

Attached: cursed.jpg (980x989, 122.18K)

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based ohohohohohohhahahahahahahahaposter

lets punish slow weapons more

What a stupid shitty area.

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>Not just rolling through them
What are you? Casul?

what is arrows?

Those poison spitting statues were a lot worse

The whole black gulch area and that blightown copy sucked dicks

Why did Scholar infest this area with statues? It made the most rushed, unfinished zone in the game even less worth your time than it already was.

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DeS = DS1 = DS2 = BB > DS3

you don't like the mmorpg rastafarian lion enemies?

>kick that fucking pot in the face
You eat shit you fucking pot
*eat an effigy*
nothing personell game designers

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what does it taste like?

I don't know why people always go to the shaded woods or the pit/black gulch when the frigid outskirts was way worse than both

Frigid Outskirts is at least optional

it's Dark Souls 2. Tastes like shit.

oh hey user, nice Agape Ring run you're having. You wanna reach the seller uh? KABLAMO

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>just stuff concentrated undead curse in jars lol
can we talk about how ds2 completely missed the point of the undead curse

So Basilisks are shooting undead curse out of their face bags?

this is one of the most retarded design choices ever, why put a boss weapon/spell seller in a room full of enemies? even normal enemies would be tedious to kill everytime you wanna fight them, atleast they fixed that in sotfs, but what the fuck were they thinking originally?

>missed the point
How, exactly? They're still doing the same with that tree in DS3.

>what the fuck were they thinking originally?
That you wouldn't have a safe trip sometimes.


force you to use arrows

the curse rotted greatwood got pawned off various curses from the settlers, possibly their own undead curse buildup like a purging stone, however there's no resident there that doesn't look like bacon so that's unlikely. Arstor's lance itself is a curse and the arm that it sprouts in phase 2 looks very similar to the ghost hands that inflict curse in the grand archives. basically curses other than the undead curse exist, undead curse buildup can be pawned off enough that the undead reverses hollowing and that curses can be pawned off on either living things or previously living objects (purging stones are encased human skulls). i guess my problem is 1. ds2 changing the curse status to progressive hollowing and 2. there not being a whole lot of info on the curse jars and 3. curses in general being vague in dark souls even by the series' standard for vague.

They don't aggro.

>lol curse jars
>lol poison statues
>lol explosion/trap chests
Why does this game need to have so many tiny annoyances?

Because Dark Souls was never about giving you an easy time, and minor grievances keep you on your toes.

I wasn't talking about those. I know they won't aggro you in the SotfS.

But they will put you into a lot of stress because that's the last step of the Agape Ring run, if you fuck up that part you need to restart.


they do in vanilla

Dark Souls isn't about muh hard game.
Actually, correction, that is what DS2 is about

>Dark Souls isn't about muh hard game.
What you read isn't what I typed.

You were talking about the series in general, yeah? The series doesn't make it simple for the player, but throwing in these minor obstacles that aren't fun to think about how to deal with is just the game being a pain in the ass

They took the Dark Souls is hard meme and ran with it.

>minor obstacles that aren't fun to think about how to deal with
Like most enemy mobs in all 3 games.

>what the fuck were they thinking originally?
oh shit of fuck we have a game to release in three months and all we have a bunch of jumbled shit and nonsensical
namco is going to fucking kill us

Dark Souls 2 feels like a chinese knockoff of 1

to me it's the fucking Brume Tower
>having to collect the smelter wedges
>enemies chase after you like a bunch of rapists across rooms
>narrow rooms crammed with enemies, exploding barrels, fire, and enemies carrying exploding barrels
>those giant mother fuckers that spit lava from both sides
>teleporting witches that shit out eletricity out of their cunts
>more narrow rooms with fire and enemies and exploding enemies that you have to scare to get them to open secret rooms
>that fucking part with the exploding fat fucks
and the worse part of all the
>"please just kill everything 12 times and get over with", the blue smelter demon area. Holy shit that area was painfull.

it's my most hated DLC level for sure

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i loved shaded woods though. wasn't amazing or anything but had a really nice art design going for it. lion guys were fun to beat up too

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>Died a ton of times omw to the fume knight battle
>Beat him after countless tries
>Mfw I didn't notice the fucking bonfire outside his boss area

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holy shit lol

>Fufu, kill them Bazinga

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>minor obstacles
>blind run in blighttown
>abyss cave in dlc
>lost izalith

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so many branches wasted there. should have googled what garbage was behind them.

I'm playing through DS3 for the first time, got to the undead settlement. You guys weren't kidding when you said it's linear as fuck.

Great game but yeah. There are some splits later though. Theres also a way to do late game boss early.

It's still decently fun if a bit derivative. As long as there isn't any missable stuff that forces me to go through NG+ I'm good.

na youre good hi

>fucking bonfire outside his boss area
H-hey! at least we know how to fall fast to his area, right?

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Your character also moves like a paraplegic compared to dark souls 2

You roll much faster than in previous entries though.

>its okay when the japs do it

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you're gonna have to sauce me up on that