ITT: your game collection

ITT: your game collection

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There's already one of your threads with ps4 games

Lindybeige is that you

I am-I ah......

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Shit, I actually laughed out loud at work. Fuck you.

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we dont like your kind around here


honky ass cracker

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post your hand

But what if I'm a niqqer?

then ill call you a nigger and leave

>that Sin and Punishment

Is fire emblem warriors worth buying?

>even recognizing it when it's that blurry
My nibba.
Fuck's sake, you're a tough customer. Fine, here.

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it clearly says Sin and Punishment user, come on now.
the Killer is Dead box is a lot harder to read, though. still jelly

S&P is pretty much the only reason I keep my N64 around.

not bad user, had me fooled for a second. nice collection btw

people think OP is making fun of blacks and doing blackface(hand), but he's actually just a normal Switch user and is incredibly dirty. See


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Thanks, my dude.


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No. Next question.

No black hand to show, plz no bully

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>spend a while collecting games as a teen/young adult
>have lots and lots of Japanese games
>learn moon
>realize I have to rebuy and play everything
It's nice to enjoy the real versions of games I liked growing up, but at the same time it's disheartening.

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Bros, rate my partial collection of stuff.

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Not bad, and at least you're not pawing your stuff like you want to put your dick in them.

Hurr hurr, blacked, I get it already. Get a new schtick, niggas.

Mutt's law

Shit taste weeb/10

looks good

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Yikes. Imagine being so obsessed with the bbc, that every non white looks like a nigger.

>Yikes. Imagine being so obsessed
Does your family ever get embarrassed when you talk like a meme-obsessed faggot in public?

It's only now that I realize you meant the Sin & Punishment 2 standee, and not the original N64 game on the shelf. Whoops. I feel like an idiot now.

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I don't play video games

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absolutely based thread

No hands I'm sorry I really only buy digital unless I'm importing something these days.

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Fuck off reddit.


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>Titan Quest
>GBA Roms
>Diablo 2 LOD

your thumb is weird looking.

Why do Yas Forums inceloids go apeshit over black hands anyway?

>stealing games

>be PALfag
>love Gamecube spines for being the right way up (Logo, Gamename)
>hate PS2 spines for being the most boring fucking spine I have ever seen in my life

It's so fucking ugly, WHAT were Sony thinking?

You lose again lmao

>he doesn't have a black hand

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Where my sonyniggas at??

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Get a job my nigga

Why are you so upset it's just banter.

Get a job whitey

I have a job this is for when I'm bored, how's your sister by the way?


you work at mcdonalds

Who is you?

Thats kroni, ruggarell/Joshua works in a shitty warehouse stacking shelves.

Incredibly based.

Open up that video folder

Built for BWC

I didnt mind the PS2 spines, what i do mind is the NTSC logo on the GameCube game spines being on the bottom
Big dumb