Find a flaw after applying the definitive edition patch, vanilla is flawed

Find a flaw after applying the definitive edition patch, vanilla is flawed.

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I own DoS and PoR and I was going to buy OoE, but holy shit why is it so expensive?

What does the patch do?

Personally I prefer playing julius mode in this game, it fixes all my issues with it: castle design (you don't have to acquire powerups so you can skip the boring parts), magic seal drawing, and random soul drops.

All of them are pretty expensive now sadly. I was at a store that had DoS and PoR for $50 each a few days ago. Victim of a single print run, even Pokemon SSHG suffer because of this despite being fucking Pokemon.

This game looks fun but the screen is just SO FUCKING TINY, is it worth suffering through?

The art is trash

>vanilla is flawed.
Only the luck stat being glitched, the touch screen gimmicks are a non-issue on original hardware.

Adds Kojima style portraits, fixes some bugs, allows you to recollect some souls that are only received once in the vanilla game, gives black panther earlier.

wait, i'm a faggot, i was thinking of the GBA game, but my question remains the same

Play on an emulator user.

Fun game, but I still like OoE the best honestly.
Because they're hard to find anymore.

The definitive edition doesnt play on my ds so that's a flaw bitch

It doesn't have Julius' sick heart of fire remix

Still has the awful colour palette and bad level design

I still have an extra unopened copy of PoR play-asia sent to me by mistake. Should I sell it?

I keep bouncing off OoE whenever I try to replay it. The levels are just too boring before you actually get to the castle.

Save it for a couple more years. The longer you wait the more it becomes worth something. Hell look at .Hack//Quarantine, its worth like $300-350 now. Hell its worth like $250 without the case even.

How about the awful layout of the castle? Or the plot, characters and writing which manages to be even worse than Aria. I really love hearing Hammer and Yoko talk about one another as if they had some sort of chemistry and characterisation, it makes the slog of grinding zombie souls so I can upgrade and sell back brass knuckles for a profit much more enjoyable.

The cartridges don't use batteries or something that eventually dies? I think I read somewhere that happens with some pokemon but I don't remember which gameboy.

>visible breath in cold areas
>Flicks hair when you press up

How did they fit so much soul detail into 56p?

>Or the plot, characters and writing which manages to be even worse than Aria
Why the fuck would anyone play a Castlevania for plot or writing?

That fucking clusterfuck of garden and the clown house are annoying as fuck

The castlevania stage 1 part was great tho

You're completely right. Castlevania is at its best when it's simple: you must find and kill Dracula. So why is so much time given to the garbage plot in Dawn? Just because you ignore the shit smeared throughout the game doesn't mean the shit isn't there.

Press the start button and skip it, are you retarded?

It happens with very old gameboys and gameboy colors. You can also replace those batteries too, so its not a big deal.

ok, thanks

Is luck really bugged? I only found references on the rom hacks website.

The story is fucking lame and feels like a real disappointing followup to AoS where nothing of importance happens.

No user, I'm not retarded - I just have higher standards than you.

Does it get rid of those stupid sigils?

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It's castlevania, why the fuck would anyone care about the plot? Do you get upset about plot in mario games as well?

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I beat the original NTSC DoS and 100% the soul collection, you big pussy.

Vanilla is flawless unless you're brain damaged.
>but le art!
Yes, kojima portraits are better. That's it.
>muh story sucks
What the fuck do you want? It's Castlevania, besides that, people who make games are always out of touch.
Look at this nigger grinding when he doesn't have to and then complaining lmao

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>So why is so much time given to the garbage plot in Dawn?
It's better than Lament's, at least.

>luck is literally useless, doesn't work as intended
>some bosses like Abaddon only give their soul once, meaning you can't complete the soul collection unless you make sure not to use it for synthesis
>castle layout is inferior to AoS
>seal suck, they;re not hard but annoying as fuck
It's good but not perfect.

this is the real question

>if you mod it a bunch its good
nah thats ok, I'd rather play portrait of ruin hard mode instead. "definitive" doesn't even fix all the games issues and half the new artwork is fucking fanart

yes they are drawn automatically for you

the difference is that .hack quarantine is a game with a very limited print run, which portrait doesn't have

> So why is so much time given to the garbage plot in Dawn?
The only bad thing about DoS plot was the final boss i.e incredibly generic demon and the stupid writing at times, like Julius jobbing to Daario

>half the new artwork is fucking fanart
Looks better then PoR's official art at least.

press start to skip the cutscenes and suddenly the bad in-game artwork goes away. adding fanart that superficially looks like kojima doesn't change dawn of sorrows awful writing, which portrait manages to do better.
besides, the game has a lot of great artwork associated with it, it's just none of it is in the game proper, that's more than you can say about dawn

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the castle not even being castlevania but just some random castle that has nothing to do with anything but is otherwise exactly like castlevania was dumb
soma no longer having any powers even though he's the dark lord was dumb
the badguys are like something out of yatterman

None. Best castlevania game of all time.

>but is otherwise exactly like castlevania was dumb
Pretty sure that was explained because of the connection to the Abyss that was established there

DAE think he sorta deserved it for stealing the spotlight from the Belmonts?

why couldn't it just be castlevania is the point, who gives a shit

Because they needed to follow their own rules that they've established i.e the castle only shows up if people are bad and DoS was just a year after the castle has been BTFO'd already

jesus christ, you're like a creationist.
Ok, then WHY did they make the story happen so quickly after the other game and with such minor antagonists, instead of either setting it later or having a serious enough event that they can bring back CASTLEVANIA in a game called fucking CASTLEVANIA while still following their dumb internal rules they violate all the time anyway

>Why yes I fathered a child and my rectum is exit only, how could you tell?

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>press start to skip the cutscenes
There, the awful writing is gone now. Guess DoS is better then PoR after all.

>Find a flaw
that awful boxart

then we're back at square one .

You don't need to mod DoS to skip cutscenes retard.

true, just to fix some of its many obvious gameplay flaws.
or you can play the game that came out after they realized how stupid they were being and is way better as a result, instead of downloading a mod, yknow?

But DoS unmodded is better then PoR, modded DoS being better then both.

>But DoS unmodded is better then PoR
if you love grinding and shitty underwater segments, sure

this is true. AoS has the skeleton of a really good story, I was looking forward to the series maybe fleshing it out someday before they decided to just keep going on with the game of thrones shit.

>the castle not even being castlevania but just some random castle that has nothing to do with anything but is otherwise exactly like castlevania was dumb
I want to try and change your opinion of this just because A- you appear to not know the plot in detail and B- that is because you already think the plot is bullshit.

The castle isn't actually a random castle. It was built to become a replica of Dracula's castle in the sense that the original is a "demon castle". They want to make another so the dark lord can be reborn and rule from this castle, since the other is sealed. That entrance to the basement is how they're doing it. By opening a portal to the dark world, the castle is becoming possessed.

PoR level design
>A series of platforms that break after you stand on them for a split second broken up by bats flying directly over the areas your jump arc moves to knock you back down to the bottom
>A lengthy stretch of terrain with dozens and dozens of zombies running around trying to hit you that constantly respawn to surround you
>Spinning rings of fire and flying knights who hang around at a distance throwing projectiles from you before briefly swooping in

Dos level design
>uhh it's a straight hallway and there's a monster on the other side
>you can probably just jump over the monster, but you won't because you need to kill it 100 times in order to get it's soul so you can make a slightly better sword

>single print run

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You are all a bunch of retards. You say the game is only playable if you use mods to skip the story and finish the bosses. What a retarded thinking I hate PC players and they made up shitty "solutions". The game is fine, the mini qte made it unique, the story is good and the art was also unique despite being worse than the other games. I'm sure some people will fall to your memes but those aren't true. Soma is the best protagonist ever in Castlevania

Farming was never mandatory. Like any game, you can have everything if you spend the time but the game isn't ruined for it

>Farming was never mandatory.
true, because you can beat any game with the starting weapon doing single digit damage if you're good enough. It is mandatory in order to not be bored out of your fucking mind because all of your interesting powers, let alone weapons that do good damage, are locked behind souls which all have insanely low drop rates, meaning you either get lucky, grind a lot, or you're stuck with jump stabbing the boss for 10 minutes until it does which isn't any fun at all.
one of the best things PoR improves from DoS (and theres a lot of improvements) is that the drop rate on items is not only better, but the majority of the drops are either food or non-interesting gear instead of actually useful and interesting shit, instead you find that by exploring the world, like you would expect in an igavania