why you be like this Yas Forums?

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because you have shit taste

You're not allowed to do it unless you have good reasons. People don't give you shit if you have good reasons.

Because Yas Forums is a bunch of contrarian low IQ retards who don't even enjoy games.

No one is stoping you from enjoying the game user, grow a pair

Other fandoms are well aware that it will be GotY 2020 and are desperate to kill hype

There are a bunch of literally sore losers here don't give them attention. They even wear diappers and shit.

This. OP is s faggot and whining because everyone isn't sharing his enthusiasm

>Yas Forums
It's mostly one crack addict

You can eat shit, just go and do it elsewhere

>relying on Yas Forums of all places to validate you
>relying on strangers on the internet to validate you
Get over your insecurities and just play what you want, who gives a shit?
Listen to:

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Mmm think I got something on the hook

Yas Forums is the biggest gay hipster hive you can find, the first game was treated like the second coming of Christ here for being pretty much everything a good video game should be and it rightfully enjoyed massive success, which means it’s sadly too popular for Yas Forums to enjoy anymore.

>the first game

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>I was only pretending

This also happened with undertale, the board went into a frenzy when the demo released and once they realized how popular it became elsewhere and especially what kinds of people liked it, it suddenly wasn’t that good of a game anymore.

because the majority of users here hate themselves and have terrible self esteem so they lash out on others to feel better

You know exactly what I mean by that

I shouldn't have to interpret your fucking posts, faggot. Express yourself properly.

I can only imagine how poor your cognitive abilities must be if """interpreting""" a post with such a plainly obvious message is eliciting this sort of reaction. Like a caveman throwing a tantrum because he can't fit the square shape in the circular hole.

>I shouldn't have to interpret your fucking posts, faggot
Yes you should, interpretation is literally all reading is

Imagine defending some faggot that describes the 2016 doom as the first game. He got called out for being a fucking moron and making a mistake. Shut the fuck up. You're not going to make me feel shame for ridiculing his stupid ass. He deserves it. Keep pushing your luck and I'll start ridiculing you too.

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It's your fault for giving a single shit about anything Yas Forums says

It's the first game that matters

I'm looking forward to pirating the new doom64 content
I'll eventually buy doom eternal on at least 50% sale though, don't worry. If they want me to care about buying it on release they need to make me care about nudoom multiplayer which won't happen unless they somehow manage to channel the passion I had for playing classic doom multi/co-op.

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Truly pedestrian.

Majority of people on Yas Forums hate games and just want shit to fail because they blame them for their terrible lives, just shit people in general, just learn to spot which threads are bait containment threads and avoid them

Every flavour of the month game is treated like the second coming of christ even here due to the redditor infestation
2016 was never a good game

I heard the game has leaked streams/gameplay

any links doom bros?

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Lets be real 99% of people only played 2016 that care baout it now

>I shouldn't have to interpret your fucking posts, faggot. Express yourself properly.
> Express yourself properly.
>Uses literal images from japanese children’s cartoons to express what he wants to say
It really is like poetry.

My perspective is more like:

You need a wall of text to understand when someone is being mocked?

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this right here
If you take a depressive and negatively sad mongolian intersexual rave forum as your main source to enjoy something, or even anything, you will be stuck in the shit for probably until someone or some people with a considerable voice says otherwise

The original in 93? Because that's the only way you'd be right

No matter how old this image is, it’s still relevant

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>saying something is shit means you aren't allowed to like it

This is why this board has gone to shit.

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You're looking at it wrong. The more buttblasted Yas Forums is about an upcoming game, the better it's going to be, and the more hyped I am.

You really need a wall of text to understand that when discussing a rebooted game series, the phrase “the first game” refers to the first game in the relevant series that the discussion revolves around and not a game from 1993 that literally could not be confused with what I meant due to the context of the conversation revolving around a board that didn’t exist for another decade after it’s release? Because that seems like it was exactly what I had to provide you. Not understanding contextual cues is an actual sign of autism, I’d get that checked if I were you.

I'll refer you to the post I made where I shouldn't have to interpret your posts. First game means first game. Literally. If you mean something else then say something else. That's why you got shit on. Because you made a mistake. Obviously I knew what you meant when you said the first game which is why you only got a fucking quote and a stupid reaction image, but your fucking assmad reaction to being corrected merits more detailed ridicule.

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>game looks fun to play

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Nice strawman. How about you come up with some better reasons before you fucking cry about people disagreeing with you.

i was looking forward to this but now i'm not

is this allowed


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I'm really starting to think that delay was so they could work on skins and multiplay shit

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nigger faggots

I'm more hyped for the OST

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I wish all promotional "hype" threads for games that weren't news updates were pruned, then maybe this place would actually talk about video games more often. Like how many variants of "yes this game looks awesome" or "no fuck you and your family this game looks shit" do you need?

I'm going to be honest Yas Forums, I'm not attracted to singleplayer first-person shooters in the slightest. What I'm here for is simple; I want to kill slayers. They'll get my money solely due to versus mode and more importantly, invasions, because then I'm to hunt down actual people. I think it'll be great fun.

That's cause once it released all the people who didn't give a fuck decided to give it a try due to all the buzz, but they didn't end up liking it.

Didn't really like it either when I played all of it.

This isn't a debate. I'm not here to debate you. So I should have a good reason why a game looks fun but you don't? All anyone falls back on is fortnite colors and the epic cutscenes of murder. RAWR I'm so angry right now.

You should have a good reason why a game looks fun. If you're being shit on by people who disagree with you it's because you're unable or unwilling to explain why you think the things you do. Do not blame other people for reacting poorly to your poor communication skills. People rarely disagree with me when I genuinely voice my opinions about a game because I frame my opinion without rhetoric or clear lack of thought. Try thinking about your opinions before you run your mouth and you'll find that people here generally won't give you a hard time. Anyone who does will be obviously joking around.

ah just pretending to be retarded again, i see

me too, my whole life

When I'm like it, it's because retards don't comprehend how the thing isn't good.

I don't care about your feelings, only the facts. Be as ignorant as you like but I'm not going to stop trying to make sure you're not.

We're all avoiding the real question here. How's the Stadia version?

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>its ok to shit on upcoming releases
>until it comes to pc shit
Shut the fuck up. Doom is highly overrated dogshit

You're supposed to be a miserable bastard you piece of shit. Stop enjoying things.

underrated post

Amen. Feels like I've been waiting for someone to convince me to stop visiting Yas Forums for half a decade.

So did the original DOOM. I haven't seen one person complain about the colors. All the complaints I've seen have been about Bethesda, pricing, microtransactions, the latest trailer's trash music and the continued idiotic idea that doom needs upgrade systems.

Even though I am looking forward to it, you are a faggot OP.
This is now a Blood thread

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I guess you’re fucking blind then

I'm complaining about the colors. It looks oversaturated and has an ugly mix of colors. 2016 handled color much better. That said, I'm still super hyped for the game, something like that isn't close to enough of a problem to be a deal breaker.

Reminder that invasions aren't going to be in the game at release.

>First game means first game. Literally.
If you mean first game in the relative dataset, sure.