My little brother's birthday is in a few days, and I'm trying to figure out if I should get him FFX or FFXII. Can anyone give me the rundown on stuff like gameplay/plot/cast for both so I can reach a conclusion?
My little brother's birthday is in a few days, and I'm trying to figure out if I should get him FFX or FFXII...
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You should get him FFX but that remaster is dogshit to the point I'll recommend FFXII. Its remaster is also dogshit but it's not nearly as bad. It's still the same game it just looks and plays worse than the original.
We need a bit more info than that to go on, m8.
What kind of games does he like? How old is he? Is this his first JRPG? Etc.
As a blanket recommendation, I'd say X. Its plot is less politics-heavy and doesn't rely on its own jargon as much; it's also much easier to get into and understand from a gameplay perspective, imo. You don't need to design AI.
The FFX remaster is fine. People are just angry the models don't look exactly like they did when they were a kid.
There's nothing wrong with the XII remaster, and the only thing wrong with X's are the new character face models.
It's not that they don't look the same, it's that they look like shit.
X has a much better story and characters. The turn based combat is pretty good too. I like XII but it's not as good. I would only recommend XII over X to someone that simply can't stand old school stuff like turn based combat and random encounters.
>spoonfeed me
Fuck off and do your own research, faggot
X by a country mile. Don’t listen to the incels that are buttblasted by the character updates, it’s an awesome remaster all around.
13 years old, standard fan of the typical anime JRPGs with the usual tropes, given he's played Dragon Quest and Tales of Vesperia. He doesn't mind a challenge in his games though, since he recently got Dark Souls 2 and apparently hasn't been filtered yet.
Then X, for sure. The remaster is fine.
The one on the right is shit and the one on the left is shit. Welcome to the FF fanbase.
Get him XII for sure. It'll really open him up to broader plots and more esoteric mechanics.
They look and animate like shit, even have lower amounts of polygons. The rest of the game also looks worse. It's a shit port.
>There's nothing wrong with the XII remaster,
Use your eyes you faggot.
A bittersweet story about self-sacrifice. The main protagonist is a retarded normalfag jock who learns a harsh lesson in reality and has to deal with his daddy issues.
A more political story about freedom and mankind having the right to control his own destiny or not. More Shakespearean than anime compared to other JRPGs.
>It's not that they don't look the same, it's that they look like shit.
They look fine, it's your nostalgia goggles that are making them look bad.
Or he'll call you a faggot for recommending such a trash pile of a game.
>They look fine
No, they really don't. See
He's gonna beat it to Riku lmao
The real tragedy of the FFX remaster is not the changed models or music, it's the fucked up facial animations.
It's not even just the art style, the right looks graphically superior.
THat's comparing it to the old models, aka Nostalgia goggles.
>Dude the old models were really really good
>And the new ones are fine
>THat's comparing it to the old models
Yes, which is the point. Because it was the old models that were changed for the remaster you dumb motherfucker. The """""""remaster""""""" literally made it look worse. That's not fine.
t. man with his head caved in
The only thing you can argue the remaster did better are the 2D backdrops you sometimes see in interiors and the font(which I personally think looks like shit but it looks like shit on PS2 as well).
The rest is a straight downgrade. The environmental textures are higher resolution but they look terrible. And all of the hand placed lights in the entire game were removed.
You're saying the Remaster is a bad game compared to the original, and I'm saying on its own the Remaster is a fine game and there's nothing wrong with it if you're playing Final Fantasy X for the first time.
I don't understand why you're not getting.
You're simply trying to discount hat the remaster is a bad remaster. You shouldn't support business practices like this.
Give him the young FFX experience or rob him of his childhood
>"The only thing wrong with the remaster is that the models look like shit"
>"Okay here are some side by side comparisons to display that they are, objectively, shit."
Or turn him into 'that' kid who likes FF12.
Pretty horrific. I need to play X some time, but I'm sure I'll stick to fucking PCSX2 on native settings like God intended.
They essentially ported it to modern systems and instead of keeping the same level of fidelity in HD, they smoothed things out. It's also $30 for 2 games.
You're upset they called it a remaster but the graphics aren't as good. My point is who fucking cares. The graphics aren't horrendous, they look fine
>>"Okay here are some side by side comparisons to display that they are, objectively, shit."
That's the opposite of objective, that's completely subjective. Nice try though.
>That's the opposite of objective, that's completely subjective
No, it's objective. There is an objective drop in visual quality in virtually every regard.
>They essentially ported it to modern systems and instead of keeping the same level of fidelity in HD, they smoothed things out
So you admit they ported it to modern systems, and then lowered the graphic quality, and that's fine with you?
>It's also $30 for 2 games.
These games are almost two decades old now, so yes.
You don't have a point, you're simply an apologist shitposting.
You made that up, you just wanted to start an argument.
X has stellar plot
xii is the better video game
It's really tough one. I'd say he will have more fun time when playing 12 but 10 will be more memorable experience that he will remember years to come
How the fuck do you even remember to breathe with that brain?
>Dude what if we made half the playable cast be inconsequential to the story
>Dude what if we made a cast that barely says anything and almost never interacts with each other
>Dude what if we made multiple cutscenes where the main character has no idea what's going on and just stands in the background while people who matter speak
>Dude what if we made a character who's literally just a random girl off the street
>Dude what if we made a villain who has zero emotional connection to the heroes and doesn't even meet them until the last ten minutes
>Dude what if we took Final Fantasy Tactics' setting and made it a poor man's Star Wars
>Dude what if we gave the narrator a comical Apu accent
>Dude what if we made a political plot and then ruined it by turning it into standard ancient god shenanigans
>Dude what if we made a plot where the heroes have almost no impact on what happens until 95% of the way through the story and spend their time traipsing through non-descript caves and ruins
>Dude what if I'm Captain Basch
>Dude what if we made the sheathing/unsheathing animation stop you before and after every battle
>Dude what if we took everything 100% seriously and had zero levity
>Dude what if we wrote all of the dialogue to sound like a Renaissance Fair
>Dude what if we we had no overworld and all travel was handled by a menu or floating teleport crystals
>Dude what if we made a battle system where you set everything up in advance so that you don't actually play the game
>Dude what if we made summons useless except for opening doors
>Dude what if instead of fun side quests we had only fetch/kill quests like in some generic MMO
>Dude what if instead of having fun side games like the motorcycle chase and Triple Triad we had nothing
>Dude what if we had really shitty music
>xii is the better video game
No it isn't it barely has minigames and none of them were fun. FFX has much more diverse gameplay and it's harder too.
>So you admit they ported it to modern systems, and then lowered the graphic quality, and that's fine with you?
Yes, because the end product is fine.
It's not "objectively shit" though. If anything it'd be subjectively "shit" compared to the original, but I don't even think that.
My point from the very beginning is the remaster is fine and the only people upset about it is people who compare it to the original. If you play the game at face value you won't have any fucking problems with the graphics. Yes, if you compare it to the original you probably will prefer the original graphics.
>Yes, because the end product is fine.
It's not fine. It looks worse than it did two decades ago on the original system. That's not fine.
>Shilling for a shitty chinese outsource job
There's nothing fine about it you filthy apologist. You're probably justifying your shit purchase while ignoring how terrible it is.
X if he is 16~
If he's older, then XII
The FFXII remaster forces you to double class while the game isn't rebalanced for it in any way, meaning you get assloads more power and abilities WAY sooner in the game, and will absolutely mop up every single enemy in your path.
X/x-2 looks worse but if he's never played the original he wouldn't fucking know, now would he?
get x/x-2.
I would rather play the remaster in 1080p than the original in 480p, that's just me though.
>buyers remorse
>You're a terrible person because you have X opinion
I'm literally just saying clearly how I feel about this and you guys are just hurling insults.
>uhm wow? i'm lowkey just genuinely giving my opinion and you guys are being so mean and literally hostile... :( why is this sub so toxic...
why will you get him a game you have no idea about?
>ffx is the better game because of minigames!
And the way you feel is how a retarded apologist with buyer's remorse would. And so you shill with a terrible opinion.
I didn't say that. I'm summing up your entire argument.
If he's a patrician he'll beat it to Lulu.
But seriously OP, just buy him the Kingdom Hearts collection, that is if he isn't too edgy yet.
XII is a terrible game
X is an ok game
Yes. The gameplay is more challenging and aside from combat there's more to do. FF12 is an auto-battle simulator with a bad story.
As opposed to FF12 original which just gives everyone the entire license board meaning there's basically no reason to every swap party members in and out? Sorry, IZJS rules are best rules.
There is nothing wrong with it
FFX is unbelievably good looking for a PS2 game. I always though FFX, MGS2, ZOE 1/2, and FF12 were all very graphically pleasing games.
I'm really telling the truth bro, see .
My original plan was to get him Dark Souls 2, but he already picked it up from a sale earlier on.
FF12 has a better progression curve because it takes a long time to build ideal roles and even longer to max out the board. IZJS has you basically cap out the entire board quickly and by that time the game is a cake walk because your characters are stronger than they would be in the base game by that point. Then the rest of the game is piss easy.
TZA makes it even worse by giving you two boards.
I played FFX remaster for 500 hours, it was pretty great.
Name one thing in X that is challenging that isn't a Dark Aeon.
Wtf retard shill apologist? Don't you know that you're playing a game with inferior graphics? You must just have buyers remorse and are in denial.
Every single battle when compared to FF12.
The 12 remaster is fucking amazing you contrarian bitch
I played it for x hours and it was perfect.
You've lost your damned mind. FF12 is far from my favorite but 10 isn't even remotely challenging in any way.
No it isn't. It's worth playing if it's on PC for the 60fps and mods but it's still Virtuous, all of the textures are worse and there are ugly filters that ruin the art style.
Are you illiterate? Read the posts you sperg.
izjs is fine.
tza gives you dual classing which is terrible and breaks the game in half.
Oh yeah I forgot IZJS was single class. Only played that version for a couple hours before I got distracted.
fuck that shit, final fantasy gay nigga, get him tooty mcshooty instead so you don't like a gigantic faggot
Do you want him to be gay so you can fuck him in the ass later? Give him a real game.
anyone defending atrocity that is FFX "remaster" deserves a rope
You got some anger issues you need to work out, son? The thrust of my point is that NEITHER game is challenging at all unless you're doing the optional super bosses. Now fuck off, you drooling retard.
One is more challenging than the other. You aren't making a point you're just acting like a retard who can't read.