Choose your weapon, Yas Forums

Choose your weapon, Yas Forums

Attached: cyoa.png (581x344, 53.95K)

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iceblade if it can debuff, axe if we're doing raw damage

Magmaxe because axes are cool and everything else is for pussies

i am a fag for whips in video games so whip it is
more games should have whips

>thorn whip
>reflects 1 thorns damage when hit in melee on Sundays but only if you aren't wearing any armor
>blade of ice
>1% chance to freeze enemies for 0.1 seconds on every tenth hit, but only if they are normal monsters, and only if they are below your character level by 20 levels, and only if they are below 50% life
>+1 fire damage if you hit an enemy that is burning, but you cannot cause burning if you are wielding this weapon and every hit dispels burning on enemies
No thanks bro. Non-physical weapons are always utter shite in games.

bro did i post any fucking stats just choose a fucking weapon or you're getting a wooden stick

>no blunt weapon
I don't want to play this game

>encounter flaming enemy who heals/buff itself by burning
>magmaxe deals extra to them AND dispels their buff
Pretty good

The thorn whip looks like it has utility and damage

Attached: 1582394892446.jpg (400x576, 72.8K)

Whip - 100% chance to inflict poison
Sword - agility down, slight chance to inflict frozen status
Axe - strong chance to inflict burning status, +10% crit rate

Fucker you didn’t say there was a wooden stick. Gimme the stick.

>plants are cool
>whips are cool
thorn whip it is

The whip is objectively the best weapon because it can't be parried and it can hit enemies from behind.

Gimmie that whip nigga awwwww yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Attached: Kurama.png (800x600, 783.2K)


>Thorns get stuck in people.
>Something frozen coming into sudden contact with blood when it slices. Also gets stuck.
>Implying you could hold something as hot as magma, especially on a hand axe with it's short handle.

Whoever made this is stupid.

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now who else wants a weapon

Attached: stick.png (434x448, 16.78K)

My dick gets stuck in your mom but you don't see her complaining faggot.

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i want the magic gun that makes people fat and if you keep shooting them they become immobile haha

>no electricity weapon
shit game

Now we're talking

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I'll be here maining the blade of ice, waiting for that Lightning Spear and Whirlwind Mace update

Attached: dragonslayer_spear.png (187x284, 14.64K)

here, a gun that shoots a lot of chocolate

Attached: choco.png (316x302, 28.18K)

Can you make a white chocolate gun for those of us who want to shoot people with big cums bullets?

>not chocolt

>axe burns thorns
>axe melts the ice
There's only one answer.

Axe 100%

Whip, then find some monster girl to use it on me

Give me Earth gauntlets or something else that I can punch people really hard with.

you get the reskin

Attached: creme.png (316x302, 36.77K)

>The blade would melt and give you frost bite.
>You couldn't hold the axe without burning your hands.

Seems pretty obvious.

>eating chocolate currently
Shit, these weapons seem very effective

Boring shit. Why am I playing this game? Give me a whipaxe or som--
There we go.

Nice. Thanks OP

Can you give me a mint chocolate chip gun?

can I put a little octopus sticker on the one I choose. it doesn't do anything I just like it.

Can I get uhhhhhhh
A folding scythe that doubles as a magic staff. Chuuni as fuck, I know.

here some mossy rock fists, courtesy of rock beetle people.
no mint chip is a shit gun

Attached: punchy.png (506x279, 28.08K)

I want that big shield.
The one that is as tall as a a man and has a seven-beam magic laser hidden in the front.

i need stats bitch

i will always pick function over form

>rock beetle people
That is the kind of thing I want in my party in a RPG.

Gun. I don't live among subhumans.

here, made from the bird people cult, this scythe doubles as a thunder staff

Attached: scythestaff.png (785x794, 62.81K)

Thorn whip is obviously where it is at you weak bitch ass niggers
Multi-hit>elemental advantage
Every time bitches
No just because it's a thorn whip doesn't mean it's earth elemental you colossal faggots


>no hammer

A challenger approaches

Attached: newweapon.png (834x373, 84.1K)

huge fuckoff shield that gnaws enemies' souls. more victims = bigger laser.

Sweet, thanks.

choppy handwriting but otherwise perfectly replicates the style i was going for so 10/10

fuck i forgot the goddamn image


Attached: wall.png (561x747, 75.9K)

Blade of Ice because swords are cool

hell yeah, electric weapons

Looks kinda like a reversed iron maiden

glad you noticed, i kinda went with the idea of using the door of an iron maiden and giving it flesh and teeth instead of the usual spikes and cold iron, because who wouldn't want to see your enemies be chewed up to bits (literally)

That would be awesome to see in game.

Can I get two sticks

I'll pick the magmax- ow oof ouch ah ooh oof gah ouch it's hot

good ass thread and nice designs. I'll take the literal meat shield. i'm a sucker for tanking.

i would draw more concept but i'm balls tired and i'm about to go to bed but here's a combo attack idea:
>bash enemy, sending them upwards
>jut shield forward, impaling enemy on sharp teeth
>kick enemy off shield and forward a bit
>overhead slam shield on enemy, sandwiching them between shield and floor
mincemeat at that point

Thorn whip is based as fuck. Fuck conventional weaponry.