I am looking forward to playing Horizon Zero Dawn at 144 fps

I am looking forward to playing Horizon Zero Dawn at 144 fps.

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Holy fuck, this is real? Fuck yeah, I been wanting to fuck Aloy since I first saw her.


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Watch it be locked to 60

>complete edition
I like this. I never enjoyed the "buy the base game then 19 DLC packs"-shit. Sell me the entire thing or fuck off.


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Why does Aloy look like some disgusting ape?

>being excited for console shit


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>sell me
good goy, now open up and consoom open world trash #4634

Hopefully mod support is present at some degree

watch it be an awful port with baked in acceleration and smoothing, graphics settings with one option between "normal" and "enhanced" and that malfunctions if you use an xbox gamepad with it

Ain't gonna get me with that shit nigga.

Feminist character designers. Real women are apparently supposed to look like mongoloids, according to them.

What's wrong with culling?

HZD and Death Stranding will be the first Decima engine games on PC. So let's see how great this engine is. Considering how much magic it pulls off on the PS4, it will likely run pretty well.

Surprise - game is a boring pile of shit.
I regret even pirating this garbage.

I want a mod that swaps release aloy with concept art aloy.

Not even worth watching on youtube

>CP "masterrace" excited about playing a 3 year old console port

I thought consoles and console ports were holding the industry back?

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Tick tock, snoyggers

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lmao how can pc fags think this


>it devalues the playstation brand

Remember sony negorids, this game will get exposed as shit and other sony exclusives will follow suit, so just be men, and finally admit they suck instead of deflecting, shit games have merit and can be fun in their own way, but yall act like these are
>mature, transformative experiences that really showcase the strength of sony as a platform
When they aren't fun to play and are limited in scope, the clock is now ticking, you can only pretend for so long before yall start cracking.

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REMINDER: If you dont buy HZD by the millions; Sony will drop the idea completely and Bloodborne will never come to PC.

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Snoyniggers are crying so much on social media, I hope Sony doesn't give up to not hurt their feelings.

But I don't want HZD, I only want Bloodborne.

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To gain you first have to lose.

>waiting 5 years for a game to be released on your platform

Truly the masterrace

I just want The Last of Us...

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>people pretending to like this shitty game for the sake of platform war faggatory

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Literally all games do this, you absolute creetin


>tfw it's in 4k/8k with 60fps/144fps mods
Man, what a bitch you are for buying a ps4 lol, literally paying to play the worst version of any game out lol holy shit

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It's over for piratecels. It'll be uncrackable just like Detroit become human and Rdr2.

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Bruh a ps4 is literally $200

*waits 5 years for game to come out on pc*
*needs $2000 graphics card to play the game at 60fps*
*pretends he isnt anally anguished*
b..based master race bros!

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Maybe if we'll get a pc release someone will mod CA out. It hurts my eyes

They don't, so no need to ask dumb questions, retard

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That's like getting new movies 5 years after release and being proud of it

>mentioning detroit
no one gives a fuck about it, so they haven't, rdr2 on the other hand is taking a while because it's so intertwined with rockstars launcher


Can't wait to see more meltdowns like this when Bloodborne eventually comes to PC.
The one game that snoyggers crow about as their crown jewel, taken from them
the tears would be incredibly delicious

We have plenty of other games to play that we also took from you, we can wait a little bit for another

>launch price of $400/500
>psplus/live every year $420
>inb4 "muh free games" as soon as you cancel your subscription you lose every one of them
>1 new game every year (obviously a conservative number) another $420
>extra controller $60

>Has plethora of PC exclusives that would make your hardware melt into a puddle.
>Spends less money and gets better performance

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lol buttmad

Oh no, how can the console royalty survive without Eurotruck Simulator and My Summer Car?


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This can't be real.

Enjoy that double digit IQ and keep wasting your money retard

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Fuck Bloodborne. I just want Spiderman and Persona on PC.

Just need bloodborne and I will have no reason in getting a PS4 ever.

Since you put it that way I'll iterate upon it, imagine this movie was on VHS, blurry, grainy, unwanted visual errors and clipping that detracts from the experience, and not only that, YOU are proud of it, that is consolitis. Now imagine this movie sees release 5 years later, but you what is basically the finished master, good as the day they shot it, it looks so good you could project it on a 100 foot screen, and it's crisp and clean, and somehow, you can make this movie 3d/vr, watch it anywhere and anytime. man this year is gonna be so good, you sony retards will have no place to hide anymore and the axe will finally come down.

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Nothing. He just post an image which might look bad, but is quite the opposite since he has no clue.

>pcfag talks shit about wasting money
poor Ahmed


>plethora of PC exclusives
LOL PC has none and any it does don't push the hardware to the limit

I just want Second son and Spiderman.

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This. In general the cost in building a PC outperform consoles in the long run if you want to play more than a couple of games, since games on PC in general comes cheaper. The trend now is that a lot of console games are ported to PC too.

Really makes you think

Based capeshitter


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Wait, what?

You can watch it on YouTube right now.

Snoyboy mad over "exclusives" coming to PC

this is great, and should be used everywhere

Real life works the same way, retard

>all these replies

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One copy of Persona 5 please

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>decades thrown away
I just don't get this part.

Jesus, snoys are positively seething

Is this a shill? I legit played this game thoroughly and found it to be a solid 6/10 maybe 6.5 on a good day.

I think it is more about another PS exclusive being released on PC.

Man that's comedy gold

Based department


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Really? I noticed more than a few threads saying the same console vs pc thing but it definitely has the feel of low-level advertising.