This was never good and people who pretend that its the best souls and anything other than garbage are lying

This was never good and people who pretend that its the best souls and anything other than garbage are lying

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it is good but it's not better than dark souls

Ok zoomer

You could say the same about Dark Souls 1/2/3.
It least Demon's Souls has better gameplay than Dark Souls 1.

Anybody who doesn't like it is just bad.

I'm sorry, but I personally think you are wrong.

BB = DaS ≥ DeS > DaS3 > DaS2

with DaS and DeS interchaning spots depending on my mood
that being said, I enjoyed all souls games

gigachad out

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Acquire skill.

I enjoy DeS much more than any of the DaS games because it was from a time before FROM saw all the fan feedback and decided they had to try to "balance" their games. These games are way more fun when they're full of dumb broken shit that you get to discover as you play rather than every weapon/spell/build being the same boring bullshit over and over again.
DaS was also fun before any of the patches hit but every time it got patched they just whittled away more and more of the fun stuff. 2 got neutered almost immediately when they nerfed magic and 3 was fucked right out of the gate.

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im really curious why you think all of the unrefined mechanics of demons souls makes it better than ds1 which fixed all of its issues

what's the zweihander of DeS? big boy strength weapon ezmode to flatten enemies through their shields. i only beat the game as a royal with the enchanted falchion for ezmode

im really curious why you think all of the unrefined mechanics of dark souls 1 makes it better than ds3 which fixed all of its issues

If you played DeS before DaS1 why the hell wouldn't you like it more? It was new and original, then Dark Souls just rehashed most of it.

You know Yas Forums, its possible to like more than 1 game at a time. Just wanted to let you know

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that wasnt my question dumbfuck

Dragon bone smasher mostly, but for me it was the Meat Cleaver.
The roll+R1 attack was stupidly powerful. Quick AoE attack and it drains HP per hit, on top of having huge damage.
This thing was unbalanced as fuck and I loved it.

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i bought demons and ds1 from a shop at the same time. i remember the dude looked at me funny and was like "you know the deal with these games?" or something like that lol

Dragonbone Smasher. You can grab the Claymore or Great Sword until you get to Dragon God though.

>This was never good and people who pretend that its the best souls and anything other than garbage are lying

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You could make the same argument in reverse, why play Demon’s, old and dead, when you just played the more refined Dark Souls. This argument can only go in circles

Hence the stipulation at the start of the fucking sentence, dipshit.

Hey remember when this piece of fucking garbage dominated PVP and if you weren't using a Mirdan's Hammer you had very little chance of ever winning?

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Its better than DaS2 atleast.

My issue for DeS is everything I find enjoyable is done better in future games, except DaS2 which fucks up the movement and feels the worst. Bosses are too simple/easy, basic enemies are even more of a joke than I remembered, and areas are mostly small and short.

DeS excels with each area feeling unique, shortcuts/loops back to the archstone, and you always have a clear path forward. If you get stuck, just start a different world. I would be extremely disappointed if DeS2 drops the world selection.

It's proto-Dark Souls it has every idea they reused in later games and the attack animations are almost the same


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>This was never good
What is this board's obsession with extremes? I'd kill all of you to go back to Yas Forums around the time of Demon's Souls JP release.

Anyone with half a brain would kill current Yas Forums to go back to that time. We had good threads about video games instead of dub threads, pizza tipping threads, twitter screencap threads, hell that was even before the onslaught of general threads.

Remember when they brought back the two handed swing animation for one handed swords in Dark Souls 2 on one of the DLC weapons?

Git gud

I don't care what anybody says it had the most unique music and atmosphere in the series

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I liked the meat cleaver.

>almost all dark levels are copies of demon but worse
>str and dex actually doing shit, unlike dark that was lightning weapon + 99 vit for like 10 patches
>no poise faggotry
>bosses having their own gimmicks instead of "run in circle until opening"
Tendencies were the only bad thing about it

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this game is the fucking tits, unbalanced shenanigans and all

Ah a cleaver bro

Just thunder claymore everything

the one time i played online i entered 4-1 and some dude showed up with what i assume is a scraping spear thing and raped me and broke all my equipment. at least he had fun. played the rest offline cause i'm a pu55y

mfw that's a girl

Any games with an atmosphere similar to Demon's Souls. I feel like that's a big thing it has going for it. Going into harsh levels only to return to the Nexus to see Maiden in Black and Stockpile Thomas feeling a bit joyful to see them again and sadly watch this guy lose his mind

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It got the best h-doujin. That's already enough to make it the best in the series.

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Why are they bad? It never bothered me and just made it more replayable

fuck off coomer

you mean jack off coomer

because if you didn't want to fuck up anything you had to play in soul form

The spinning attack has 100% hyper armor, shit was completely broken.

The first one of these I encountered was defeated by my Winged Spear and Dark Silver Shield. It may have even been a Heater Shield.

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It is unironically the best souls game.
The fact that you had to import ir from Japan or USA makes it even more awesome, and I'm being serious.
>best bosses
>best OST
>best story and places

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Bloodborne? I also feel like the Shadow Tower games were much closer to Demon's than King's Field which I feel is closer to Dark Souls. I recommend the first PS1 Shadow Tower, Abyss on the PS2 is also a masterpiece but it's a different atmosphere but still very worth it.


>3 above 2
>BB above DaS

Yes that is the correct order.

Anyone that played it knows it was better than Dark Souls. The problem is that Dark Souls is when the franchise became mainstream so all you faggotfuck redditors got started on the second game in the series and never played it.

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Bloodborne > das3 > des > das >>>>>>>>> shart souls 2

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total bullshit. ds2 was when it became mainstream, a lot of people had 2 as their first souls game

Just because you have an extra chromosome that doesn't mean you're right.

You must be underage.

>ds2 was when it became mainstream
wrong, ds1 is when le praise the sun :^D meme became a thing

28, ds1 was still relatively underground and gained a lot of traction during its life rime, then ds2 and bb were huge for bringing in normies. in 2011 dark souls was only being played by actual gamers


It's like how Diablo 1 > D2

D2 may have more fluff, but it's just missing that zazz, you know?

But what's does "fucking up anything" mean? The game is all still there and good in black or white tendency

Every souls game is basically the same. They made the same game four times. Whichever one you played first is the best one. For me that just happened to be Demons Souls. I played that game from start to finish and then some. I have not even been able to finish one play through of any of the other ones.

All still there when some npcs only show up in white or black? Punishing players for dying by blocking them off content was dumb

>that entire demon's souls part, other than the atlus bit

You know me too well

Aww little PCPoor doesn't have a rig strong enough to emulate
Better start saving that tendie money for a new "rig"!

Cuz looks gud

Let me guess. You didn't do a blind first play-through?

does "prepare to die" phrase ring any bells to you?

>Better start saving that tendie money for a new "rig"!
A r5 1600 af is like $85 new and that's enough not only to emulate the game but play it at 60fps. Why is it that console cucks are so tech illiterate?