Games where the church are the good guys?

Games where the church are the good guys?

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Dragon Quest

Presumably any prequel star war's game by your metric.

Real life

Whare you talking about user? This is Jesus Christ.

user I.........

The church is the most useless institution in the game. Not really bad, but utterly worthless and with a leader wih highly questionable morals.

fire emblem three houses and dont let anyone tell you otherwise

Fuck off edeltard

Much like organized religion IRL

church of space-nazi catholics bad
church of loli-pope is actually alright though

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Kill yourself you mouth-breathing catamite.

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I said organized.

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Is that Ewan McGregor? He really looks like Jesus in that.

found the cathnigger

Found the Jew.

catholicism is literally the judaism of christianity

Just free your mind and become a protestant already.

that's calvinism

the absolute COPE

No, Judaism is the Judaism of Christianity. Also Islam.

Islam is unironically the most based religion on earth.


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Just another WRONG Abrahamic derivative for smooth brains.

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>Islam BAD
go back

>Japanese game about war and magic
>features a giant megachurch heavily in advertising
>game hints early on that the leader can't be trusted

>the church still turned out good
>or at least neutral
I'm still surprised by it

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>>game hints early on that the leader can't be trusted
How? From early on its clear the Rhea is a total mommy.

Pretty sure your father tells you to watch out and she's quick to trust Byleth for no apparent reason

Castlevania series

Um...haven't you seen the show yet?

shut up

The Jedi are not the good side.

But pic related is Jesus

Its canon, bro.

>good guys


good is a point of view

good guys, bad guys, its all a machine, partner.

Warhammer 40K is close enough right

t. Dave Filoni/Rian Johnson


Reminder that Christianity is the only religion in human history to abolish slavery and human and animal sacrifice. Both of which have been a common practice in every false Pagan religion that glorified and worshipped beasts.

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*tips fedora* do you, by chance, watch Rick and Morty?

Was Jesus more powerful than we could ever imagine?

Small brain thoughts right here. You should read a book sometime

"The church" is just used as a generic term for whatever religion the japanese come up with for a game it's never christian

>Reminder that Christianity is the only religion in human history to abolish slavery and human and animal sacrifice
>but let's kill some people to get magic artifacts
really good move

Jews are the satan worshipping sinners who rejected Jesus Christ silly billy.

atheist btfo

The religion didn’t abolish a damn thing first of all. Second are you forgetting the multiple times in the Bible where God favors slavery and animal sacrifice? Like Abels animal sacrifice to God, the verses on how to own and treat slaves as well as which races it’s okay to take slaves from. Your desert cult is a disease.

imagine being this retarded

is that the god from the old testament or the new one?

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Why did this thread get so Kosher all of a sudden?

i'm a follower of kukulkan though

Do you mean the Bible or the Moloch worshipping Torah? Big difference here guy.

What denomination considers those separate beings?

The Bible, bud. You can find more examples in Leviticus. Both books are shit though.


gnosticism, even though that's been dead since forever ago

christians had to make a new one because the "old" god was too cruel lol

The ones who follow our Lord and the ones who continue to mutilate baby genitals and suckle on them and have been thrown out of a 109 nationa.