How tall are you, Yas Forums?
How tall are you, Yas Forums?
Can we get that chart in first-worldian, please?
literally all manlets
5'8 and small
most of these arent men, tranny
>tfw no taller gfd gf
life isn't fair guys
I have a foot over the tallest one of those gooks.
Tall enough to lazily brute-force anyone in that lineup.
6' 4", lanky as fuck in high school but 225 now
6'3" but not a lanklet.
You know you would use too, like everyone else, if you weren't literally too stupid to abandon your stone age measuments, right?
Taller than everyone on that list at only 6'2" apparently
Imperial system sounds more badass than metric system, so I don't care about your cheesecake measurements.
I wouldn't be taller if I wanted, I love this comfortable height of 5'8
Nah, he likes to measure how many rods he'll get for a hogshead.
Use the metric system you third worlders
5'3 and fem I guess I should add
Most people aren't gay bottoms and want to look somewhat respectable.
185.42 cm
If wasting hundreds of millions of dollars in crashed spacecraft you all have to pay for with your taxes because someone forgot to convert the units is badass, sure.
Literally one google search away you absolute fucking monkey, 6'2" is 187.96 cm
180 exactly
as tall as that blue haired guy on the right
Yeah we're too busy making spacecraft that actually work, canoe
5'5" manlet, only attracted to taller athletic girls with big tits
what game has the loli
Fuck imperial system
Fuck metric system
All hail cock system
I'm 11,25ck tall, what about you ?
180.34 in approximately not america numbers, 5'10 3/4ths in freedom units. I'm a fuckin 1/4th from being 5'11 it's fucking bullshit
t. 5'9. Being short sucks
Hmm im thinking based
>Tfw too tall to ever participate in amazon muscle mommy fetish
well, you know what they say...
Guess what my fetish is?
Fuck this gay earth
I bet you personally take part in that spacecraft making so you can feel pride over it. Not scientists completely unrelated to you and smart enough to actually want to go 100% metric, but you.
Too bad idiots like you are holding them back.
That I'll be 5'10 3/4ths the rest of my life? Yes, yes I do know
Yukikaze, she's 18 and made for NTR
I've been fapping to midgets this entire time? Fug.
no, they say that you're a stupid faggot
get fucked
Unless you get a tumor on your pituitary gland, then you'll probably grow to be 6'8" to 7' by the time you get around to having the tumor surgically removed
>I'll be 5'10 3/4ths the rest of my life?
Nah, you'll get shorter as you get older, age and gravity are a bitch like that
5'10 manlet
I'm an inch shorter than you and it has literally never once affected me in my day to day life. I don't have any issues dating, shelves are all in reach, never called a manlet, etc. The internet needs to stop its obsession with height, I really don't get it and never have.
I guess I'm 187.96 cm tall
5'4 sucks a little but what can you do
I want to pat cloneOboro on the head while crushing her cervix with my cock.
a huge amount of my self confidence is tied to the fact that a lot of girls find height inherently attractive
if i was like 5'10 or lower i'm pretty sure no one would even look at me twice
praise jesus for my mums genetics, she's a good deal taller than my dad
You can always do those height lengthening surgeries. I'm sure an inch and 1/4 won't be too much
>182 cm
>will never have a big tidy milf to femdom me
Why live bros
Two meters tall, give or take a centimeter.
tfw no woman 185+cm
6'3" and unhealthily underweight.
188 in real world units, also didn't know there was a loli in the taimanin series
174 cm. Fuck inches and fuck Fahrenheit.
Why is Nagisa's new art so shit?
breast cancer survivors with one (both?) breast amputated?
what the fuck dude?
and what your height has to do with it?
6'2" lanklet, only attracted to taller athletic girls with big tits
Should I bother picking this series up if I don’t like rape/gangbang?
>yukikaze only 155cm
>My dick would pic related her
Send me to the anime land, this place fucking sucks
6'5 but i weigh 70kg HELP i am emaciated but also flabby
5'5, maybe 5'6.
>they got out of the manlet pit
When will they learn?
are you literally me but an inch taller
193cm ~105kg
Pretty out of shape and no drive to improve myself
5'5'' with a strong desire for a tall gf
fellow king
Tits or gtfo