be honest, youre finally enjoying a BR

Attached: COD.jpg (1920x1193, 451.32K)

What even is it?

150 player cod br

Guns and kills feel great, but hate the respawn system

>Yas Forums says x is shit
>that means i don't like x
I never listened to Yas Forums in any regard. I have fun playing games instead of shitposting all my gametime away.

>90 GB

no thanks

I can't even play the goddamn game. It crashes to desktop every 5 minutes. There's currently no fix that I can find and i'm not playing on a toaster.

games are really fucking long

disable any overlay like the msi afterburner or discord and set the game process to below normal

I love it. Just like black ops 4, a great BR with great gun play and lots of noobs to kill.
Had my first win yesterday after two hours in the game. It feels much more rewarding than other BRs, idk why

>squads only
my interest died immediately
I do not want to play with random faggots and I don't play games with friends because last time I did that I ended up playing with raging autists who suck the fun out of everything

Too long, imo.

>last time I did that I ended up playing with raging autists who suck the fun out of everything
Try being german dude. Everyone here is a raging autist who sucks the fun out of anything. I don't play with my own people anymore. Only with anglos if i have the choice. Germans are the worst people in online games by far.

You forgot Russians and French niggers.

I enjoyed fortnite at launch
I enjoyed Apex at launch even more
I've only played one match of this so far and it just seems ok

>not making friends with based Nordics
finns & swedes are incredibly based to play with

I was about to download window 10, but I decided against it. Think I'll just wait for the ps5 and play it then.

I'd have to enjoy a 16 hours long download beforehand.

You can queue solo in case you didnt know.

The fact that there is no solos is baffling to me
I have no reason to play this over Apex because, quite frankly, Apex is a lot smoother and less clunky and is built around teams of three. Also more fast paced from what I've played.

I messed around with all the mouse settings but it feels just a bit less snappy too- that's probably the intention.

all in all, it's neat? but I have no reason to play it over Apex. Solos would be nice.

Attached: Nepetta Legends.png (1012x720, 1.03M)

just turn off fill user :)

It doesn't feel as fun, new, or unique as Apex either- it's just eh

What's stopping you from just playing solo? This game honestly feels much better than Apex. I'm also not a fan of the MOBA ugly toon characters.

Fill? as in mouse filtering? I never have that shit on and it isn't.

whats the respawn system? hows it work

but why? don't tell me it's uncompressed audio that you're never going to hear or use.

Nepeta is SHIT! Aradia is best girl!

no, group fill, then you're solo :)

Survival of the fittest + capitalism. Solid system.

Yeah i've done those things. Updated drivers, repaired game, deleted cache, disabled all unimportant settings, set everything to low, set everything to high, just about any solution I could think of i've done and without fail every 3 minutes into a game i'm just booted to desktop with no warning.

The map is fucking huge and it includes all the maps from the multiplayer. More maps means more textures. There are also way more guns than any other game. There's just a lot of content.

Is it always a revolver gunfight or does it cycle to other weapons?

I am playing solo.
This game is teams of three only.
This post of yours reads like a shill post honestly, like we have some genuine Yas Forums marketing going on here and you're unironically paid.
Give me a few reasons why "you" think it feels better and maybe I'll reconsider if you're a shill or not.
I mean who am I kidding, OP's post is litertally formatted like every other shill post we see for games like this under the sun.

Attached: gas.png (929x657, 1.04M)

First time you die within 20 mins(?) you get sent to russian prison where you 1 v 1 someone else.

If you win you respawn.
If you lose you die till your team buy you a respawn.

If you die again after respawning, your team has to buy you back.

Would rather them go the Fortnite/Apex route and just have a physical item that your team needs to pick up to be able to respawn you but ehh.

Play solo or turn off player mic audio.

I think its pistols, revolvers and shotguns. Maybe a smg too, but i don't know.

based launch player. I enjoyed the shit out of Apex Launch and won a lot of my games by being the first one to exploit retards who can't A D A P T.
After that I uninstalled because everybody played PUBG instead.

That would be playing at a disadvantage.
Why would I do that.

monthly actiblizz fad

>calls someone out for shilling
>comes off looking like a bigger shill for a shitter game

How do you get money? Just get kills? Do you buy weapons ingame too or is it just buying teammates back. Also are there buy stations or can you buy anywhere.

It costs money to respawn so campers that aren't doing jack shit all game can't endlessly revive themselves. If you want to revive your teammates, go out and get some kills.

nah its shitty gamemode, just give us fucking battlefield but bigger

The max team size is 3, but you can play solo. Not a marketer by the way. I just like CoD more because the guns are futuristic meme guns and I can cross play with my console friends. Also like I said it doesnt have ugly MOBA characters with abilities.

it likely installs all of CoD:MW

I would love to if solo was a thing. No fill just forces you to spend way too much time hidden since the second a squad sees you you're dead.


But battlefield fucking sucks cock. The suppresion system is broken, Noone communicates in squads. and it takes half a mag to fucking kill someone EVEN ON AN MG

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I will never appreciate a Brazilian

>love spamming lmgs in s&d
>now get to live out my arma 3 style engagements

You all don’t know of the joys of soloing in plunder with an lmg and carl gustav, camping and straight egging on nerds with a 200rd pkm

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Anyone else's normal MP go to shit after downloading Warzone? I rarely ever had noticeable lag and now starting today, in every playlist, I get this choppy lag where every few seconds the game feels like a VHS on fast forward.

Warzone seems ok so far. Not super impressed by the few games of it I've played, but I dont mind having it if it's free. It feels truly like a free to play version of the game. Like playing GTA5 on PS3 instead of PS4 if you know what I mean. Just wish it didnt break the fucking game.

it's call of duty
yes, THE call of duty
do you really think people shill for call of duty?
you think people go to /sp/ to shill the super bowl?
I'm not saying the games are good, they haven't been since MW2 (before warzone, I haven't played it enough to say much about it), but they ARE popular as fuck.
literally every nigger, kid and grandma knows call of duty, why do you think basement dwellers who literally shittalk about games 24/7 wouldn't know about it?

Is it a visual trick or does cutting/redeploying your chute seem to propel you forward faster? Anyone else notice this?


I'm pretty sure the tech is to keep cutting the parachute because you get massive horizontal movement speed for some reason.

>tfw loved gas man and mate always got super pissed at me because gas man sucked fat cock when you weren't just camping in one area which we never did
at least I later learned to love pathfinder and we became a rushing monstrosity.

In my experience they have been obsessed with twitch memes

Gulags are fun!

Been guild leading in several mmos and Finns are the worst when it comes to weaponized autism followed by Austrians. Avoid if possible

I asked you why you thought it "felt" better as in the actual feel of movement, shooting/gameplay and you didn't give me that.
You fail.

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Nah, it's the entire game but you only have access to Warzone.

I'm actually discussing the game and my thoughts
but go ahead, derail it then shill.

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talking like your autism isn't a biological weapon
Might have been grabbing them from the wrong circles then, my mates hate twitch memes to the point where I tease them about it & say shit like "damn bro that was poggers" in voice.
One of my finnish mates does have a friend that's extremely into twitch emotes and shit though, he's also apparently always calling himself a boomer

Find it in the world/crates or kill others for it/complete missions.

Having some dogtags or something to collect to be able to respawn, that disappear after so long, would also encourage people not to camp.

I didn't say people didn't know about it
I have no idea what the point of your post was.

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>shilling CoD
For what do we shill next? Fifa? the new Kojima game? Toilette paper? Coca Cola?

>your post
the point of his post was probably shitting on the game you prefer
did you forget we're on Yas Forums?
the game you like is shit, the game I like is good