What do you think of Life is Strange?

What do you think of Life is Strange?

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I hate these shitty games and the faggots that play them.

I want to mating press Max

It would've been better if Max could have told Chloe to go fuck herself in episode 1 and spent the remaining episodes hanging out with her qt Victoria gf.

I don't

Remember when it came out and everyone was like "teens don't say hella no one talks like that"

Now everyone talks like that

One of the most influential games of all time

I'm glad I got to use the skills I learned from the second game to cut weed at my friend's house


I used to be fine with gays, but after so much politicizing I literally think the only solution is subjugating them. Fuck em, social cancer.
t. Literally bisexual

Never played it, never will, would rather get a Remember Me or Vampyr sequel that fixes their flaws.

we needed a harem route

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I've never played it and never will but I once masterbaited to an image of some girl spanking the main character.

It's a comfy and nice game if you don't mind Chloe and the obnoxious dialogue, people shit on the first one for pandering to sjw but i hardly notice it. The second game and before the storm tho, yikes, they took the worst aspect of the first game and turned it's volume from one to ten

>hey max let's exploit your power to find my dead gf lol who cares what it does to you physically and emotionally
>if you don't suck my metaphorical dick i'll guilt trip you for something you had no control over that happened like 5 years ago
>no dont talk to your suicidal friend... it's all about ME
>damn im gonna lead you to get you to do what you want but i really wish rachel were here and if she were i'd ditch you in a heartbeat
Chloe was garbage.

>people shit on the first one for pandering to sjw but I hardly notice it
You blind, stupid motherfucker.

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>Yas Forums understands that manipulative, broken women are massive cunts
>I have a thing for women with tonnes of issues
Fuck I just want to take her to therapy bros

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Its shit

Nothing I said was wrong and the fact that you can only respond with reddit reaction images proves that you know this. Chloetards have negative IQ.

I hate almost everything about it but yet there's something about Max that just makes me horny as fuck.
I think I have a fetish for girls who are on the cusp of being hot but just have a goofiness to them that brings them down to average.

>I hate these shitty games and the faggots that play them.

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Kate and Max are property of Victoria.


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I really enjoyed it. The people of Yas Forums have lost all joy in their life.

School life simulator was comfy, didn't really care much about Chloe.
Also Victoria was best girl.

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Shit fucking sucks.
Max is made for bbx throatswabbing.

Be honest, and try to stay true to the characters - did Max keep a hairy butthole, or no?


Fucking based.

Cute and Gay

I'm betting she's lucky in the genes department and her body hair is naturally pretty minimal so she doesn't do a lot of maintenance. Her pits are shaven, which is a good sign.

>Her pits are shaven, which is a good sign
>a good sign

The second game confirmed Max and Chloe are canon, deal with it loser

It should have had the option to have Max get with Kate or Victoria.

Hey man I'm into some weird and gross shit, but hairy pits on a woman is another thing entirely and needs to be eradicated.

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it's hella lame

It's not a dating sim, weeb

Which one has the better smelling pussy?

It was at its best when it was a comfy slice of life high school experience. The harder they leaned into the time travel stuff, the worse it got. Chapter five sucked.

People talked like that on twitter before Life is Strange came out. Now Yas Forums talks like twitter by saying things like "af" and "dope" and "what the actual fuck"

Goddamn right!

this. I'm playing the second game right now and it sucks fat nuts because there's nothing to fucking do.
It sets up everything like It's gonna be a good highschool friend simulator, then just takes everything away from you and railroads you into the woods with only one other character to talk to.

It's likely, but with Kate it is guaranteed.

I enjoyed it quite a bit, I'm a big fan of the Telltale games so it was nice to play something in the same vein but by a different developer. I would say episode 2 had the most impact on me, I had a friend who nearly killed himself once so Kate' suicide really hit deep, that feeling of not knowing what you could've done about it.

Max and Chloe's dynamic is pretty good, I think if I had to change one thing about the game I would make Chloe's character a little more likable. Her rebel attitude is great, but I feel like she pushes Max away just a little too often and it means the final choice in episode 5 to either save the town or Chloe wasn't extremely difficult for me. The whole chunk of the episode where she's looking back on time spent with Chloe helped, but still wasn't quite enough for me personally. The most emotional I got was from episode 2 rather than episode 5.

I started playing Before the Storm a month ago but haven't finished it and I've left it untouched for a few weeks, I should go back and finish it off. The ending of the first episode was really powerful. I was worried they wouldn't be able to do Rachel's character justice, but the way Chloe is so drawn to her is wonderful to see and Rachel does remain very mysterious and almost even mythic, while still being relatable as a human character. The character animation across the board in Before the Storm is also noticeable better than the first game.

I also love the name, I didn't get it before I first started playing but episode 2 really made me think about it more. I just really really liked episode 2 fuck me

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Also I forgot to mention but I like the way they did Victoria's character, classic bitchy girl but there is another side to her, and although you never become directly friends you're able to reach a mutual understanding with her and relate on some level. Felt very true to real life, any scene spent with her was really engaging to me.

I want Max to piss her jeans and let me peel them off of her and eat her piss-soaked pussy.

>hairy girl pits is gross
you gay as hell nigga

Consider the aroma, mid-scissor

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>likes an inherently masculine trait
>calls other people gay

women are "inherently" hairy you porn addled smooth brained faggot

this should have been the canon ending after having to go through such terrible writing characters

>women in porn are the only women who shave their bodies
europoor detected

>I want Max to piss her jeans

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>he doesn't like pee
Fucking normies.

Not every anti social NEET on this site has to have disgusting fetishes

You're right. Max should have just farted all way through the game. Enhanced brapper mechanics and upgrades for weaponized gas projectiles

I got 2 chapters in and I still don't understand the game. What's the appeal? Is it supposed to be nostalgic? Do I need to have had a childhood to understand it?

You only think you like piss, because you've only see it on film, and have never had the reality of it. Vaginas reek, and piss is disgusting.

You underestimate how far I've experimented with piss, user.

Personally I rather take her to town.

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gas all piss niggers

It was a cringeworthy riot. The writing was so bad that it kind of looped back around to being entertaining, and the fact that the girls were cute made it worth a watch, if not a playthrough. Its sub-par even by obnoxious story game levels. I found it really funny that the sequel totally flopped because it was missing the cute girls everyone was invested in. Deservedly so, of course. The writing of out of touch Frenchman trying to critique American politics will never not be hilarious.

And that's why it's shit

>Choices matter
>The only choice that matters is the end

Writing was so bad it was good, like the 4kids dub of yugioh. Plot went off a cliff completely after the second episode, Chloe was worst girl and Max should've fucked Victoria or Kate, and they ruined a decently well received game by making the second one about spics and burger politics

>Kill your friend who’s a genuine shit person
>Kill the entire town

>things that change my experience throughout a ten hour game only matter if they alter the last five minutes of that game

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>a genuine shit person

Chloe wasn't Max's friend; she treated Max like a fucking doormat and Max was too nice/autistic to say anything. Easiest choice of the game was dabbing all over that dumb cunt Chloe.
You obviously didn't play the game.

Play it again. She is so fucking spiteful it's ridiculous, you'd think she grew up in a crackhouse with a methhead for a mother but no she just lost her dad and her mom remarried. She shouldn't be as fucked up as she's behaving.

I played it to completion. Chloe wasn't a "shit person".

My goal from the start was to kill the town, getting a daddy issues ridden fucktoy is just an extra.

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>She shouldn't be as fucked up
>qualifications: none
fuck off