So Yas Forums do you think the E3 can recover from being cancelled this year ?

so Yas Forums do you think the E3 can recover from being cancelled this year ?

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they're probably trolling

>White niggas in the thread.

Nevermind, you guys should go LOL.

Their social media manager is white.


I have a buddy who knows a guy that works at the ticket counter and he said
>"My uncle works at Nintendo and he says the show's cancelled."
Thanks for stopping by.
Later, YouTube!

i already talked to robert at the kinoplex right across the street from the convention center and he told me e3 is cancelled. it will be announced by friday at the latest

I think it is given that the show is cancelled this year.

1. The show isn't even necessary. Every company can easily do direct style videos instead and release demos online.

2. Several countries are already banning events with more than 1000 people participating incl staff


the complete overreaction of the coronavirus is so fucking pathetic and monumentally sad

humans are complete pussies

>Yas Forums doesn't like cowboys now

There is literally nothing wrong with saying "y'all"

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I'm not falling for your tricks Corona-Chan.

>E3 is cancelled
>Nintendo has no excuse to postpone their Direct until June

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it feels like something that could not have happened a decade ago. Like we are way beyond the feminized limit we though we had just crossed.

>boomer killer
>destroying 401ks along with the Dow
>faggots too scared to go outside
absolutely based

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waco reporting in

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Ya'll is in the dictionary you holier-than-thou fucks. Newsflash: If you're on this site you're already a dumbfuck moronic loser.

it seriously is, so many things cancelling, the news reporting it 24/7 so they can scare more people. swine flu was way worse and we ended up fine.

You'd want to cancel it anyway unless you like spreading corona all over the place

It's literally a texan company.

>it feels like something that could not have happened a decade ago
swine flu happened a decade ago and killed more than CV

Tell that to the doctors and medical personel that are ringing the alarm bells and showing pictures of entire halls full of intubated people with severe pneumonia, having to choose who to focus their aid on when the hospitals are getting so swamped they cannot treat all.

Because that's the reality of italy right now

>sonyroaches don't know that devolver is ironic kino
Watch their e3 shows. They show off cancer companies like sony really well.

Thrall reporting in

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>cancelling something four fucking months away because of le beer germ
This is fucking absurd. My vacation plans for June better not fucking be affected by panicking white boomers who actually think cuhroona is going to still be a thing half a year from now

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Ya'll is retard and nigger speak prove me wrong you can't.

>Tell that to the doctors and medical personel that are ringing the alarm bells
you mean the same doctors that are telling all suspected patients to go home, instead of actually trying to contain anything? they know it's a joke and aren't worried about it spreading



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You still talk like a fucking faggot though

I already did, it's in the dictiontionary.

Whites invented yall when rounding up slaves
>yall coloreds comere
See told you

Arlen beepin by

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You have a point, I'd love for you to come over here and suck my dick.

>they know it's a joke
Now you're just spewing bullshit, their statements are the complete opposite of what you are saying.

Is corona virus real?

>le spooky beer germ is cancelling any kind of gathering at all
It has a lower fatality rate than the fucking flu. I mean, good riddance to E3 and all, but holy fuck the disease is not worth the mass fucking hysteria it's causing.

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It's really bad to boomers though.
Saying it doesn't matter when a good portion of the population is in danger is psycho shit.
Do you not care about the lives of other humans just because thier a bit older?


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>muh imaginary factory shutdowns
>believing commies
>believing china of all people

Pretty convenient to have a doomsday outbreak when your facist country has violent student protests 24/7

Honestly no.

I want to get corona virus

I hope it doesn't. I'm tired of expecting E3 to be anything more than a waste of time.

The age of the trade show is dead.

Y'all is only said by retarded hicks & subhuman rednecks.

Y'all is only said by retarded based bois and other twitteresque subhumans.

The more things change the more they stay the same.

Nah, it's over. E3 is a relic anyway.

the common cold is a coronavirus.

Got to thinking... Maybe I have the coronavirus, and I just don't know it yet?

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Seems legit

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>uni classes cancelled
>stores running out of water and toilet paper
>stock market crashing
>e3 cancelled
All this shit happening because chinks just have to have their underground markets that sell wild animals for consumption

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Like it or not "y'all" has been co-opted by lefty Twitter because of it's gender-neutral quality and it's usage in the black community.

like it or not, the words i use will be the words i choose, even if they're not your preferred pronouns, snowflake.


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the common cold is a rhinovirus ya dongus

I wasn't even saying that I agree with them you dumb boomer. I also hate the fact that leftist have taken this word for their own.

Named as such because patient Zero was a guy snorting Rhino horn.

Thanks China.

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Most of the industry impact from e3 comes from the streams. They can hold it without the actual booths if they want

We have no idea how widespread Corona is right now. You can have it with no symptoms for like, two weeks.

>>uni classes cancelled
where are you?

Not that user, but Iowa is on the edge of shutting down all colleges.

E3 was basically dead anyway, if Corona is the final nail in the coffin I'd be okay with it.

containment phase is over dumbfuck

Imagine making a soup so bad that it causes a global pandemic.