List their Pros & their Cons

List their Pros & their Cons

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pro: switch exclusive
con: furshit

Mario: it's Mario
Crash: It's not Mario


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Pro: High playerbase
Con: Awful, shallow gameplay
Pro: Deep and rewarding gameplay
Con: Smol playerbase

Crash has deeper mechanics & better Solo content
Mario Kart is more casual friendly/less frontrun heavy, and has better online
Whichever you want depends on how much you're willing to commit to the game. I'd go for Crash if you want your skills & practice to be rewarded. Mario Kart is a " once in a while " kind of game: You boot it, you bop some people, get bopped by Blue Shells, and have a fine time.

Pros: nothing
Cons: Not as good as Diddy Kong Racing

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Mario: Bing bing wahoo dogshit with superficial trivial mechanics
CTR NF: High skill ceiling with characters inspired by Looney Tunes and other cartoons with personalities all over

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pros: more polish, online works, no microtransactions
cons: feels slow coming back from CTR, shitty roster despite there being tons of characters available

pros: higher skill ceiling, faster, devs basically scraped the bottom of the barrel to add any potential character
cons: the looks are pretty meh, online is a mess, microtransactions

CTR it is

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Mario Kart
>Shallow gameplay
>Fairly balanced oNo one

>Deep and skill based driving mechanics
>Worst online seen in the last five years

Biggest con for ctr: loading times
Thats it, they are both great games

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Con: They aren't SASRT

Based and Rarepilled

Retarded post

God tier music, better visuals and much more unique levels
better gameplay worse everything else

Sonic And Sega All Stars Racing Transformed is still the best kart racing game ever made and will probably never be dethroned

Havent played Mario kart 8 but crash is pretty good, tracks feel too short though.

Mario Kart has good presentation, boring gameplay. Crash has good gameplay, bad presentation, the loading times make me not want to play multiplayer ever.

MK8/8 Deluxe
+) Easy to pick up and play
+) Speedup mechanics/items working as intended
+) One of the Switch's most stable 1st-party online multiplayer games
-) Shit all to do for lone players (that is not online/GP/beat the staffers' Time Trial ghosts)
-) Stale roster of characters, mostly consisting of variants/same-'family' characters
-) 8 Deluxe adds bugger all to the WiiU release + DLCs (save for marginal shit like Nintendo Labo support lmao)

CTR Nitro-Fueled
+) Tons to do for both solo and 2-4P play sessions
+) Multiple bug fixes/free additional content deliveries happening post-launch (even if not everything has been ironed out just yet)
+) Top-notch customization from drivers to vehicle appeal+driving style combo
-) Projectiles/drop items (right after getting dropped) only work when they feel like it in online matches
-) Wonky floor/invisible wall collision in some tracks may happen and screw your turbo reserve streak, both online and offline
-) Activision fucking lying its ass off ('No MTXs will be in the game' being spread pre-launch, and once the game and reviews came out they promtly add MTXs a few weeks from launch)

No content

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Which has the better battle modes?

Both work perfectly on local matches, but I'd say MK8 is the better one, just for the more diversified item roster and because CTR online battle matchups are found once in a blue moon

Oh, my bad- MK8 Deluxe is the one I meant
battle on regular circuits is s

cute girls!

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>Con: Awful, shallow gameplay

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SHART more like

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>better visuals

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One game has Liz, one does not.

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CTR has some of the best driving mechanics ever seen but it has fundamentally one of the worst online modes ever seen in a video game. It's absolutely staggering how shit this game's online is.

Satan if you're reading this, please I need to trade you my soul for a gift card to buy CTR.

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>normalfag friendly
>Dark Souls of kart racing games

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Fuck jannies

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>Jizzhead Image dump
Mario Kart pros: Brand name
Mario Kart cons: The same game you played on the Wii U
Nitro Fueled pros: A remake of a superior competitor at the time and a compilation of characters from all parts of Crash's universe
Nitro Fueled cons: Poor online, ending the grand prix means less people will play long-term

CTR wins and I don't even like racing games like that.

Waiting for PC port to fix that.

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This isn't even good.

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>MK roster
>actual memorable characters from the series' 30 year history
>CTR roster
>furshit Dreamworks face

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practically all of Crash's unique characters are playable now when you have a bunch of Mario and Peach clones filling yours

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I love MK8D and anything Nintendo related, but man the roster is the worst thing there. There's lots of Marios, same characters in separate slots that could've been skins easily. The best ones are the ones from the other series, like Link or AC Villager/Isabelle. CTR has LOTS of different characters, and LOTS of skins for each and everyone. I wish I had the money to buy CTR, for me that game is everything I expected MK to be someday.

>bing bing wahoo niggers cant come up with good bait

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>practically all of Crash's unique characters
Animal with DreamWorks face?

what a weak argument, it's a shame your game didn't get the same amount of love and polish as ours and it blatantly shows

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>and it blatantly shows
Yes it does

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Seriously, Nitro Refueled set a new standard for racing game rosters, there's no fucking excuse why Mario Kart 9 can't do the same, say what you want about the gameplay but the fanservice is on point.

call him smelly, that will show him