Why haven't you hired an E-Girl/E-Boy to play games with yet?

Why haven't you hired an E-Girl/E-Boy to play games with yet?

Attached: E-Girl.jpg (1918x911, 323.34K)

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I didn't even know iron was a rank, these people must be absolutely awful

I can't use voice chat without having some simp DMing me and these e-whores are going out of their way for it.

what am I missing here, do they get paid?

Can you imagine how pathetic one must be to do that?


I can carry you pathetic fucks in Rocket League

For me its Moon Moon

Who /Moon Moon/ here?

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E-Girl sappin muh computa.

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Kill yourself.

>$5 a game
Bitch you better carry me if you’re that expensive

>So many people signed up its already just $1 per game

>No fg e-girl to teach you how to play some good ass tekken.


where are the good games?

>playing for a girl to play vidya with you
>90% of them sub platnium rank
fucking pathetic

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When they get a tab that lets me hire one for a long drawn out CRPG co-op then I'll consider it. You couldn't pay me to play any of the shit on the left

Females are not human

I cannot see females as human

I cannot empathize with females

Is that 5 dollars a game?
Watch the fuck

Are you trying to recruit Yas Forums trannies?

Fuck it I'd hire this dude

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Ain’t that a 1v1 game?
Why would I pay to do private 1v1s in fucking hearthstone?

being gold at all is still in the top third of all ranked players

Is 5g = 5$? I have no idea what is G

>professional e-boy
>anime avatar
Should I buy this guy and make him be my support and ERP with me?

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Nice work with this one.

i'll play with you for free ;_;

ngl bros i'm simpin this one

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>doing it for free

My assumption that G stood for Game, so $5 = 1 Game/Match
I hope that's incorrect though because what the fuck

>Orianna main

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>all the guys have the lowest rates meanwhile the femoids are charging up to 10 dollars
yet another thing to show how fucking absurd even the average woman's ego and entitlement and sense of self-importance is

Life on easy mode

>Not even cut
>Not even good at the game

Do landwhales really pay for playing with chads?

I bet most of the boys are for the gayfags and bifags you find on Yas Forums

The ladies are delusional but faggots also aren't worth much so he's correct to price that low.

Supply and demand

it's just fucking impossible to find a regular girl irl who isn't a straight up whore or e-whore isn't it? let alone one who's a virgin like me

wow, moonmoon looks like THAT?

>society is at that point
Why it's alsmot impossible to just have friends in 2020?

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>another tradthot

I tried going to dating sites, all I got were either webcam girls trying to find orbiters, or straight up escorts.

All the Overwatch "Top 500" players are using screenshots of their Season 17 stats

There seems like no accountability here

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>the fucking shout

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yup. i met what seemed like a sperg on an mmo and she turned out to be a tinder size queen who also got an offer to do porno work.

Moon moon? Wait is that the guy Aris from ATP keeps talking about on stream? Some Asian fuckboy?

Who's more pathetic? The "men" paying these whores just to play a fucking video game with them or the incels actively seeking out these mental patients to laugh at them.

>$150 a game
nani the fuck?

my god

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Laughing at them is funny though

most pathetic is the incels in denial going out of their way to stalk "incels" aka lonely depressed men (like that one subreddit, inceltears i think)

Flirting aside, would you hire this autist to win the games for you?

defiantly the people shilling out money for e-ho attention.

ok fags, which one of you is this one?

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>wanting someone else to play for you
It's like Twitch except you pay money

Would you play with him?

Which one of you is this?

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always remember when people claim there are girls out there just like us: it's fucking bullshit.

makeup is disgusting and also it's funny to think about how people literally will be attracted to the disgusting shit she paints on her face and not her actual face and will give her money

There's a difference between laughing at some retard you see in the wild and going to an asylum throw peanuts at one.

I posted this pic a few weeks thinking it was fake, what the fuck

At this point, you have better chances meeting a decent women through mutual friends. Its the only way besides the cold approach which is risky due to today's rape culture nonsense.

okay thats pretty good

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Of course it's real bro do you not know how retarded things are.

This is a new asylum, it's natural to have an interest

I'm in, always down for some good dubya kino

Yeah, I'm in computer science, and all my frens are in the same career, and needless to say, either I'm unlucky as fuck, or every computer science related class is a sausage party.

"cold approach" is fucking nonsense and only works for chads
if you're attractive enough to be approached by a girl, then it would work out if you approached. if you're sub 8, you'll just make them angry

>now watch this drive

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>It's like that escort or rent a girlfriend service with no sex

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>blood elf


Fuck elves
and fuck spics

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Holy fucking cringe. And that Pepe avatar. Girls that use Yas Forums memes are mentally ill.

>didn't even leave her a like
what the fuck user

huh I guess I never thought of it like tha- 10 fucking dollars you fucking simp kys

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Anyone here consider signing up as a rent-a-gamer? Sounds like easy money if you can get gigs

I know a girl who even says normie IRL

>if you can get gigs

What's the market for ugly fat dudes willing to pretend to be cute twinks?

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I don't see why you guys care so much.

everyone on here is a goddamn anti social neet who never want to group up and play vidya.

Sorry, I don't play ASSFAGGOTS.

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bro I dont pay my friends to play with me, I meet them online and we get along and they send me a friend request after a game or whatever how can you be that anti social?

How is this even "legit"? don't american boomers have a way of tax the shit out of this?
don't britbongs have a way to ban this because muh kids?

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When are they adding tf2?

Only mental normalfags would use "normie".

>Didn't even leave a Like

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Im tempted to be an E-boy just to find some friends to be lewd for.

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Not gonna lie Id hire some kino cunny to play games with me if the game selection wasnt awful.

Everyone has a way to ban this, but only when it gets popular enough to get government attention.

user you're PAYING someone money to play video games with you no fucking shit they're going to be nice to you. They want you to come back and give them more money

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I've been playing with the same group of friends I met in 2007 in TF2. There's 8 of us and we constantly rotate in and out with new games all the time. Each and every one of us has rhino hide skin when it comes to shit talking and we let loose on everyone. You'll never experience this.

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i don't play with people here because i play with people i meet in game and my irl freinds

>half the profiles are weeb
>zero (0) furry profiles
Really makes you think