Wash your hands

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Pass is vee
So NCR's done for

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can't play, too busy prepping for the quarantine

Stocking up on these mags I imagine?

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I will never understand why the sw99 was a thing

All my finals got cancelled due to the virus so now it's time to grind out lond and cl-r only combos

Do you still get credit for the rest of your work or are they just refunding eveybody?

Also, crossing my fingers that work closes down any day now for extra free time to do similar things.

Tfw 2nd case comes to town and really hoping it some how gets in my work so I can go back to hikki mode

Cutting my visit short tonight to play Koihime.

GGs everybody and if anyone wants to play some Koihime it'll be on the PC version.

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Do you live in a city that’s at risk or is it just them not taking any chances even though most western places are safe?

We receive credit yeah but some professors had their final weighted heavily so students who weren't in good standing and were relying on it to pass the class are now forcibly failed. They stated outright there will be no makeups

The latter. All the UCs are closed down right now

I just got this game, how do I know when it's my turn to attack?

usually after you block a special move. in general, it'll be trial and error unless you look up the frame data

It's hard to explain

Man, people are ridiculous. Tons of the super markets in my area are low on bottled water and rice because these idiots are doomsday prepping over some shit happening hundreds of miles across the sea.
At least it’s an excuse to stay off for a bit

I'm still guessing most of the time.

>user gets sick
>ends up needing hospitalization

if your guy does the move when you hit the button it's your turn
pro-tip: always hit the buttons

Just wash your hands bro

>usually after you block a special move.
the majority of special moves in this game are either
>only somewhat - on block while putting you at a spacing where moves fast enough to beat out their options will whiff due to lack of range in most matchups
>are part of a rekka chain or otherwise have followups you can delay to catch people hitting buttons
and they can all be delay canceled into an EX move that's either got iframes or +frames

Just keep mashing until you win, it's what all the pros do

> majority of specials are + frames
hell no, you are actually lying out your ass
> the rest of that post
hence the trial and error, and yeah if they have meter they can gamble on spending it in a block string

>0 bars
Uh oh

Yay, orb cross-ups

Silky smooth 9 frames

Can't wait for quantum networking to make distance an irrelevant factor.

Ok I have work tomorrow GG's for now. Wagner is alright


>SEGA re-enters the console market, blotting out Xbone
>Super Yakuza 1 and Yakuza Dancing All Night forerun the new age

I thought Nioh came out today but that's on Friday.

> a new virtua fighter exclusive to it with yakuza guest characters
don't get my hopes up.

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give it to me straight guys.
is the PC version going to be better than the PS4 one?
I swear to god those 2-3 bars are lying to me

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We're supposed to fucking know?

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Why do you think the pc version would be better after [st]?

it wasn't in [st], I highly doubt a port of CLR done by the same people will be any better.

New room up by the way

by default you'll have 2f less of input latency, so it comes down to whether or not you find people not on wifi/shit internet to play with
this excludes a lot of players here

If it's anything like how UNIST was, good connections will be better than on PSN unless they're not and even high-end computers with good internet providers will stutter between 2-4f depending on background processes. The ranked filter won't work in the slightest and half the time the playerbase will be split into multiple chunks due to region, and the community itself will probably die months before PSN's starts showing any signs.

It's literally just the balance patch, why would anything improve?

If it's anything like Unist then it'll be much worse on pc

If fucking park with Fiber internet refused to play with the PC crowd here because of bad connections overall, I doubt things will be different unless the newbloods come with some decent connections.
Rip spectrum users though lmao

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don't twist my words lad, that's specific to these lobbies and I find my PC games with players I know or elsewhere
the port is shit, but if you actually have good practice partners with solid connections the extra 2f go a long way

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>that's specific to these lobbies and I find my PC games with players I know or elsewhere
When did I ever say anything about shit outside the lobbies? My statement was strictly limited to these threads

> if you play with people you know locally its fine
what a surprise

You guys remember the saberfag who got angry at me and I made a video of it? I met him again today and he also rage quit extra fast because of my retarded 1000 cuts style.

You talking about the guy you beat in Granblue?

No the guy who wrote to me said something like don't under estimate me or something like that.

Good work

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nice, I don't suppose you clipped that either? what happened, you just zoned him with narmaya?

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It never is.

Why do you assume this was in granblue? I wouldn't bring it up if it wasn't UNI

>putting more words in my mouth
I play people in Canada and EC/WC consistently fine and rarely play with people from locals
unironically, hippie and merk live within 30 miles from me and I get better connections with people across the country than then
I just wanted to let the good people know that you can definitely enjoy those two extra frames, just probably not here

Oh yeah I suppose it was aklone asking about that mika combo yesterday but turns out the combo itself is impossible to do. It's way too prorated for anything but a good starter

I hardly ever saw lobby crashes or delays higher than 5f when I played on PC but the PS4 crowd complains about both of those things multiple times per thread. Where does the idea that PC is so much obviously worse come from?

>I hardly ever saw lobby crashes or delays higher than 5f when I played on PC
>delays higher than 5f
I hear a ton of that for PC too, actually
Usually it's 10 frames for PC lel

Both suck if you want to fight about it fight in the game.

personal experience of having played the exact same 12-15 people on psn and comparing that with pc netplay and having a generally worse experience. And that's not accounting for various bugs and stuff like the deadzone issue. Lobby explosions seemed more often a "hippie" problem than a psn problem, I basically never see it happen outside these lobbies or with really bad connections.

Lobbies didn't crash as often on PC but the inherent delay was way worse.

Wait did enki hit seth's orb while he was in the blockstring?

It's usually pretty stable unless it's the usual incompatible with my connection cases like how lobbies don't tend to explode until atic showed up, for example.

I couldnt tell desu looked wierd to me too

It comes from people who desperately need to justify paying a $60 subscription to snoy for the right to use their own internet and need to convince themselves that they'd be worse off with the free option.

atic's connection is weird. I have either a solid 1-2f connection with him or it's so bad it doesn't even tell me how many bars between us there are.

he can use 4C to delete it mid blockstring, I wasn't watching but that might have happened.

I didnt 4c there I guarantee that

I don't think he did that though. I think he actually hit the orb while keeping seth locked down.

There's a handful of people my connection gets shaky with which affects the lobby but lobbies go without a hitch until said people show up and I'm not allowed to spectate the match. There's like two yellow square people that I vaguely remember this happening to but I can't put names to it
Although, I wonder if quitting said match load-in and sitting in training mode will alleviate that issue. I'll try the next time it happens

Maybe because I mentioned it earlier. I seem to recall you blowing up someone in a granblue lobby from Yas Forums or something rather too.

I haven't blown up anyone in granblue in a long time. Especially with the way I play Narm

excuse me, I only had to pay $45 because I got it during black friday because sony is so generous

French Bread is currently conducting a survey. Be sure to send all your netcode complaints directly to them until they give in and finally implement GGPO

Pic unrelated by the way

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Don't bother responding

why would you even reply to that post?

You still going to MiMas Merk? Assuming they don't go full panic and shut it down at least.

I already did and I urge everyone else to do the same. The future of uni netplay lies in your hands.

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I told them giev GGPO and Uzuki.

Man I'm even taking a round off Clawz.
I'm telling you guys. There is a method to this madness.

yup, going road tripping up there with the locals

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Why are you so defensive about being such simps?