Will the PS5 sell less now that the exclusives are coming to PC?

Will the PS5 sell less now that the exclusives are coming to PC?

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How would old PS4 Exclusives being ported to PC impact the PS5's sales?

I mean no considering people buy PlayStations for multiplats

Because people buy the Playstation because of the exclusives. If the exclusives can be ported on PC later, it makes no sense to buy a PS.

I doubt that the fact that PS has big exclusives and the Xbox doesn't, doesn't affect the sales.

>Will the PS5 sell less now that the exclusives are coming to PC?
Unless they fuck up the launch like the PS3 or they go full in on day and date releases like Microsoft, then definitely.
Otherwise, no. They're only doing this to earn extra money on the side. Console cucks will still flock to it. I'd imagine Dreams will be the next port followed by some select older titles from over 10 years prior, like Shadow of the Colossus & The Mark of Kri. I honestly don't mind this.
The age of console exclusivity is coming to an end. Microsoft knows this, and Nintendo will eventually follow suit decades from now.

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A generic gray blob of a games industry where no console has any identity of its own is what pc fags want

Guess what the Top 10 best selling games on PS4 are? All multiplats. "muh power" had nothing to do with this early generation and it's all how Xbox fucked up the reveal and initial price point.

Nah, there's a pretty huge difference between enthusiast PC users and casual PS4 owners
Sony's just finally realizing that they can just cater to both to make the most money while they slowly dissolve their hardware into a brand of software on PC or streaming to mobile depending on your preference

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Consoles will always exist. that's a fact. but lockign people into a single console just to play one game, it's fucking stupid. Consoles are incredibly expensive to make, what these crybabies don't understand is that the vast majority of Sony's profit is not fucking selling consoles. it's selling videogames. Why are they porting over their games now? Because they own a bunch developers. welcome to reality, PS is just a single slice of the pie. If they want the whole pie, they'll be making multiplats. But you'd have to be mentally retarded to think some of these manchildren could operate a PC, let alone figure out how to play games on it. Sony will sell the same amount of consoles regardless of exclusivity.

Ah, yes. The entire industry depends on people with high end computers deciding to waiting months if not a year after a game comes out to buy it on PC instead of the platform it was released in. PS5 will surely sell less because of this.

>t. seething snoygger

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>The age of console exclusivity is coming to an end. Microsoft knows this
The Xbox flopped, everybody just owns a PC instead. Why would Sony follow it?


I would actually love to see Spiderman on PC.

>well... not ALL games will be ported to pc
>but some will
this hulst guy clearly doesn't rule out the possibility of more games to be released on pc, he just won't spill the beans for obvious reasons

I really hope it happens. Game could really use a 60fps mode.

if there's one game out of the entire PS library that I could pick to never be ported to any other console, it's Spiderman. That's a Sony property and I think they just couldn't convince the major bigwigs to drop it on the PC or Xbox. they'd panic over the piracy. Even though it would increase the visibility of the IP, they probably wouldn't be able to sleep at night.

I'm all for less exclusives but people will buy consoles because
1. too lazy to build a pc
2 too stupid to build a pc
3 brand loyalty

>xbox and playstation

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I mean I would only get a ps5 is bloodborne 2 came out or there was a bloodborne 60fps port or something
But if they decided to bloodborne to PC there wouldn't be a reason to buy the console

>Consoles will always exist. that's a fact
we're seeing the dissolving of consoles in real time

>Why would Sony follow it?
To make extra shekels on the side. It's still not going to stop them from releasing the PS5 due to how cucked their fans are. Microsoft is still releasing the Xbox Series X regardless of how disappointing the Xbone was for the current gen when it came to exclusives. These companies are rich as fuck. They don't give a shit.
Nintendo's the only one left with actual exclusives for their platforms, but eventually given time, they'll start dipping their toes into the PC market like they did with releasing spinoffs on mobile. A post-exclusive age is coming for them all, but that doesn't necessarily mean consoles will become extinct as long as the peasants continue flocking to them & these companies continue taking advantage of the consumer market as they have always done.

>ps5 will be a dedicated bloodborne machine
that would be the funniest thing to happen

no, no you're not. Sony understands this, they want to turn the PS into a premium product (like Rolex). In some years, they actually LOSE money selling consoles, especially for the first year. The parts are just so fucking expensive for the average person. By catering towards their current fanbase, they don't have to worry about the mass selloff. It's makes the brand sexier, look at xbox, still gonna sell consoles but have signaled a desire to completely make all of their IPs multiplat. why would they do that? because videogames are more lucrative than consoles. If you're religion is playstation, you're probably going to find a lot more to like in PS5. It's going to stroke your dick but the video games themselves won't be entirely exclusive.

>Will the PS5 sell less now that the exclusives are coming to PC?
>Sony be telling everyone they do not need their hardware to play their software.
>not hurting their hardware.
nigga what

Yes, but that's the cherry on top of sony's problems that are gonna make them fail harder than PS3 launch.

Considering consoles don't even make Sony that much money, it's not that big of a deal. It's always about selling games and collecting a cut of all sales. Bethesda has been porting them games a million times, GTA5 is ported a million times, Minecraft is ported a million times. The age of console exclusives is dying because it limits sales of games. It's going to be about having as many games published as possible. This is why Sony and Microsoft have been buying up studios.

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Doubtful, companies are beginning to realize that exclusives are pointless. Money is not made on the consoles, it's made with the software. Often, people buy whatever console is best within their friendgroup, so it just makes sense to put the software on as many platforms as possible to maximize sales.

Making it exclusive just means less people buy the thing that makes you the most money longterm, which is why companies are moving to just publish everything everywhere now.

PS exclusives release on PC for 2 reasons
1. To make cash on already milked to death games
2. To advertise their console: 'Like what you see? Buy our console for more"

I'm 100% sure they will only be releasing couple years old games on PC

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They don't own many games you fucking idiot. They are the parasite leeching off third party sales and noone sane will buy third party games for their hypothetical pc store.

It won't kill the system by any means, but setting that precedent that the games will come to PC eventually will, in fact, reduce sales of a console.

I still got Horizon liying around here, unpacked

Is it good ?

Without those engaged people you will get even more crap tarteget to retards like online-only games as a service. Depending on retards = catering to retards.

Yes, totally, and people who think otherwise are fucking morons

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Let me ask you something, is this shitposting for the sake of it or no one here has a brain?

>3yo exclusive that doesn't sell anymore
>dump on pc and get some extra bucks
>get a couple of people that never played this game before hyped for the sequel
>keep the sequel exclusive
>sell more ps5 because of those people
>dump on pc again 6/7 years from now
>repeat the process

you don't have to a genius to realize this people

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Probably more since it means PS5 is truly backwards compatible, if it wasn't Sony would selling us an HZD remaster on PS5.

>Neck yourself tranny nintendo nigger.

>To make extra shekels on the side
There won't be extra shekels you idiot, because with porting shit to pc they cannot expand the market and pc people will never buy third parties on their store. Eastern Europe plays mostly on pc. Russia plays only on pc. China plays only on pc. Middle East plays mostly on pc. South America plays almost exclusively on pc. The same for the rest of the third world with them pushing the mobile phones. You cannot expand and sell your console business to them without exclusives, even when they become rich enough to afford it like China or Korea or some Ruskies.

only reason HZD is coming to pc is that the walking simulator form this kojima guy uses the same engine and is getting ported to pc before.
donĀ“t get hyped to get more nice sony exclusives poor pc fags.

It'll happens to Nintendo too, one day. IT'll just take longer due to their slow nature of adapting to modern tech + being run by boomers who're extremely strict on their exclusivity practices. Console exclusivity is dying.
>TFW I'll finally be able to play XC2 at true 4k 60fps to finally fix the dogshit resolution and framerate from the Switch version.

>its actually real and not shitposting

Sales of Sony's first parties are less than 10% of software sales for their console. They are by no mean a software house itself to put their own software as wide as possible.

>Russia plays only on pc.
Not true.
>China plays only on pc.
Yeah, no shit, Sherlock. They're run by a brutal government + they placed heavy restrictions across all current-gen consoles recently released there. Most PC gaming in China is piracy in order to bypass the Chinese fear mongering laws.
>Middle East plays mostly on pc.
Those goat fuckers have time for gaming outside of killing each other in the name of their god?
>South America plays almost exclusively on pc.
Consoles in South America are insanely expensive, as are most things in South America, due to how fucked the economy is on that continent.
>The same for the rest of the third world with them pushing the mobile phones.
That's mainly because of:
1.) Casuals.
2.) Mobile gamers largely consist of casuals who love to spend their money on anything. It's easy profit.
3.) Tencent, mostly because they're a monopoly in the mobile market & everyone, including the Japanese, caters to them.
Console peasants will continue flocking to consoles due to their inherently cucked nature regardless.

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>only reason HZD is coming to pc is that the walking simulator form this kojima guy uses the same engine and is getting ported to pc before.
It's that + they're hyping up the inevitable sequel they've been hinting at for a while.

The PS5 may sell less but not because of this
1) The PS5 will most likely be more expensive at launch than the PS4 was
2) The PS4 will still get lots of third-party stuff for years so people won't make the jump mmediately

Spending time in the cuckshed playing The Waiting Game is a PCfag exclusive.
>if you just wait 4 years you can play it then :-)
doesn't work on consolechads.

This isnt true, poorfags cant afford PCs and will always blow their money on consoles.

yes and which one do you think PS4 losing its exclusives effects?

>PS exclusives release on PC for 2 reasons
One reason: Hermen Hulst is doing this to promote his game by fucking the playstation brand in the ass.

>To advertise their console:

>I'm 100% sure they will only be releasing couple years old games on PC
Phil said LITERALLY the same thing about Xbox exclusives and now they are all getting PC ports day one.

You're so out of touch.
People buy the PS4 because their friends have it so they can play FIFA and CoD on it, along with toher mainstream games.
Then there's a large and fastly growing number of 30+ year olds who don't have the time to play games anymore, but have a console for convenenince for when they do play games because it's quick and easy.

I'm a poorfag neet and I just built my own pc. Your club of faggots just got smaller, cocksucker

>Russia plays only on pc.
>Not true.

Only hipsters and upstart yuppies (or their children) play on consoles in Russia.

Hot blonde grill

Hit me up when they finally port Persona over.

Pcfags and waiting; you hate to see it lmao

Timed exclusivity is the only thing that matters, since the vast majority of sales are done in the first month, and normies care more about watercooler talk about what's current rather than anything substantial. Honestly, this whole wait a year until releasing exclusives on PC thing isn't even necessary. They could do 3 months and it likely wouldn't change anything. It's not like normies are gonna go out and buy PCs en masse anyway. That's never, ever happening.

Thousands of games to play and 99% of new releases being multiplats anyway. You don't have to play every game on the release day, especially if it isn't multiplayer or flavour of the month aka piece of shit thing.

Those people could and probably will move easly to xbox if sony continue shitting their other things.

>but have a console for convenenince for when they do play games because it's quick and easy
explain how playing games on PC is inconvenient

Problem is, games aren't products to be consumed in their own right anymore. They're more like movies, an event hyped to hell and back by a marketing budget bigger than the actual budget. The thing you're paying for is of temporal importance. Because it certainly isn't substantial. People meme about whenever someone mentions Deus Ex, someone reinstalls it. Do you think anyone's gonna reinstall Horizon Zero Dawn? Jesus Christ no.