How do we end this degeneracy?

how do we end this degeneracy?

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>mom look I posted it again!

By not giving it publicity.

Fuck off Yas Forums

Only mental ill people shitpost

by not feeding it publicity

No one likes faggots user. Not even fellow faggots.

nuke muttshartia

>he doesn't enjoy getting his prostate massaged

benis in boyhole

buzzword for things i dont like. flesh out your point

I love how he describes it in great detail to clearly insinuate he's not gay.

>gay anal sex
It was bisexual as fuck? what's with the bi-erasure?

also OAG aka Billy literally listens to kpop. maybe he's into korean bois? anyway stream bts we're nearing 40m views

There won't be a fourth season


Shit comes from there, so no. That is literally bodily sewage. Thus is degenerate by definition.

Guess there’s still Gebel from Bloodstained

We have all tried to finger out butts and we all know it feels good. So stop it.

so what dipshit website was this posted on?


I didn’t like it at all.

lol you tried to finger your butt? Fucking faggot. I fucking GOT you fag.

>gay anal sex
All sodomizing is gay. Yes, even when performed on females.

>you probably won't be
Why would I care if a character I liked had gay sex?

I just saw the scene yesterday, I didn't see any penetration or even a position that would allow it.

Alucard is the one getting fucked in the ass, so how are you the butthurt one? :)

How do people willingly engage in anal sex when you have the prior knowledge that poop exits that very hole every single day? Would you put your penis into a toilet as well?

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And females leak sewage out there vagina every month.

Blood comes out the vagina.

also, Alucard is 10 years old in the series, so is basically pedo anal sex.
the whole, "lel vampires are gay or bi because they live longer than humans" is not valid on him, as he is just 10 years old.

Piss comes out of a vagina

by not watching shitty netflix originals. you faggots made this one of the highest watched shows on their entire gay roster.

So you're saying blood is equally disgusting as poop?

I only use it as option after I beat the pussy up so much, it’s closed for business. I always wear a condom though, I don’t know what’s wrong with these fags who like the shit.

did the show go the american horror story route and have a bunch of sex to be all mature and lol omg gays having sex! and three ways and derpaderp.

Cuz sex isn't the only thing that makes a show mature or edgy

Poop is infinitely more disgusting than piss though.

Different hole, though.

No, still pretty gross though. Frankly I think anal sex is disgusting and degenerate. So I don't even disagree with you.

If the alt right started doing anal then people would stop.

Alucard was always obviously a twink

Shall we talk about /cgl/ menstrual blood cookies.

If Trump tweeted that he likes fucking bitches in the asshole, fags would stick to oral

Still fucking disgusting and can cause urinary tract infection

Doesn't matter. Humans are just gross creatures

I'd still rather eat some hog's menstrual blood cookie than poop.

never lost the will to watch something so fast as I did with this

Day of the rope.

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Doesn’t sound great but I’ve eaten blood sausage. Can’t say I’d eat a shit sausage though.

But it's not even the same hole. Also poop probably has a way higher chance of causing urinary tract infection.

This isn't real you gullible buffoons

you can't honestly tell me this is a straight character.

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I mean literal babies come out from a pussy that's more disgusting. its like you're fucking a human inside a human?!

Fucking hedonists

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fuck off, Billy

Piss is only going to cause a UTI if she's literally pissing into your dick, and even then its only realistically going to happen if she already has something wrong with her. And in all honestly I wouldn't mind being peed on by a cute girl.

Yes. Pleasure is God. Nothing matters but pleasure. You shall use up all of your dopamine receptors until you wither away into nothingness.

Konami's petty revenge against igurashi. much like their petty revenge against kojima by deleting his name from everything and making terrible followup games.

feels like the president of konami just snorts coke all day and runs the company on autistic drug-fueled questions answered by a magic 8 ball.

homosexuals are such terrible fucking people. literally worse than nazis.

So do you have advice or suggestions?

That's right

So you're saying you'd rather hold a turd than a baby? What's wrong with you?

Not when you clean it which most people do. Women don't need to bother cleaning down there so that's why it's the usual cause for it. Either way everyone needs to wear a condom

I can still happen when people have sex. Girls can still piss on accident during sex but condoms can stop that shit so that's always the solution.

pleasure IS God though. It's what the bible is all about.

No such thing as bisexuality. If you like dick and youre a man, you're gay.

Start with something small, use a lot of lube, relax and just enjoy the feelings you get.

The sexually immoral have no standards. If it excites them then they allow it.

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>I can still happen when people have sex. Girls can still piss on accident during sex but condoms can stop that shit so that's always the solution.
Lots of stuff can happen to you during sex. It's a filthy activity. Getting a UTI from fucking piss is the last thing you should be worried about.

Yeah I guess that's why gluttony and lust are considered sins.

Is anyone else getting tired of people getting outraged?

fuck off gays are chill

Should I get sex reassignment surgery before i use that?

No. It's just you and other closet gays. Nothing wrong with it desu, but know your place and stop denying it.

People do all kinds of fucked up shit. This is not really anything new.

lol no

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>It's a filthy activity
That's why I said humans are gross.

The claws of a 20-something white woman made this post.

The absolute state of coomers.

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oh shit an ms paint strawman comic

This. That's why white women keep having sex with dogs

Should I buy something specifically for it?

Nah, the prostate is a male thing user.

This is spiritual warfare against demonic beings. There are no gays who are "chill" or good, righteous, and so on. They are corrupt and ensnared by demonic influences.

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it's a good starting point, really comfy and hits just the right spot


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go be interested in politics on the politics board

I was more offended by how little actually happened during the entire season. It feels like a better show could have boiled this entire season down to 4 episodes.

Belmont and friends explore a sect = 1 episode
Isaac travels to distant land and fights a wizard = 1 episode
Alucard frolics with his new friends = 1 episode
Forgemaster is turned into a good boy = 1 episode

Convince me this wasn't all fluff and filler.
Heck the entire season itself feels like a filler season!

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Do you say the same to anime, cars, weapons, etc.?

Just want you all to know that the only thing stopping me from murdering faggots is the law. That's it. The moment it lapsed I would destroy so many of you in so many painful ways as long as I could. I despise your twisted souls.

Fuck off faggot

And you being a weak willed cuck


I'm terrified of whoever is behind this post

Is it possible to be gay and not degenerate?

Just don't watch it. Boycott.

If it has nothing to do with a video game then yes.

But he's right. It actually works pretty well.

Yes, but you probably wouldn't have a very enjoyable time.

I don't watch netflix shit so whatever

Yes, that's the rules of the board.

So why did you assblast about politics when this thread about anime on videogame board?

>Piss comes out of a vagina

hilarious when virgins out themselves like this

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I don't see the problem. Dick feels great.

Nah I would be doing the work of God and probably saving multiple children. My will is iron.

You didn`t say go to /a, tranny.

>how do we end this degeneracy?
Start having gay sex with other men. Once homosexuality starts getting equated with rightwing ideology, it'll stop being pushed by progressives


Reading your post, what makes you think you would know what chill is?
wow that sure is a drawing

two towers werent enough

No god want you to have a bunch of kids and you failed him and his will and you will continue to fail him

>sodomy is degenerate

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So the problem isn't showing anal on television but that it's gay anal?


>tfw it rubs the prostate just right

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Never let yourself be silenced.

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Just don't stick your penis in other men

Easy peasy

Piss does come out of the vagina. It just comes out of a different hole than the one you put your dick in.