right. Other than minigames in The Lab and Moondust Demo, they really haven't made shit for VR while also sitting on dozen titles that would be great for VR even ported Payday/Serious Sam style. Community would fix it up and we wouldn't be stuck playing fucking Pavlov in 2020.

Literally in a month or two. If they needed HL:A to get into VR, they're not gonna stay for shitty games we had before.

Really excited about how people will take Alyx. Either it'll crash the future of VR, or revitalize it, and Valve going full steam platform or actually start moving back to production

People have been confirmed reinfected. You don't get immunity from surviving once and the increase in resistance is still unquantified.

>while also sitting on dozen titles that would be great for VR even ported Payday/Serious Sam style.
Valve are absolutely terrified of people running around in VR for 5 minutes, feeling sick, and returning their thousand dollar headsets for a refund.

They will never, ever, make a game without teleporting support. They were so sure that it was the only form of movement that they fucking crippled the Vive controllers with it years ago. Same with how they told HTC not to add any buttons because in VR everyone wants to slowly click through 50 menus to access anything.

We'll never see CS or TF2 in VR, because the couple of months it'd take them to develop something like that would be a couple of months they weren't working on the latest glove stickers to sell to the 12 year olds who want to be just like their favorite e-celeb.

I don't think Valve has the right attitude to carry VR anywhere.
>SDK? Maybe, it's a lot of work :)))
>Multiplayer? Nooo, install base is too small :)))
>We don't want to just port our older games :)))
>We tots' have 2 other games being made, we swear! What? No, you can't know what they are.
VR needs solid multiplayer games, how long can you replay a singleplayer game before you're sick and tired of it?

>Valve are absolutely terrified of people running around in VR for 5 minutes, feeling sick, and returning their thousand dollar headsets for a refund.
Right, I didn't think about this scenario. They should fucking force those people to play a couple of hours in The Lab, kek.
Can't believe the Controllers turned out to be trash, I'm using Vive Controllers more often than Index ones because I don't want to break them before HL:A.

Why did they make the headset necessary?
Why can't we use the Index controllers with a flatscreen like wiimotes did?

I don't give a shit about immersion, i want more interaction with the environment.

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>how long can you replay a singleplayer game before you're sick and tired of it?
Ask the Katawa Shoujo, TES and M&B crowd

I'm really glad I didn't pick them up, if they said Alyx was free with them last year before all the reviews and issues, I probably would've bit the bullet because I have 200 bucks worth of credit from the TF2 hatpocalypse.

>Katawa Shoujo
/vg/ trannies are mostly about circlejerking themselves.
Fair enough, but Half-Life isn't exactly those. Especially if they don't intend to give you too much flexibility with Hammer.

The worst part is it's been so long with Valve ignoring the issues they probably won't resolve them at all and best case scenario is next gen will maybe be a little better.

>Ask the Katawa Shoujo, TES and M&B crowd
Nobody in the KS thread has played the game in years, TES is all modding autism, and M&B only exists as a general because of the sequel.

The only real hope at this point is that Sony actually develop something, honestly. Oculus is pure cancer, Valve have proven time and time again that they're a shell of what they once were, Sony are the only guys out there with enough money and hardware expertise to actually push VR.

But if it backfires, which it probably would because this shit is niche as hell and high end peripherals aren't a good idea for consoles, they'll lose billions. I don't think they have any faith in it after the mediocre performance across the board.

At this point, I think everyone is best off quietly shelving the whole idea for 5 years.

based valve

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>At this point, I think everyone is best off quietly shelving the whole idea for 5 years.
I've been into VR forever and bought a Vive in 2018, and I agree with this.
Games are pure trash. You really need to have some sort of mental issues or autism to play any VR game for more than 100 hours and say it's good with a straight face, Beat Saber included. Hardware is a mess courtesy of Valve and Facebook, and prospects for future are bleak.
If you don't have racing sims or flight sims you can fall back on, VR is in early beta stages and will remain like that for years.

when will faggots realize no one gives a fuck about what they think

t. mental handicap who bought kinect

the only link is that this disease got politicized

True, i see burger republicans continually push the name as "wuhan virus" instead of the scientific designated name or the common name.
Americans sure love their big bad wolf scare strats as long as it wins them votes. Wonder if they'd call a virus starting in Jerusalem for "The jerusalem virus" or "the israeli epidemic"


Attached: it is the republicans i swear.png (926x777, 414.41K)

by your logic you probably have muslim AIDS now from all the niggers around you.

Not even a mutt, i'm just going by tweets from mutt politicians

Because they want to sell hardware, it's Half Life so it's like they're putting a 1000 dollar game out

Virus dies on a dry surface in 9 days.
People are safe.

Look at all the playasia buyers that got their shit they are still alive and healthy.

idk man I like VR but this shit just isn't the VR experience. Its like those poorfags who try so hard to change VR porn into flatscreen porn just so they can watch it. Half Life Alyx isn't about multi-medium support it's about pushing the VR medium forward.

honestly valve is the only company who gives a shit about pushing VR, the others just have $$$$$$$$ as an attitude

cause we had years of retarded shilling for wii-like shit and we told you faggots to suck dick

VR controllers came as an afterthought as we started to experiment and hoard your discontinued gimmicks

Who's "We"

Index “owner” here (my college has this huge VR lab with like 30 indexes and counting)

It’s actually really high quality, but a few things you should know:

1: the headset itself has some kinda weird antipiracy. If you are pirating a game, the finger tracking won’t work fully. You’ll only be able to use thumb/index finger like other VR controllers. Not a dealbreaker unless you’re a huge poorfag like me.
2: The controllers are cool but the “home” button is way too close to the B button. You’ll press it on accident a lot.

I have a feeling they only made HL:A because they overestimated the community.
Things aren't so good they're exhumating Half-Life after 13 years of radio silence, they're doing it because things are so bad.

>1: the headset itself has some kinda weird antipiracy. If you are pirating a game, the finger tracking won’t work fully. You’ll only be able to use thumb/index finger like other VR controllers. Not a dealbreaker unless you’re a huge poorfag like me.
What games? You sure those games have native Index Support? A lot of them don't.

Well things won’t get better without a killer IP. Yeah it’s bad, but after Boneworks I’d say it’s in the right direction. VR developers just have to work hard to do two things:
2: Stop making demos.

Boneworks has native Index support, and was built with it in mind from the start, and the finger tracking doesn’t fully work for me. The game is still fully playable but the 3 fingers after the Index never move which kills immersion.

Should note in contrast: STEAMVR Home and Aperture Handlabs track my fingers just fine.

Yeah, Boneworks wouldn't even have been so bad if they didn't feel like making the most bland, boring and soulless singleplayer campaign ever. It would have been better as a collection of puzzles you have to solve with physics and guns, with some combat filler MGS VR Missions style every now and then.

Strange, sounds like it thinks you've got Oculus Touch controllers.
>Boneworks has native Index support, and was built with it in mind from the start,
I wouldn't go so far. It doesn't even use the thumbpads for extra controls and gripping+trigger is a retarded non-intuitive mechanic.
>grabbing a handgun out of the chest holster by the trigger
fucking genius.

nu-VR adopters who don't give a fuck about retarded marketing shit

that was literally the first time in history garbage like the kinect, psmove, and others started being applied into real gaming. the market had rejected every single one of those attempts

fuck you I call it the kung-flu

Because it's dumb and misses the purpose without the headset.