Weaponfu thread

weaponfu thread

Attached: tonitrus.png (400x400, 68.15K)

tonitrus is also a good choice

Attached: burialblade.png (337x336, 122.32K)

Fucks sake took me way too fucking long to find a png. seriously FUCK YOU GOOGLE with your fucking shitty WEBP bullshit

Attached: zweihander.png (102x120, 6.21K)

i just screencapped and cropped the webp like an animal

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Most rocket launchers/grenades. Especially sticky grenades.

It's cancer in its game but fuck I love the look of it

Attached: Screen Shot 2020-03-10 at 7.26.24 PM.png (1274x752, 806.49K)

Based and Bonkpilled

I remember one time I calculated the stat scaling on the totitrus when unbuffed and buffed a long time ago. The wiki says it only gets increased arcane scaling but apparently it gets better strength scaling as well.

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*one shots u*

Attached: Holorifle.png (2950x800, 1.29M)

This is my son please be nice

Attached: Wolf_Knight%27s_Greatshield.png (360x450, 115.42K)

the only good thing to come out of destiny

Attached: TLW.jpg (1920x1080, 464.86K)

Replaying the game with this again

Attached: threaded_cane.jpg (408x409, 17.83K)

The Lava Gun LV5 from Ratchet & Clank 3

this combined with wheel

Attached: BLAP BLAP.jpg (1200x1600, 446.63K)

i hope it will be in Elden Ring

Attached: moonlight.jpg (750x1000, 88.85K)

>not in sekiro

sekiro isn't a souls game

>when eli gets uppity

Attached: 2822C312-CBF5-43C1-8B5A-E1A0531A3927.jpg (600x338, 41.15K)

neither are kings field or armored core

Soo i heard they changed the shotguns...i am far away to test at this moment.Did they ruined my boy?

Attached: TnHeavyShotgun.png (512x312, 86.31K)

What do you just hate varied and useful move sets?

it came from kings field, a fantasy rpg, but you got me with armored core.
guess AC has more soul than sekiro

Attached: SuperSledgeFNVUnique.png (340x227, 42.02K)

>it came from kings field
What did you think this changed?

If I want to make a "BLT" playthrough with a strong bloodtinge/bloodletter character by the end of the game how should I play through it?

My baby

Attached: spinfusor-v.jpg (1024x768, 68.83K)

nothin personell, beasts

Attached: chikage.jpg (250x251, 7.84K)

By Suffering. The Problem with BLT is that while you eventually do get Chikage and Bloodletters Transform modes you have Nothing to really get you there. The Best bet is honestly just Whomping Amelia with a regular ass cleaver and pellet/paper with no stats and then Cheesing Simon to death so you at least have the Bow form of Bowblade to Fight Failed kin and Maria with (or go try to bow down Marty for Chikage)

Dodging in and out with transform attacks is fun as hell

Attached: beasthunters_saif.jpg (250x251, 8.8K)

>then Cheesing Simon to death so you at least have the Bow form of Bowblade
Or just run through the first half of the DLC and get

Attached: Dishonored sword.jpg (5155x2267, 556.33K)

For me, it's Hrunting

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Based, he should've come back with this baby, not that dumb rock

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>Nobody posted Kosm Parasite yet

Do you even ayy?

Bowblade chads, where you?

Attached: simon.jpg (500x626, 40.27K)

Only Bloodletter, Bowblade, and Chikage have meaningful BLT scaling though. Saif wont do any better than Cleaver/whatever if you're trying to Pump blood.

You could go like 25str or skill if you want to use the other halves of Bloodletter or Bow/Chikage but once you do hit 50BLT you wont ever really do that, and building specifically for BloodLetter means over-investment in Stam as you'll give up a rune slot for Great Deep Sea so you can L2 Frenzy shit without killing yourself.

The weird thing is even though starting out you'll suck, Bloodletter at 50blt is braindead strong at putting even deep chalices in the dirt. Headless BSB, Dark beast Tyson and Queen Ptumeru all fold to the excellent moveset Bloodletter has

You do have an OOS 27.2 Arcane Triangle/Radial for Maximal Tentacle ar with a Cursed Cold Abyssal on pure Arc parasite right? You aren't one of those meme Flat Arc stacking L2 spamming morons I hope

Can I post my spellfu?

Of course, user.


Attached: lightning_arrow.png (210x250, 112K)

fuck yeah dude

Attached: firekos.webm (960x540, 2.88M)

It does even more damage at higher FPS

Attached: Spinning laser.webm (800x450, 2.67M)

wtf? how

god I'm so mad that faith spell damage sucks so bad because the spell selection in 3 is the best faith has ever gotten

It is, it's just that a dragon wields it.

It hasn't had a good moveset since Demon's Souls but I use it anyway.

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you have to save edit a weapon to your left hand that has an effect, the weapon in the webm is the boomhammer

Attached: moonlightkos.webm (960x540, 2.9M)

How much damage does it do?

I was M14 Gang before it was a meme.

Attached: m14__black_ops__by_excadriller-d8lnwqc.png (1270x629, 1.21M)

damage doesn't change, it's just a visual effect

Blunt force trauma in a simple yet elegant weapon. I like it.

DS1: Zweihander
DS2: Craftsman's hammer
BB: Kirkhammer
DS3: Milwood Axe

It's actually godly in DS3 thanks to Perseverance.

Why is google shitting up images with Jffif and webp now

So cool but so weak, shame

Holy shit, i thought it was just me experiencing this lmao.

based. That was also my first weapon in DeS. I'm playing it again on PC but I messed up my build because I thought I would like the meat cleaver which I hate.

Recommend me some good weapon. So far I have done runs with Istarelle, Moonlight Sword and the Blueblood sword.

What game?

If it's Dark Souls then it's this. I'm fucking normie tier, but the weapon arts or whatever its called where you spin around is cool because I dodge strikes sometimes and nice hitboxes like that are sexy as hell.
Otherwise, the EPG from Titanfall is fun and cool.

Attached: farron_greatsword.png (216x290, 21.47K)

Use Duck Duck, Bing, or another alternative.

I love her

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Code Vein AKA Anime Bloodborne. Probably my favorite Souls-like for playing as a spellsword. Downside is that it can really hurt your eyes.

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