MMO Thread

With the current stagnant landscape of the MMO genre what do you think must be done to save it? What logical endpoint are current MMOs reaching? Are Sandbox Survival games like Rust/Ark the next step in a player controlled world? Is the genre better off dead?

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Reminder that most games that call themselves MMOs in the current year are not actually MMOs

True, the first M is basically dead.

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You would need a unique take on the genre. Multiplayer has to play a big role or theres no reason for it to be an mmo. You need to make the multiplayer the main focus.

Just recreate Ultima Online but with the look of Baldur's Gate 3

Final Fantasy 14 is literally game of the decade. The genre is far from dying and subscriptions for XIV are record highs. If the sub didn't filter retards and third worlders it'd easily be the highest reviewed expansion launch ever.

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WoW killed MMORPGs because after WoW everyone just copies WoW

with that said, i think Final Fantasy 14 is the best MMORPG currently, and is actually quite a good game considering how soul-less modern games are. FF14 still has some real charm and soul, and that is rare for a modern game

All the crazy shit everyone suggests saying the genre is stagnant and desperately requires something revolutionary is overplaying the issue.
The only problem with the genre is that there just hasn't been a good new game in fucking ages. There doesn't have to be some BIG NEW GROUNDBREAKING FEATURE, it just needs to be a good fucking game.
Good gameplay, worthwhile endgame goals, optional PvP, decent social elements and don't screw it all up by getting greedy for money. That's it. That's all it takes.
XIV does maybe one and a half of those and it's still managing to be very successful, everything else hasn't even managed to accomplish one of them.

indeed, FF14 is the best game of the decade, easily. FF14 is the only game in the modern era that has some charm and soul

true, it isn't that hard to make a good MMO, it seems that most game devs are lazy pieces of shit who don't want to put their effort to make a good game.

FF14 is a good game because they put some fucking effort into making the game, rebuilding it, and constantly improving it.

i've been playing ffxiv, or i should say, it's been playing me, for a few months
it's mediocre as shit and barely qualifies as an mmo
all it does is make me miss DAoC

i'm in the process of saving it right now
give me 1 more year

Final Fantasy 14 is the game of the decade:

XIV is boring archaic garbage and has the gayest player base of any game out there.

Is that picture actually from a game?

shit game, wow in its deathbed is better than this trash

The only reason MMOs were super popular back in the day is because online play was rare and primitive. Now almost every game has extensive online features. 99% of players moved to other genres that have much better gameplay.

The only ones still playing MMOs in 2020 are trannies and addicted boomers. Go look at any WoW/FFXIV community and see.

What about beauty and massive world with souls gameplay.
A man can dream.

No, what about with Mount and blade gameplay with a lot of NPC fighting together with the players?

>souls gameplay.
No thank you

Just make an actual MMO that's not gay ass tab-targeting. The gameplay is what kills every MMO with how braindead it is. And no shit like rust/ark or destiny aren't MMOs.

>WoWfags seething this hard

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>same exact raid patch cycle for 4 expansions
>go here and talk to this NPC - the game
>canned /emote animations instead of actual cutscenes



Cope harder

Survival games are barely even mmos, I don't consider (usually under) 100 people an mmo, if I did, fortnite would be a fucking mmo.
I'm waiting for pso2 to see how that fares.

New world by amazon is going to be a mess but I'll give it a go just because I'm willing to put money on them handing it out for pennies to anyone who has amazon prime (or maybe making monthly fees waived if you do, that seems more likely).

There just aren't games being MADE, is the issue. So many have flopped as of late that hte big players in the field have all given up. Nexon canned 8 different games including peria chronicles, ncsoft has basically halted all projects period to resume work on guild wars 2 since it's the only thing in their catalog that makes money.
Bless online failed, kakaogames is trying to do work with pearl abyss/ccp, but those are still years out.

That and everyone wanting "action combat" has sort of ruined the ability for smaller dev teams to make an interesting game. Look at archeage. The concept I mean not the mess it got turned into by westerners.

You have to be 18 or older to post here you fucking zoomer

cope tranny

Keep enjoying absolute trash gameplay that was only used for so many years because hardware limitations couldn't make good gameplay work on a massive scale for MMOs.

Keep on being retarded and knowing nothing about RPGs or their history

Was wondering when a new xiv thread would pop up. Anyone got a macro for the expert crafts yet?

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>No defense
>Meme buzzwords made by XIV community
Fuck off back to your precious shadowlands home and have sex

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>missed out on EQ/FFXI days
What a fucking casual.

You have to make an actual offense before you can expect any defense

>All MMOs need to be RPGs
>All RPGs need to use outdated braindead coma inducing gameplay
I was going to say you're retarded but you're closer to a vegetable.

Can real gameplay work yet? Shit like Black Desert looks flashy but it's still the same shit.

>All MMOs need to be RPGs
That's literally the definition you stupid fucking retard
MMO is short for MMORPG

>All RPGs need to use outdated braindead coma inducing gameplay
This just further confirms you're a zoomer

Like any genre that becomes stale, MMO's need some new game to shake things up in bold new way. Problem is, MMO's are also incredibly costly to make, so it's difficult to make something truly innovative. MMO's haven't seen a major shift in formula since fucking WoW came out 15 years ago, and it wasn't even that good to begin with.
I'm so tired of Quests, the gear treadmill, the giant lifeless worlds filled with mobs that spend their entire existence roaming a 20' square area, the need for raids and other bullshit. The actual core combat of MMO's are fucking abysmal too. The entire genre needs to be restarted.

We don't deserve a mmo because we let wildstar die

>FF14 is a good game because they put some fucking effort into making the game, rebuilding it, and constantly improving it.
>Engine was rushed to come out for ARR and has yet to address technical debt
>dungeon content has been kept linear
>constantly homogenizing every class with each expansion while removing CC and sticking to "Play as we Say" design
>ShadowBringers has been confirmed to no longer have a budget by Yoshida Naoki alongside cutting more fast food style Dungeons and Deep Dungeons due to lack of resources
>new Races have cut corners, missing genders and no work put onto them for even new headgear models
>cash shop size rivaling Korean MMOs regardless of the Cosmetic argument
>relying on other IPs for 24-man content
>MSQ heralded as a great story yet devs can't bother to make proper cutscenes like their 1.0 counterpart which was in a worse situation since using emotes is easier
>rebooted Diadem after failing with Eureka and Diadem (HW) only to be met with the same contempt
Why must you come in here and lie? It's like a WoWfag claiming that WoW devs care about them.

>MMO is short for MMORPG
Because companies are fucking lazy and just copy eachother and retards like you eat it up.
>This just further confirms you're a zoomer
This just further confirms you have no argument
I'm sure they could make an MMO Action game. Some user mentioned Souls and that's def doable(not the best action game IMO, but lightyears ahead of tab-targeting). Or at least try to mask the tab-targetting as much as possible like WildStar tried(even if it had heaps of other problems, that itself was a good thing).

Wildstar killed itself bro. I do miss those Aurin though, super cute.

The future for MMOs is shit like Destiny. Basically just a single player game with highly integrated co-op. Figure out a way to have some sort of faction based PvP on instanced battlegrounds, an actual open world, and mass PvE instanced encounters. MMORPGs as they once were are a dying genre because the games get solved incredibly quickly by math autists, datamined to shit, and communities have moved off the game to platforms like discord. Move on and innovate, the frameworks for a great MMO are already out there, somebody just has to put them together.

>Because companies are fucking lazy and just copy eachother and retards like you eat it up.
No, if it's not an RPG it's a comparely incomparable different type of game
You are legit retarded

>This just further confirms you have no argument
Tab targeting exists because original MMOs used to actually be RPGs, not braindead tab target action games

Datamining has ruined any and all mystique the MMO genre used to have and I fucking hate dataminers for it.

>baiting this hard
>FF14 still has some real charm and soul, and that is rare for a modern game
Just as soulless as WoW. Literally a "I play this game so its better than your game" mentality that WoWfags have to this day. WoW and XIV are essentially the same game but with different aesthetics. Most of thte stragglers in the genre who arent attached to those two are tired of their impact on the genre as they perpetuate a dated design.
>charm and soul
>put some fucking effort into making the game
Except they don't. As a veteran of the game I can assure you they have kept trying to go down the road of least resistance. The story was great in ShadowBringers, make no mistake, but at this point must of the praise around XIV can be centered around 2 people that being Soken and Ishikawa. Most of the content that rarely gets praised is generally led by Yoshida himself and has shown to be nothing more than a good Businessman who knows how to spin stuff for sympathy. I personally have nothing against him but he does have a shitty overall long term plan which is more apparent in his personal brainchild of game content: Exploratory Content aka Diadem and Eureka.

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Why? You are the one who googles it.

You can have RPGs without having tab targetting you fucking mongoloid. No amount of buzzwords will change that. You can also have MMOs that aren't RPGs.

>XIV is game of the decade
In what twisted reality is this minimal effort weeaboo WoW clone considered game of any decade.

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>Minimal effort
Game literally holds world records in the gaming industry for things like most musical scores in a video game OST. It's one of the highest effort games square enix has ever made.

Not him but he's right. You don't have to look the datamined stuff up for it to ruin the game for you. Chances are somebody you play with, friend, guildmate, or random, already has and will blow their load spouting off about what has been datamined so far.

>insist on forcing players to level in a generic and shitty leveling system
>in a game that promote endgame raid
>said leveling has a gazillion quests and a beeper to tell you to go to X in a middle of a quest
>that attunement shit
>you need to have a fucking resume just to do a raid
>raiders shittalk and quit people out if they don't meet their requirement
>people quit because of the shit optimization, the dreaded leveling, or said raiding requirement
Wildstar kill itself with its retarded players

>You can have RPGs without having tab targetting you fucking mongoloid.
There's really no comparable way to handle it when you need precise targeting of actual RPG abilities instead of just spamming an action game rotation

>You can also have MMOs that aren't RPGs.
Thanks for confirming you're illiterate

>You can also have MMOs that aren't RPGs.
Technically yes as that would just be referring to Massively Multiplayer Online that would bring games like Fortnite and Minecraft as part of this genre. You're obviously trying to have a laugh to think that the MMO genre itself doesnt in of itself imply MMORPG.
Refer to pic user. Like most faggots they'll take positive metacritic scores as fact when it suits them. If someone brings up something like or those diaper related XIV images then they'll dismiss it as the result of "Seething WoWfags" in part due to their "Xbox v Sony" tier faggotry or jealousy of other "lesser MMOs" I can't believe anyone actually takes a score given before the end of an expansion seriously especially given how much is apparently getting cut in their game.
>Game literally holds world records in the gaming industry for things like most musical scores in a video game OST
So proving right with Soken being one of two people keeping the game afloat?

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You forgot to mention that FF14 is only alive because
A: Name branding. If it were any other mmo or a different company, the game would have died and forgotten
B: There is no other competition, so it has free rein and do shit like you listed and players just take it in the ass.

When they are developed primarily to facilitate player interactions and emergent content, instead of just giving you yet another cartoon boss to beat up.

MMO is going mobile. Might be VR in near future, but the investment needed will be immense and I don't really see anyone but Facebook put serious thought on it.

Bullshit, any discussion whatsoever invites the fuckers who either datamined or sought out the datamining and that ruins it for anybody who fucking didn't.

Now that I think about it. I've never seen a single person claiming XIV has fun gameplay. It's always story, lore, and music that gets brought up for reasons to play the game. Why is that?

de geso
I don't need your meme explanation about why fuckboys make fuckboy posts.

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Amazon is making a new MMO, they will save the genre.

.... Are you actually implying that spamming rotations is something you do in an action game and not the absolute braindead shit you do in every MMORPG on the market right now?
I'm not trying to have a laugh and I know that right now every MMO on the market is tab targetting MMORPG trash. And no, I don't consider shit like Fortnite or Minecraft MMOs. Just imagine this, huge consistent world just like WoW/FFXIV but instead of tab target combat you have actual combat with hitboxes and real movement options. Imagine if spells had to be aimed instead of just following the player forever(just make the travel time much faster to not massively punish spellcasters), imagine if melee classes didn't just have melee range spells(which is basically what it boils down to now) but had actual movesets and had to connect on enemies. That's the kind of shit I'm talking about.

MMOs as we've all known them are essentially dead or Stagnant when you consider the giants WoW and its clone FFXIV which continue to perpetuate the modern WoW design. The logical endpoint to all of this are games like Pic Related (Warframe) and Destiny 2 in which you wait around in a lobby of sorts jumping in and out of instances with a set number of players thru some Duty Finder. The living world and constant player interaction is secondary, the grind and quick consumable content is primary. They're also best suited for the wide net philosophy both WoW and XIV follow in which you provide easy enough content for those who have little time to dedicate to their games. Think about it in all honestly, when you try Warframe or D2 are you not essentially doing the same as you would in WoW/XIV? Log in, queue up for a duty, finish it for some dailies and then log out?
>b-but WF/D2 bad my game good
Subjective as fuck but you know it to be true. The real endpoint as far as we know it for games that actually focus on player interactions, player controlled economy and a somewhat living world would be games like ARK and Rust. A game where datamining is somewhat useful but overall irrelevant as you will have to suffer players getting in your way to get things done. Those are games where you're forced to communicate, forced to deal with others and overall just unable to opt-out of interaction unlike WoW/XIV. Minecraft was the beginning and it will probably be the end.

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>.... Are you actually implying that spamming rotations is something you do in an action game and not the absolute braindead shit you do in every MMORPG on the market right now?
I'm saying it's not the proper RPG design that tab target was made for you stupid fucking illiterate retard
With modern rotation and action combat it has no reason to be there

I find the gameplay fun, it shines brightest when you get to extremes and raids and the like. It also has, bar none, the best crafting/gathering gameplay in the genre, and I don't think anyone could disagree with that.

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Action combat or not isn't going to change anything. Something went deeply wrong with the concept of playing with lots of other people in general.

>It also has, bar none, the best crafting/gathering gameplay in the genre, and I don't think anyone could disagree with that.
Anyone with a fucking brain would disagree. It's literally just "Press macro to win" and SE keeps doing everything they can to make it even easier.

>also has, bar none, the best crafting/gathering gameplay in the genre
Wrong, thats SWG

>complain that FFXIV base game MSQ is fucking dogshit and that Heavensward wasn't much better
>lol filtered
>just buy story skip

The only part of the game that I enjoyed was Hildibrand stuff. It's unreal how much better that was compared to literally anything else I experienced.
>plot moves at a healthy pace with minimal filler
>story isn't some melodramatic bullshit about Organization XIII rejects or crystals, or "The Empire", or what the fuck ever
>characters are fun despite being pretty shallow

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Nigga one of your 2 neurons must've died because you make even less sense than before.

Dont forget more effort on the cutscenes than they do on the MSQ itself

What was SWG's (god rest it's soul) crafting like?
>you can make a macro to do it so that means it's bad
That's not how this works, user. The fact of the matter is you still have a crafting system with rotations and actual skill use as opposed to 'push button, wait'.

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Even then. Boss fights don't make up the majority of the gameplay expecially during leveling and story progression. And I surely wouldn't tell somebody the fetch quest gameplay structure of the entire main story was enjoyable. Neither is fighting normal monsters found on the open world map, dungeons, and story instances. A lot of the game boils down to pressing your jobs two AoE attacks and using abilities on cooldown which is incredibly boring when you're not fighting a boss monster and performing it's mechanic.

Ironically enough, as running through the MSQ a second time with some friends has taught me, 2.0's story is made better with up-to-date context on the events. It still needs the rework it gets next patch, believe me, but a second run through is far less painful than I thought it would be.
