Does Yas Forums prefer to game in 4:3 or 16:9?
Does Yas Forums prefer to game in 4:3 or 16:9?
4:3 is such a better aspect ratio. Fuck movies for popularizing 16:9.
16:10 or fuck off
16:9 is better, because it gives more space to put lifebars and stuff without cluttering the center of the screeen.
What the fuck is wrong with you?
god what an ugly game
Fuck letting the top and bottom get cut off just for
>muh immersion
Widescreen makes more sense for gaming, though some types more than others
>4:3 television
>Some movies are in 4:3, meaning there is more on picture
>But generally Movies still have black bars
>16:9 television
>Movies still have black bars,this time 2.39:1
>2.39:1 television
>Movies is most likely moving to a even wider format to regain the black bars
>letting the top and bottom get cut off
I like it more for text heavy use-cases like word processing and coding, but 16:9 is better for gaming.
4:3: soul
16:9: soulless
4:3 is more comfy
You see...
You can ether have 16:9 or letter-boxed 4:3 for the same experience.
t. Person that lived in both eras
Anything other than 16:10 is objectively wrong.
have you tried putting your screen sideways and playing as it was a 9:16 screen?
6:9 or fuck off nerd
I wonder why 99% of the world's greatest art is in square format, yet 99% of trash movie garbage is rectangle
relly makes you think
>99% of the world's greatest art is in square format
You what
stay fucking jelly
4:3 is still a rectangle retard
Obviously I prefer widescreen when available but if the game was made in 4:3 then by god that's the aspect ratio you play it in, boy. If you stretch that shit you should be slapped.
>letting the top and bottom get cut off
Almost every game in existence crops 16:10 instead of adding to it though. Shit sucks. I had a 16:10 monitor for years, until I realized most games were getting cropped / stretched / letterboxed.
>all those claims and none is right
>reddit spacing
In which case you play in 16:9.
I like 4:3 for websites and 16:9 for everything else, I'm alone on this?
I like websites that don't switch to mobile garbage when hit with anything thinner than 16:9.
Then most games get cropped / stretched / letterboxed. 16:9 really is the better investment.
this is the most retarded post I've seen all week
Can you not read? If 16:10 gets stretched due to shit fov settings you just play in 16:9. You can do both on 16:10 displays, they're just better.
Yas Forums truly is the most low IQ media board
Why yes, I do play vidya in 21:9 - the most kino aspect ratio, how did you know?
I stick to 16:9 since it's my monitor resolution, but 4:3 is cool too and I'm fine with playing at it for older games designed when it was the norm. Not a huge fan of ultrawide though.
Should I be emulating in 8:7 or 4:3?
8:7 on a LCD, 4:3 if you have a CRT or CRT filter.
come back when you have high refresh
Depends on the game.
Depends on the type of game.
Go back to r*ddit
My man
Damn, he fucking based
4:3 is the superior format and the most natural. Unfortunately theaters with limited ceiling height memed moviegoers into horizontalscreens and now games don't support 4:3 anymore.
So this is the intelligence of euro-Yas Forums...
patrician taste
t. ex16:10, current 16:9 owner
Would have been nice if the widescreen standard was 15:10 (3:2) or 20:10 (2:1). I like neat numbers and neat ratios.
16:10 > 16:9 > 4:3
If the game is locked to a particular aspect ratio, use it rather than letterboxing.
uh, retard... 16:9 is objectively the closest one to correctly cover your horizontal/vertical field of views (when factoring in extra 100 degrees of non-foveal viewing angle in horizontal axis), the rest depends on the size of the display and your distance from it.
>first person
I;'m really liking 21:9 especially for fps
include me in /r/Yas Forums screencap
fucking love the atmosphere in those games. 2 less so, but hexen 1 and heretic were rad as fuck
21:9 or fuck off
>to game