ITT: your game collection
ITT: your game collection
There's already one of your threads with ps4 games
Lindybeige is that you
I am-I ah......
Shit, I actually laughed out loud at work. Fuck you.
we dont like your kind around here
honky ass cracker
post your hand
But what if I'm a niqqer?
then ill call you a nigger and leave
>that Sin and Punishment
Is fire emblem warriors worth buying?
>even recognizing it when it's that blurry
My nibba.
Fuck's sake, you're a tough customer. Fine, here.
it clearly says Sin and Punishment user, come on now.
the Killer is Dead box is a lot harder to read, though. still jelly
S&P is pretty much the only reason I keep my N64 around.
not bad user, had me fooled for a second. nice collection btw
people think OP is making fun of blacks and doing blackface(hand), but he's actually just a normal Switch user and is incredibly dirty. See
Thanks, my dude.
No. Next question.
No black hand to show, plz no bully
>spend a while collecting games as a teen/young adult
>have lots and lots of Japanese games
>learn moon
>realize I have to rebuy and play everything
It's nice to enjoy the real versions of games I liked growing up, but at the same time it's disheartening.
Bros, rate my partial collection of stuff.
Not bad, and at least you're not pawing your stuff like you want to put your dick in them.
Hurr hurr, blacked, I get it already. Get a new schtick, niggas.
Mutt's law
Shit taste weeb/10
looks good
Yikes. Imagine being so obsessed with the bbc, that every non white looks like a nigger.
>Yikes. Imagine being so obsessed
Does your family ever get embarrassed when you talk like a meme-obsessed faggot in public?
It's only now that I realize you meant the Sin & Punishment 2 standee, and not the original N64 game on the shelf. Whoops. I feel like an idiot now.
I don't play video games
absolutely based thread
No hands I'm sorry I really only buy digital unless I'm importing something these days.
Fuck off reddit.
>Titan Quest
>GBA Roms
>Diablo 2 LOD
your thumb is weird looking.
Why do Yas Forums inceloids go apeshit over black hands anyway?
>stealing games
>be PALfag
>love Gamecube spines for being the right way up (Logo, Gamename)
>hate PS2 spines for being the most boring fucking spine I have ever seen in my life
It's so fucking ugly, WHAT were Sony thinking?
You lose again lmao
>he doesn't have a black hand
Where my sonyniggas at??
Get a job my nigga
Why are you so upset it's just banter.
Get a job whitey
I have a job this is for when I'm bored, how's your sister by the way?
you work at mcdonalds
Who is you?
Thats kroni, ruggarell/Joshua works in a shitty warehouse stacking shelves.
Incredibly based.
Open up that video folder
Built for BWC
I didnt mind the PS2 spines, what i do mind is the NTSC logo on the GameCube game spines being on the bottom
Big dumb