How are you coping, sonyfriends?

how are you coping, sonyfriends?

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Chances of Killzone coming to PC?

Finally, others can share in my disappointment. If only they could have the satisfaction of having Nier Automata coming out in the middle of Horizon's release cycle to give a true sense of elation, the same I felt.

Sorry that this is what had to get ported instead of Killzone Mercenary or something.

hopefully mods can fix the faces

I literally don't care. Call me when they port Bloodborne over so I can replay it. Horizon was ass. Don't buy it mustards.

I want bloodborne not this piece of trash

I don't plan on buying it but I also know that if nobody buys it, we won't get more stuff, so there is an incentive there to continue stripping away exclusivity.

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The only good KZ games are 2 and Mercs. None are likely to get ported over. GG also killed the series real good with 3 and SF.

Is Mercs the one for PSP? That game was surprisingly good. I've played that and 1-3. What's so wrong with 3? It wasn't quite as good as 2 but I still liked it okay. Is Shadow Fall that bad? I haven't played that, I didn't get a current gen console this cycle.

Brand loyalty is the most heinous plot developed by (((them))) that you could have subscribed to. The company does not fucking care about you. They want your money. Why are you funneling all your wealth into one grubby pocket, instead of enriching yourself with the fruits of many labors?

Whats the chance of Bloodborne going on Steam?

Huge FS fag here but no ps4 ;_;

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Mercs is for PS Vita. I think it's the best game in the whole series and GG had nothing to do with it.

SF is basically every obnoxious 2013 AAA cliché condensed in one game. It is the definition of bland mediocre and hollow. Kinda like Horizon when you think about it.

ask sony how the fuck should I know

Honest question - do people ACTUALLY get buttmad when an exclusive gets ported? Because I skipped a whole console generation and jumped back into it in 2017 and got a PS4 so I guess I'm technically a sonyfriend and I can't imagine getting upset about it.

>how are you coping, sonyfriends?
just ordered the GPU budget king. looking forward to playing the new Doom with this. 580&cm_re=rx_580-_-14-137-118-_-Product&quicklink=true

Never heard much about this game
Is it any good?

Not really. Flame bait threads are made but these days Nintendo, MS and Sony all let their exclusives go multiplat.

Oh, you're right. The PSP game is Liberation. It's also quite good imo but I'll have to try Mercs.

Shame about SF though. It kind of makes sense given the release period for the game. That's literally the worst time for video games in my whole life.

it's absolute fodder shit, not even worth a pirate

>Honest question - do people ACTUALLY get buttmad when an exclusive gets ported?
32 yo fag here that has been with the PS since 1998. yeah i'm kind mad this new fag that took over is porting his fag game and fucking the PS brand in the process. this is their new 599 moment.

who /day1pirate/ here lads

I'd be madder if it was a good game

Imagine actually having brand loyalty

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Can you imagine snoys were shilling this as the zelda killer? lmao, not even mustards want this pile of shit

Nah. It's barely worth a pirate. Story's safe and dull. Gameplay is derivative and clumsy. Basically GG game in a nutshell.

Coming to xbox?


Played it when it came out for ps4, can't wait to play it on my computer with hella mods (I assume). Are there really people out there that only have 1 means of playing games, and get angry when others are able to play said game on their means of gaming?

>the zelda killer
But that's Breath of the Wild

At least we had some laughs from shitty broken cutscene animations. Modern games don't even have that

>Didnt buy it because it looked like shit when it was announced for PS4
>Still looks like shit now

Enjoy I guess.

damn, and you've been waiting 5+ years to play game of the decade

Dark Souls is already the Zelda killer

The people that buy into brand loyalty are insufferable retards. But their meltdowns are fun to watch.

So nintendo and steamcucks?

Don't really care one way or another, I played it 3 years ago. I hope people enjoy it though. It'd be cool to see people make more games with part-based damage/destruction. There's not nearly enough and that's one thing I felt horizon did better than pretty much any game.

>Imagine actually having brand loyalty
bitch please. no one has sucked as much corporate cock in the history of gaming as steamfags have. but i digress, a consumer demanding that a company do NOT sell a product on a false premise (only on playstation) is objectively not brand loyalty. it's consumer common sense.

>they're finally porting sony games to pc!
>but not the ones I want to play
Kat's game on PC when?

What happened to our company bros?

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as a mustard, i don't care
i'm not even going to pirate to make fun of it
i'm not even going to shitpost without having played the game

Lots of games which are still exclusive to PS4 and not on PC so idk what every one is crying about!!

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Jaytech is on suicide watch

by playing games that released this year not 3 years ago :)

Sonyfags are at the top of the delusional brand loyalist chart.

It's a pretty boring game.

the real question is.. will we now get Aloy in monster hunter?

It's ok. Story is bad. Gameplay is OK but insanely boring and samey later on. It's a very safe game

No one ever talks about "dude this new game on STEAM" you absolute spergalerg.

listen here frenchy you stick to dark souls games and leave the bloodborne to grownups that can afford a ps4 ok gramps?

they are in full damage control mode.

>Sonyfags are at the top of the delusional brand loyalist chart.
steamfags are saying how their prefer BUYING on steam games that are free on Epic. but sure I'm delusional because I don't like Sony's demonstrable false advertising.

You're right they talk about games not on steam and then review bomb them

40 games. 40. lmao

Because Epic games store is trash funded by tencent retard.

Review bombing isn't even a thing.

>implying i'm seething about you getting sloppy seconds

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If anything, sites remove legitimate bad reviews to inflate scores.

>claims to not be seething
>still seething hard enough to take the obvious bait

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Anyone who uses that cunt is obviously shitposting. Probably one turbo autist.

Surprisingly decent list, but I think GoW deserves top tier. And put in GR1 Remastered next to GR2.
