Press S to spit on E3's grave.
Press S to spit on E3's grave
oh great another twitter e celeb thread, fuck off already
all for a nothingburger, damn this hysteria is bullshit
>sees twitter screenshot
>doesn't read it and instantly plays the e-celeb card
the internet is obsessed with coming up with ways to abreviate shit like "wtf omg ngl t-b-h rn fr"
why the fuck is y'all so forbidden to you subhumans?
>no big vidya event to shitpost about
what a fucking boring year
Wasn't everyone pulling out even before corona?
And nothing of value was lost.
um... what about The Game Awards sweaty
>Nintendo direct at E3 they said
Ninty doesnt have anything so it cancels E3
even less content than e3
not funny bad, just annoying bad too
When it's a nice texan mom saying it to you it's endearing, when its a twitter cunt saying it it's annoying and is usually allway's used when being a cunt
Yes. they're even remoddeling it into an e-celeb and influencer event because everybody is leaving.
Because it's disgusting and country
No? Just the same one's who pulled out last year and 2018.
so is the corona virus really a big deal?
t. some user from a no name country
almost exclusively used by dumb niggers on twitter
I don't even watch E3 I just come here after the shitstorm and piece it together
Hopefully this put on end to the absolute garbage that this E3.
Noone cares about that shitshow anyway.
It was about time for it to end for good.
Only Sony was the big one to pull out. Everyone else still had show floors. People have been pulling out because of Corona. Yas Forums is too retarded and still think E3 is only the presentations.
>400 posts of people going >y'all
it's lefty language
Sony was right
It's been used by the southern part of the country before you were even born. Seek therapy, having blacks on the mind constantly isn't healthy.
and nothing of value was lost
It used to be amazing. Then streaming became a thing.
And the only ones that choose to go (MS and Ubisoft) have the exact same crap they do every year. This is long overdue.
It is, people aren't taking it seriously. It's well on its way to infecting millions.
>try to become more hip to the "influential" crowd
>become the influenza crowd instead
F for fweeeeeeeeee
>Cancel your E3 flights and hotels, y'all.
Just a flu, bro.
They could still host the E3's online functionality, you just need interviewer, game devs, a game trailer, a guy with a flute and stream that.
The Pope knew.
I don't really care, I never even watched E3 anyway. I just read a summary of it a day or so after it finished.
Currently your chances of being struck by lightning 5 times is higher than catching corona. The death rate for people under 70 is also quite low. Close to the flu. When it comes to the really young, it's straight up non-lethal and there are no reported cases of someone under 9 dying to the disease.
For boomers it is, doesn't mean you should avoid the hand washing though.
But I thought Trump said Corona virus will go away next month when it gets warmer.
E3 never recovered after this
E3 has been dead for a while. This isn't surprising news
If you're talking about that whole supposed leaked list that was supposedly missing a bunch of big names like Nintendo, Microsoft, Capcom, and Konami etc, etc?
That was literally fake news spread by sonyfags that didn't Sony to be the only ones giving up on E3. All those that were supposedly missing were already confirmed to be attending, and after that fake news spread they were re-confirmed again from several venues to be attending.
Sonys swansong to E3.
because it's an annoying affectation
It's only 80+ types that have a significant death rate. 80+ Is outside boomer range.
unless its a part of your cultural vernacular, youre just a hipster faggot
fuck off trend following sheeple
Post the """Best""" moments of E3 in memorium
I watch from home anyway,so nintendo direct here I come
I can't even remember anything substantial announced at E3 in the past few years. DMCV is the closest thing.
What's even replacing E3, a bunch of shitty mini events that no one will watch?
Shows how much of a retard he is. Its unknown, for all we know warm weather will make it worse.
He's an idiot, and the way he fucked this up (and the economy tanking as a result) is gonna cost him reelection.
>not getting that devolver is ironic
Kill yourself, sonyroach.
What were they thinking?
>gonna cost him reelection
he's up against a senile geezer so who knows
He's trying to use his usual tactics that have always worked. Lie, cover up etc. I don't think gaslighting and cover up is going to chase the virus away, neither will breaking the law.
She's getting too fucking strong.
Nintendo Direct and the Sony State of Play.
Microsoft is kinda fucked though.
Why are there people who want E3 to not be a thing so badly? You really want to wake up a 8 AM to watch a stand-alone Ubisoft conference?
The reason E3 is great because it was a barrage of gaming news from big companies and small ones got a big spotlight so everything felt special. Ain't nobody about to clear their schedule just to watch a Devolver Digital conference at some random time in August or some shit.
Ah so all of Yas Forums is safe then
We did it Yas Forumsros!
We fucking did it!
Who needs E3 when you have Youtube and soc media?
We're already there. E3 was already at the point of people releasing trailers early to beat they hype or getting leaked.
>Sony State of Play
No seriously, does anyone actually watch that?
Xbros btfo
Oh no, how will those companies advertise to me now?
Its can still be that, only instead of cringey idiots on stage its just straight gameplay footage done via streaming.
Thank you Corona-chan!
We got retail money here, lmao
Devolver is based in Texas you chode
Cursed image
country is right, based retard
So when are we nuking China
proud coomer here
I will MATE PRESS Coronachan!
Back to your containment board, ShareBlue
They're both senile geezers
because we don't use it ergo it's bad by default.
>Peggle 2 Announcement
Maybe. Sony keeps doing them either way.
He is a senile geezer himself.
Trump isn't senile, just kind of dumb
Biden is straight up going senile though
E3 is too popular and as such they need to pander to the woke crowd. It needs to go, same as twitter
There's literally nothing anybody can do when all tangible stuff is made in China. Also people give too much credit to the President for the state of the economy.
>nintendo direct during e3
>Random game trailers at microsoft conference
I guess I'll watch the yongyeas commentary
>same things any other time of the year
I dont even own a console, why the fuck would I watch nintendo announcements?
Who cares about some random indie game?
Directs are the future and the future is now.
Trump has early dementia signs.
>fuck off trend following sheeple
says the guy who most certainly saves reaction images from this site and uses Yas Forums memes.
>inb4 n-no i don't
yes you do.
All this butthurt because Angloids can't into plural second person.
Then again, the virus means the PS5 and Sexbox won't be launching this year anyway, so its not like they'll have anything to show.
if Trump is early then Biden is stage 7
You types should have fucked off after 3 and a half years of examples of the US president having more power than pre-magna carta Kings of England.
Shame. I always took the day off school/work to watch the first day with a big ass burrito by my side throughout the first day. Im talking about those huge challenge burritos. I'd buy one and eat it all on that day. Its been a goddamn tradition at this point.
They should invite him for E3 this year to perform in the empty presentation room.
uhg i know right?
country people are so disgusting, not like us cultured city people with our sidewalks made of feces and free used aids infested needles everywhere
I dont think people are blaming Trump for Corona, they're saying he's handled it like a fucking moron.
Sony is probably pretty happy with the corona virus in that scenario.
Microsoft is ready to accept pre-orders so they can just lose.
BECUZ BAD WEBSITE USE IT!!!!!!!11 11!!1!!
>Close to the flu
It is 3 percent. That is an order of magnitude over the flu.
So is everyone just gonna copy Nintendo now?
I don't understand why everyone is so happy about this. E3 was garbage but was fantastic entertainment with how out of touch everyone was at all times. Probably my favorite conference of all time was when this self absorbed fuck came out for ubisoft and talked about Avatar for almost 2 hours. Only underage babbies think E3 getting canceled is a good thing
Nice blog, fuckface
Italian patient 1 was a 24 year old athlete who was in critical condition due to corona. Flu kills tons of people per year and corona is multiple times deadlier.
that time ubisoft tried to make one of them epic may-mays
>he thought words on the internet matched real peoples thoughts
No ones happy about it.
Is Squilliam okay?
>Currently your chances of being struck by lightning 5 times is higher than catching corona.
Imaging believing this disinfo bullshit.
If it means no more musical performances from Ubisoft to promote Just Dance #347921, then its a necessary sacrifice.
The atmosphere this coronavirus brings is more fun than E3 anyways. We'll still get a bunch of livestreams we can watch around June, with the added comfiness of the virus outside as we remain safe indoors.
Devolver is Texan.
The E3 that followed was way, way better though.
Is it cause of Corona virus or just falling down now
they won't ever launch then. The virus isn't vanishing. It's here to stay. If these companies think they're gonna wait for it to blow over in 6 months and then announce their shit, then they may as well file for bankruptcy now. They either announce their shit via a direct type of thing, or attend this shit to announce. Or never release their games because they can't make announcements now.
I think the SEX will come out this holiday but “limited” releases in a few regions. Sony will most likely delay the PS5 to March 2021.
>muh death rate
You're forgetting that the "recovered" folk can still suffer from life-long pneumonia and get reinfected with Corona anyways. You can die from a secondary infection due to it messing up your defenses.
Cope with it however you feel, they're both old embarrassments
Sony can make announcements easy. They have the State of Play, shitty as it is.
Microsoft needed E3. They got nothing now.
people from the south use it for endearment, lefties use it to talk down to people or ingratiate themselves to communities they don't already naturally assimilate into.
Its noticeable and reviled behavior, it doesn't matter what word it is specifically. Its the context of it being used.
Current deathrate of corona for people under 60 is 0.2
Please read next time.
You are aware that if 0.2% die that means some still die, yes? It's like you don't know how numbers work. Your image literally proves me right?
Everyone does know this is mostly because of the Corona stuff and there is most likely going to be an E3 2021 right?
Barely anything Trump wants has been allowed by congress.
Regions with strong Internet, no doubt.
>tfw it really was the right thing to bloat last year's collage
It's super omega infectious is the big deal, like EVERYONE is probably going to get it at some point of another, and it'll likely kill 1% or so of the earths entire population
And nothing of value was lost.
Comiket announcement soon.
where are my real bros that are kinda upset about this?
we all knew e3 was bs, but that doesn't mean it wasn't fun.
e3 always marks the beginning of summer for me. been watching for what, 15+ years now?
ill miss is this year.
im sure there'll be pre-recorded directs, but it's not gonna be the same. live shenanigans, unscripted awkward encounters, breeding new memes, comfy lulls between the big press conferences, shitposting while the warm summer breeze rolls in through the open window...
fuck... it was next-gen console announcements this year too. those are always a good time
hey you can't just keep them in that jar
E3 was a cross-promotion event.
People who own ps watch state of play, people who watch E3 dont necessarily own a console but might become ps owners after seeing sony promotions.
You know MS has an event too, right?
>100k cases of corona world wide right now out of 7 and a half billion
Feel free to do the math there. FYI your chances of being struck by lightning is 1 in 700k per year. 1 in 3000 in your life. Even if "DA NUMBERS ARE ALL LIES" and it's really 1 million, that's still not close.
We'll always have cringe compilations from other sources. Though E3 was always an embarrassment gold mine.
Maybe. If people prefer whatever they do this year, why bother going back?
Not to mention the permanent testicle damage
Nintendo will still attend E3. Even if E3 was to be cancelled or postponed this year, they'd attend next year.
that's beautiful
>see you at E3 2024
I've seen no evidence of this. Just spazs screaming disinfo shit.
>Chinese CDC
fake news
Does your dumb ass not realize that 0.2% doesn't mean that only 0.2% can get infected? Does your dumb ass not know that even if you're the healthiest motherfucker on the planet not only can you still die but even if you recover you can still suffer from lifelong pneumonia?
Good job agreeing with Trump, retard.
Ah, we won't have a sticky then.
For now. If E3 is really canned, where are they gonna go?
What do you Yas Forumscucks have to gain with blatant misinformation and fear mongering?
The "LIFELONG PNEUMONIA" thing is disinfo. 0.2% is comparable to the flu. I am sorry that you are wrong and all but there is no need to get so mad.
Gee, I wonder why.
Yeah, "attend"
>thought the toilet paper shortage thing was a meme
>it's actually real
what the fuck bros, i've been to 3 different grocery stores in my city they're all sold out
send help, I NEED TO SHIT
>MFW I thought 2020 was the year of god tier events and planned releases
>everything is getting cancelled
>even the austin tx event I was planning on going to with friends
end it
They have their own event, Basedny gamer. dilate
not surprising since there are retards who lick shit in the grocery store or purposefully try to infect others with aids of course they couldn't trust that people wouldn't try to deliberately spread corona
An estimated 1/5 of UK workers will be off work sick at the same time.
I've been sick from hay fever recently, I'm fully recovered now.
Although the UK Government has requested to all companies that any sick people should stay off for at least a week after they've covered, so I'm still off work even now.
People are taking it very seriously.
>0.2% is comparable to the flu
.2% is still higher than the flu even with you downplaying it.
The South is lefty?
because there isn't any beyond a single study from one small group at a lab
and since that supports the OMG END OF THE WORLD XD LAAAAAAAARP I LOVE LARPING narrative, it's spammed all over Yas Forums.
>user keeps mentioning death rate
>keep screaming infected
Jesus calm down
Watch them cancel that too out of worry.
First Playstation Home and now this?? Where am I supposed to stand in line and watch commercials now?!
Y'all's more vocal and I doubt everyone online has a southern drawl. Just seems weird.
Most people are fine with abbreviations you've listed since they just use the first letter of each word.
They have their own Inside Xbox events that no one really watches.
>No E3
>No Anime Expo
>No Comiket
Why? Trump even said today that this is going away soon and it’s not even as bad as the flu. The left’s lies are ruining so many lives it’s insane
China is being more truthful than the US is.
>Yas Forumstards being on the fearmonger side
>when Trump is on the opposite side
Nice try.
Oh no, we won't get to see rent-a-crowds overreact to superfluous flashy presentations with insignificant announcements.
To the MS theater. And they do their own event there
Just like every other year...
>when Trump is on the opposite side
Trump is literally an antivaxxer
Are Americans so unsure of their health system that they don't expect the virus to be under control by fucking June?
This sucks dick E3 is my favorite time of the year
I hope you have a handheld shower head
Did you reply to the wrong post or are you a schizo?
This is the final nail, first Nintendo showed the potential of big digital showcases. Sony just left entirely, not even leaving booths like Activision.
I don't expect E3 to ever be the same again after this, publishers will do a 1 hour long video package and developers might actually get to talk about a game rather than just a 2 minute trailer.
>being a disingenuous faggot
Don't ever reply to me again, you dumb nigger.
>No anime expo
Sucks for my niece. She lives for that shit. But fuck if I am attending that shit this year.
>it's just a flu bro
Do you realize that the numbers are bound to grow and grow because that's what contagious disease do?
Do you realize we have pretty much no data about Africa as a whole?
Do you realize that to calculate being stuck FIVE times you need to elevate 1/3000 five times?
you realize a direct doesn't require anyone to be present at e3 right?
Are you australian
+10 cups of gutter oil has been added to your account
Kind of. The biggest hit will be in economy considering everyone's freaking out, but as of right now it's not too deadly if you don't have any other issues. Just follow proper procedure to make sure you don't get infected or infect others.
>Thank you for taking me to Italy user, youre the best friend a girl could ask for!
America is uniquely poised to be fucked harder than any country due to their healthcare+work system. Many many poor people will NOT stay at home if they get corona.
Not an argument.
Oh my god. I hope they don't cancel EVO this year too... it's one of the few times I get to leave the city
She can do whatever she wants with me.
sorry, I only get paid in live mice
>virus that gives you the bad end of pneumonia, has a fairly good chance of killing the more vulnerable groups of the population and gives you fever, possible permanent damage to the lungs heart and kidneys
>Virus that is completely overloading italy hospitals to the point of them stating they actually have to choose and leave some untreated