That level design

>that level design

holy shit, even for 2001 this is pretty fucking bad

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You weren't alive in 2001.


Yeah, some of the levels were all over the place. In fact most aspects of this game weren't that good taken on their own, but somehow the game as a whole was pretty enjoyable.

The sequels improve this a lot

>has another library

>Hang em High
never have I hated a map so much

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Can't deny it, to be fair it was an RTS game for Mac only 4-5 years before release. The game was definitely rushed so it could be an Xbox launch title. In that regard, I'd say it's been vindicated.

Fool me once

strike 1

Truth and Reconciliation, Halo, and Silent Cartographer are pretty well designed.
Rest of the game's a mess, though.

I hate it in Halo, but loved in in Counter Strike for some reason.

Halo 1-3 will always be a goat trilogy no matter what contrarian virgins here say.

you literally named one of the top 5 best FPS maps of all time. No better sniper map exists.

Compared to the Call of Duty campaigns of recent years, still 1000x better. Name me a modern FPS with better level design.

I would hope that the best trilogy would have at least 2 good games in it

>Everything until the library
Pretty good
>Everything after
Ho shit nigger what are you doing

>risking a 99% chance to die in order to get a plasma rifle
awesome level

it's pretty evident who is underage based on their opinion of CE.

That map is shit, and it's garbage in H2 as well.

I like Halo except for flood levels, they are shit and boring. Completely unsatisfying to fight against and lame visuals. Shooting them isn't enjoyable.

I feel the exact same way about the infected in Warframe.

Pretty much this
Halo and Truth and Reconciliation in particular are great

I liked the flood for not taking full magazines to the face before dying but the fact that the endless copy pasting of the levels climaxes with their inclusion and never comes back down ruined them

You need an incredibly high IQ to understand the genius of The Silent Cartographer

Nah, the Library is bad but the remainder is great
Two Betrayals is the second best mission in the franchise behind The Covenant

>dude lets just make a linear level but set you up to do it in the wrong order the first time as a joke

no it isnt, faggot

>he doesn't get it
Never gonna to make it

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Agreed. Past the silent cartographer, the maps are mirrored.

I fucking loved that map.

>everyone who disagrees with me is underage
fuck off, copetard
coincidentally SC is the only good halo 1 map
really makes me think

What's wrong with the level design.
Keep it clear and consise pls.

It's shit.

Why tho?
You do have reasoning, right?

This game just fucking drags on and on, especially Two Betrayals/AotCR. It's a fantastic game for its time though.

The level design is really good about getting you from fire fight to fire fight quickly and keeping you engaged.
There's a good mix of type of encounters too. balancing close quarters, outdoor, vertical engagements, and vehicle sections.
Even levels with reused level geometry within the same stage, like AotCR with it's reused bridge and "that one room" manage to mix up how the encounters within that geometry play out with simple changes like "this bridge will get bombed by banshees", "this bridge will be next to another bridge and receive cross fire from there", "this bridge will have glass floors you can break to access a lower level"


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the library in Halo 2 was pretty cool though
relatively diverse looking and things like encountering the Marines while Arbiter were neat

The remade version in Reach is slightly tolerable because of the grav lift they added
But yeah the CE version is awful

Just do the Bridge Fall and you can despawn all the enemies and just stroll to the end of the level.
Yeah this level is shit.

>growing up friend tells me that if you take the warthog out as far as you can in the silent cartographer and wait for a half an hour to an hour a sea monster will appear and swallow you
obviously not true but great level

>the second half of the game is literally doing earlier levels but in reverse

Credit where credit is due, Bungie pulled off a pretty amazing conjob with CE. Two Betrayals is seriously LITERALLY assault on the control room backwards. Same with The Maw recycling Pillar of Autumns geometry.

very true
i think i got bored as fuck after the library

Wizard is the worst map

Two Betrayles and Keyes are the best levels in the game, if just for the Flood and Convenant battles

AotCR is the best level in the game though.
Yeah, Two Betrayals is lazy, but it mostly sucks just because fighting Flood in Halo:CE sucks.

Really, fighting Flood just feels like trash if you don't have a shotgun.
I'm not sure the later halos made the right call by letting you "headshot" the infection forms out of Flood, but at least that means you get more than one common weapon that's actually worth using against them.

>remember kiting Hunters all the way into the ocean during the demo
>try and recreate this trick and blow my friend's mind but the final build restricts Hunters to their little courtyard now

Made me look like a fuckin idiot.

Halo CE's level design is just filler.

H2 has shit survival sections and even more linear level design.
H3 does way more backtracking on top of having less missions also
>the cortana ear rape and screen rape
>then the gravemind ear rape and screen rape

Most of them feel samey and copypasted to artificially lengthen the playtime of each level. Definitely a product of its time.

Game length is just a filler.
Games are just a filler for your own life, everything is a filler when you look at it that way.

>AotCR is the best level in the game though
If it wasn't for the game's buttfuck retarded checkpoint system, I would agree.

Halo CE was never about the level design, it's all about the combat. If DMC5 fags can shill that copy paste level design is a good thing, so can i god dammit.

libtard zoomer faggots detected

>nu/v/ just discovered CE even though its been on pc for almost twenty years

I would rib you boys, but Im just glad a younger generation is experiencing Halo 1 for the first time.

The best map in halo is the completely empty blood gulch map which has a version in every game that is exactly as empty till reach. Except valhalla, shit was cash but empty.

too bad halo has nowhere near the combat depth of dmc

I'm pretty sure the only good FPS in history are Halo 1-3 and Timesplitters FP
I genuinely can't think of another game.

Valhalla was a lot smaller than BG, though. They shrank the midfield down hard to the point that teleports were replaced with mancanonons.

is not an argument, everything is copypasted in game design, already existing things are copypasted and then defined to be another thing, every single geometry and any item in any game ever is copy pasted to an extent.

too bad both of the pc versions are gimped as shit compared to the original, thanks gearbox!

>even for 2001
Do you think good level design was a secret recipe until the mid-2000s or something? Plenty of games before 2001 have good level design.

u mad?

boomer crap

it's fun

Literally everything in doom is copypasted, every single map is basic grey geometry that doesnt set any specific theme.
But no, it gets a pass because its old.

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the sound of wind howling on Infinity really accentuates how empty it is.

Maybe it'd be cool on 16v16 but that map needs to be trashed in the MCC

I always felt like Time Splitters 2 was peak level design for the era. Made Halo's shameless recycling of environments almost embarrassing. That said, it was the first time Bungie was working with Direct X machines so you could give them some wiggle room in the corner cutting department.

It gets a pass because many levels in Doom are structurally interesting even if the aesthetics have limited variety. Halo's level design is just boring in every sense.

You only had a warthog and mongoose on every side, but the map really was fun and you could get right back in the middle of the map after you spawned. The real blood gultch replacement was sandtrap which was even better. I think overall Halo 3 has the best multiplayer maps. Just most DLC maps sucked.

those zoomers never played quack.
Theyre all fake faggots that started with picrel and suddenly think they know everything about fps's

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But it isnt, its only for you because it was your first fps.
Zoomers dont find og doom fun or interesting.

>people tell me doom soundtrack is the shit
>i say quake 2 soundtrack is so much better
>no one ever played quake 2
>i bet they didn't even play doom

Just the normies who got into gaming like 5 years ago when it really took off. They never played the shit they talk about.

i've known about it since the late 2000s
i just didn't feel like playing against only sudacas online

chiron is the actual worst map
rat race isn't much better

I played it with no nostalgia and gotta be honest Halo kinda sucks fat dick bro. Fat black dick.

>But it isnt, its only for you because it was your first fps.
But it wasn't.

It's a console shooter. What did you espect?

I've only had the displeasure of playing that one with the shoguns only mode so I cannot say yet
Rat Race is ok if 4v4

Quarantine Zone and Index are some of the hypest levels in the series

status is everything to zoomers, they watched a lets play for 10 minutes and suddenly think they have some oldfag image to others.


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Wzard is a literal arena. Its all about balancing skill and luck. Chiron is a patrician map that is basically Halo 1s version of Chess. Rat race is just okay.

>boring? maybe.
>Frustrating? never
having endless hallways that fork into more identical looking hallways isn't great level design either. And teleportal puzzles are more annoying than anything in Halo. At least Halo's a.i. is good enough that encounters play differently even in identical locations.