What did Doug Browser mean by this?

What did Doug Browser mean by this?

Is Nintendo popular in Latin America? I read that Nintendo is popular in Mexico but Nintendo exited Brazil and other South American countries because they couldn't afford games there.

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All my coworkers spend their free time playing smash. I am the only pc guy in my office.

t. Mexican

it is very popular

Poaching the snoyggers while they're seething at Horizon zero Dawn no longer being Playstation exclusive


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Nintendo is pupular, but KoF is bigger.

like pottery

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nintendo loves latinoamerica so much they excluded them from the eshop on purpose so they don't accidentally buy one of their shit games. thanks nintendo, we will never buy your garbage games.

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in Chile we have our official eshop :)

give back the beaches you fucking coca eating bastards!

cheio de maricas

Nintendo to shift business to official sopa de macaco in Brazil.

come to brazil

Aa far as I know, South Americans need to buy from a website, get an online code and redeem it to get the game.

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How come latinos don't freak out abiut this stuff? My friend is dating a latina girl and the family loves it when he speaks broken spanish and takes part in the culture. Compare to white culture where everyone freaks out and complaints about "cultural appropriation".

a day in the life of doug bowser:

8:00 - get to work, send out a few emails to publishers, begging for ports, when they ignore you, go to step 2
8:15 - sit around and play video games the rest of the day, maybe send out a tweet
5:00 - go home

social activism has evolved into social bounty hunting where people seek anything that could be seen as insensitive and pounce on it for points.

>sit around and play video games the rest of the day

I dunno dude

Mexicans love sombreros

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>Compare to white culture where everyone freaks out and complaints about "cultural appropriation".
its not white culture, it pozzed oversensitive snowflakes

We've been able to buy from the eshop with our credit cards for a while.

Ok Latino bros, it's time

>Your country
>Favorite Nintendo game
>Favorite Nintendo character
>Favorite Nintendo game OST
>What're you currently playing and looking forward to?
>Your most dear Nintendo memory

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"you poor stupid fools, we'll be offended FOR you" is basically how they operate. It's for brownie points and they don't actually care if the people/groups in question are actually offended or not. They were pulling this shit all way back with Speedy Gonzalez saying he was racist and offensive when Mexicans loved him.

I see

Mexico always had eShop from the beginning, buying with Paypal is cheaper, I read that Argentina can't use PayPal because they're poor

Non-whites love it when people not of their race think they understand them but don't really/entirely, it's both cute to them and ensures their privacy.

>Your country
>Favorite Nintendo game
>Favorite Nintendo character
>Favorite Nintendo game OST
>What're you currently playing and looking forward to?
>Your most dear Nintendo memory

>get paid for it

Sounds like a better life than most of Yas Forums.

Because we are not obsessed with race to the point it shapes our entire worldview.

>Chrono Trigger
>Ganondorf maybe
>Chrono series but that includes the psx one, if thats not possible then snes dkc
>AC, first switch game im buying the console for
>Finishing and dominating mario world,dkc and later on skies of arcadia with my lil'bro

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latinos have a thing for caucasian americans and europeans. Lately though, a lot of people have been copying sjw americans. For example, there's been fights regarding native american costumes.

Super Mario 64.
I don't fucking know, Kirby? There's so many.
I have a lot, but this came to mind. youtube.com/watch?v=fmBtRiVs070
Currently playing all FE Three Houses routes on Maddening and looking forward to all the Switch games without release dates, don't care for AC.
My most dear memory is playing my Nintendo 64 with SM64 for the first time with my family watching after they had grown up with the SNES.

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Because to have people love Thier culture and embrace their roots means they’re winning the survival of the fittest game

Soon all of America will be mixed white/Hispanics who celebrate 16 de septiembre, listen to hokey mariachi music, never fix their smoke alarms, have a picture or shrine of the Virgin Mary in every room in the house and have to go to some relatives daughters quinceanera every other week

nintendo and steam won't let latino americanos use paypal to buy because some shit about people using it for money laundering, how very progressive of them putting all of us together in the same boat because some fucks do it.

Now that I think about it, while we can use our credit cards, I think we still need to set our region for USA if we want actual access to the eshop, that's how I've been doing it since the Wii U.

Some Native Americans actually do get offended as people get the entire war dance thing and outfits completely wrong.

>Ok Latino bros, it's time
>Your country
Costa Rica
>Favorite Nintendo game
Twilight princess
>Favorite Nintendo character
>Favorite Nintendo game OST
Mario Galaxy
>What're you currently playing and looking forward to?
Astral Chain, looking forward to Bayonetta 3
>Your most dear Nintendo memory
My parents promised me a game boy color if I got good grades, and delivered it with Pokemon Gold.

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steam and nintendo accept paypal in Brazil. Weirdly enough, only the PS Store doesn't.

>>Your country
>>Favorite Nintendo game
Super Mario World 2 Yoshi's Island
>>Favorite Nintendo character
>>Favorite Nintendo game OST
Xenoblade Chronicles 2 OST
>>What're you currently playing and looking forward to?
Super Smash Bros, Ultimate, Devil May Cry HD Collection, Pato Box, and all these unopened games I bought at full price
>>Your most dear Nintendo memory
Finishing Super Mario World and Mega Man X

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i ain't latin but i'm having sex with a hispanic chick does that count


Pokemon Emerald
Zinnia (only because design)
Pokemon Gold
Fuck Nintendo

That sounds based as fuck.

>>Your country
>>Favorite Nintendo game
Super Mario RPG
>>Favorite Nintendo character
>>Favorite Nintendo game OST
Super Mario Galaxy 2 OST
>>What're you currently playing and looking forward to?
Playing Mega Man Z/ZX Collection, looking forward to Animal Crossing.
>>Your most dear Nintendo memory
Playing Super Smash Bros Melee with my bros

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It means: based Doug Bowser knows Mexico is the only country that matters in Latin America, hence the pic.

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As a US colony, we have access to burger eshop.

>>Your country
Costa Rica
>>Favorite Nintendo game
Pokemon Emerald
>>Favorite Nintendo character
>>Favorite Nintendo game OST
Wind Waker
>>What're you currently playing and looking forward to?
Nothing because I am poor so can't get a switch
>>Your most dear Nintendo memory
Pretty much every time I sat down to play was magic to me.
I want to go back please god

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>>Your Country
>>Favorite Nintendo Game
Mario & Luigi Dream Team
>>Favorite Nintendo Character
>>Favorite Nintendo game OST
>>What're you currently playing and looking forward to?
Smash Bros with homies (Marvel Ultimate Alliance Solo),Animal Crossing New Horizons,planned to buy Astral Chain but it can wait
>>Your most dear Nintendo memory
It's 2004 my dad hand us 2 gameboy advance SP to my Big Bro and me.
Came with Mario & Luigi and Mario Kart,since that day we became legit Nintendo Fans,buying tons of cartridges,when the next console launched,we sold all of it,then to the next one
I really miss those times..

>Your country
>Favorite Nintendo game
>Favorite Nintendo character
My boy Incineroar
>Favorite Nintendo game OST
Animal Crossing Wild World
>What're you currently playing and looking forward to?
Project Diva Mega39s, and hyped as fuck for Animal Crossing I swear can't wait anymore aaa
>Your most dear Nintendo memory
I was 10 years old or so and my parents were in the middle of their divorce process, I was starting to feel very alone until a friend borrowed me her ds with a r4, I downloaded ACWW for curiosity and created a new save. That game not only saved my childhood but it also gave me one of the best summers of my life

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>bing bing waoo pizza spagetthi mama mia letsa go gay bowser!

Latinos are much culturally diverse (we still hate each other tho).

That's because Mexicans have a strong identity and culture, they always get representation in media because they create good movies, fantastic dubs and music, Mariachi is cultural heritage from the world, they have pyramids, and also have created incredible food.

For example, Kerbal Space Program is the most successful game from Mexico and Latin America selling over 4 million twitter.com/DomsPlaying/status/1225530827871793166?s=19

Patobox is Suda51 favorite game, got a physical release gamefragger.com/multiplatform/suda51-thinks-pato-box-is-the-best-independent-game-of-2018-a10857

Mexicans create amazing games, meanwhile South Americans lack identity and can't produce good games at all.

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Don Ramon y el Señor Barriga.


There was a time where there were more local productions being made 30-50 years ago in most of the continent, I don't really know what made the rest of us lazier desu.

Is the economy getting any better or is the peso still at $50 per 1 USD? at least that's how it was when I went last year.

She's so cute even her big nose manages to be adorable.

1 USD is $62 Argentine peso, also Argentina is collapsing

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Cubans, Mexicans, whatever the fuck, they don't care how little Spanish you know as long as you can somehow carry a conversation without them breaking into english. That's what I had to do for an entire year while working at an Office Depot a long time ago in South Florida.

Why is he posting a Mexican Mario on Martin Day?

nintendo is "back" in brazil (web only, you get a code for redeeming on eshop)
pirating games is not cool for the middle class since the 360/ps3 generation, people actually spend tons of money on that shit.

I'm also the only PC guy on a group of coworkers who only plays fifa and or fortnite on PS4