ITT: Proof that sometimes dubs > subs

ITT: Proof that sometimes dubs > subs

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Don't have a picture of the cover but Octopath Traveler.


It's consistent. There's literally no example, ever, of a sub being better than a dub.

Right here

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Were the Japanese voices that bad? Cyrus was the only standout that I recall although I also liked Prim and Tressa.

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Dragon ball fighterz. Anime too I guess. Retards who disagree love hearing a 85 year old woman voice 70% of the cast

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Why is this game so ugly?

metal gear

Because a studio not used to big games at all was suddenly supposed to make a AAA console game and something had to give. Thank god it wasn't the music, gameplay, or character writing though.

Jp wasn't awful, just forgettable, while eng had some sterling performances like Cyrus, Olberic, Tressa, and Primrose

Pic related is a perfect example, since the sub cast was all-star Seiyuus who phoned-in their performances while the eng actually gave a shit, big names don't always mean better

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The only shit I think looks absolutely awful are the S support slides, most of the cutscenes are obviously cheap which makes sense because it's just anime but at least they're short and don't have much movement to make it even more obvious.

I don't imagine ever going lower than Awakening and it's bullshit like nobody having feet.

Jp dante/vergil/nero fucking suck ass compared to eng

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Your pic, Persona, SMT IV and so on

Bernie! Bernie! Bernie!

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The only good Persona dub is ISP
Sorry but Junpei can't carry the entire game himself.

Dubs are never actually better, they're merely adequate
The only people who disagree are asshurt weebs in denial

Dubs are always better than subs.

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Where the sauce at famiglia?

Shame Mercedes and Lysithea sound like shit in the dub though

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>never heard DBZ sub for most of my life
>Goku sounds like a mexican child
what the fuck have japs really been living with this for their entire lives?

This. Japanese Goku is legitimately just an old lady. It's terrible.

I'll agree with Mercedes but Lysithea sounds great in the dub

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>company literally killed the dub themselves
probably not a good example

Subs are for virgins. There's literally no reason to pick subs over dubs now, it's not like twenty years ago when characters were arbitrarily given foreign accents just because


It's some weird honor shit and it's embarrassing. King Kai in the Japanese Super dub sounded horrible.

A 50 year old woman voiced Goku in the original series and she's like 87 now. Japan is super autistic about keeping the same voice actors for each game. Ken's voice actor from Third Strike has been voicing him for like 23 years now

FPBP /thread

JP is a dub you fucking retard nigger. the script was originally written in english.

>I don't understand Goku's character because all I've seen is the dub
Goku's main character trait is he's suppose to have a childlike innocence (and mindset). And Toriyama has made it quite clear that Goku is not suppose to be your typical male lead. Him having a higher pitched voice and genki personality is very much in character with him. Basically, he's a child in an adult body.

You just expect Goku to have a deep voice because you saw the dub first. As well as the dumb western mindset that deep voice = more masculine. And to that I have just one name for you. Mike Tyson.

Okay Ken's JP VA is extremely based I won't have you talking shit


Stop virgin shaming.

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>one character
>instead of an entire game
Step aside, faggot.

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A shame 2's eng cast wasn't nearly as good as 1

I think 1 was godlike sheerly on accident

Already posted twice you colossal faggot

so it's shit, got it
>Mike Tyson's voice isn't masculine because he has a lisp
ok retard

Find a flaw.

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>he thinks he's talking about the lisp
Mike Tyson has a high voice as well. Especially for the stereotypical black man. There's a reason shows like The Simpsons make fun of it.

Agree but 2 still have some God tier VA performances like Malos.

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Cheesy bad is still bad. Same as SOTN or Final Fantasy X. The sad part is, even though games have gotten way more expensive and mainsteam, dubs have stayed just as bad. Or even gotten worse in some cases.

pretty sure they only make fun of the lisp, or more recently how quietly he talks in contrast to his entire life

Definitely not FE3H.

Dub/Localization > Original:
Virtue's Last Reward

Dubs only work if the setting and characters are actually Western. Like Hellsing.


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merely pretending, I'm sure

I thought some of the voices in DQXI were pretty good, particularly Rab, Jasper, and Hendrick.

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Every other answer is wrong.

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That was the first and last you that comes from me.

Feel free to kill yourself after reading this.


meant for

He's talked the same his whole life. He sounded like a prepubescent boy even when he was the champ. Just go watch some of his interviews or the many movies he's been in.

Dimitri was much better in English in Japanese.

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Idiot! How many times have I told you to stop shitposting on imageboards? I don't care about you, but if you're not around, who's going to take care of that mother of yours? Have you thought about that?

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The only saving grace of Japanese voice acting is half the time I can't tell how bad it is.

FFX is trash in JP. People thought it was dub but the VA is even worse.

>spoonfeeding yourself

her post-timeskip design looks so fucking stupid

At that point why not just turn the voices off? I'd rather hear whatever voice my inner reading naturally gives them than random fucking gibberish mixed with EEEEHHs and nanis

and no, any game that somehow has dual audio but no voice slider isn't worth playing

I've literally never touched an FF game in my life but that laugh is still the greatest

>a diligent student you could say
Easily my favorite Xeno villain behind Albedo, and the series is full of great antagonists

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It's not the actors but the script they're being forced to read. The English dub has some very famous voice actors in it. But they still come off as terrible because the script is so bad and they're being forced to match lip movements. And less retakes. So while the Japanese isn't amazing, it's still better than the English dub.

I like being able to follow the tone of voice for a scene even if I can't understand the spoken words, but you make a good point as well.

Most of the time is isn't bad. And you can tell tone and inflection even if you don't know what the actual words mean. Most of the time the Japanese voices are better not because the "acting" is better, but because the tone and context fit better. Take an RPG series like Dragon Quest. It's literally a shounen anime in video game form. So having Japanese voice actors performing Japanese quirks and tropes fits. When you change everyone to British dialects, but then have them perform Japanese puns and cliches, it just comes off as awkward at best, cringe-inducing at worse.