why are nintendobabbies so emotional?
Why are nintendobabbies so emotional?
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is that dunkey
Gee, he really fliped out
Because they are a cult
why are sonybabbies so emotional?
is this the guy who plays league of legends and complains about fiora players?
Is that the motherfuckin' Smash cringelord Sky?
what happened here
some fag on twitter who genuinely table flipped upon hearing about the Horizon port and then filled the aftermath he cause
all memes aside, they're mentally underdeveloped, they're still stuck on that infantile level.
there are much more instances of nintentards being manchildren than Snoys, its not even on the same level
huh? so what are the decades he threw away he's talking about. decades doing what? playing on playstation instead of pc?
Honestly i love tranny flag, it's one big red flag.
adults showing emotions is perfectly ok ya crazies
Is this the guy who fucked Dunkey's gf?
But when it's towards a faceless corporation designed for children, it's abnormal.
no it's fucking not
Dios mio... el goblino
Reminder ESL fifaniggers are a plague.
OP desperate trying to deflect that snoybois are imploding.
My fucking sides. Sony is dead. Good riddance.
>tfw PC chad
>tfw lowest of the main 4
>tfw now Nintendofags can't argue with my criticisms towards their shit company since their "snoy" strawman doesn't work
Here's a link to the last thread so we can all laugh at OP again. He's the only desperately posting Nintendo memes like the sad pathetic loser he is.
FUCKING KEK this can't be real. What's wrong with sonyfags?
wtf? Do sonybros really?
I dont think people inherently believe this, at least not early on
They just get caught up in shitposting that, when spammed hard enough awakens some imflammatory fanatacism they didnt know they had but they didnt mind falling in line with
Leave it to them to let it go too far though in an attempt to fit in with a clique they retardedly thought was worth joining
as an addendum, remember the Hearthstone fiasco and how people were deleting their Bnet accounts, only to tweet how they were wondering how to restore their accounts "to get the new tracer skin" or other shit?
>faceless corporation
Console war faggots are the lowest form of human life
>tfw i have a pc, switch, and ps4
>the most comfy combo
>i have no stake in the game yet I still laugh at all three
>nintendo living rent free in snoyboys' heads
Ah, centrists with no balls. The most impotent faggots when it comes to debates. The reason why divisive issues never get resolved. End your life please.
>pride of being a centrist
Pick a side already and sell your switch or ps4.
Consolewar aside, that Sky nigger is legitimately so fucking disgusting. Not only is he ugly as sin and a humongous faggot, he's also so fat he's fucking deformed. I remember one time people were talking about him being an annoying piece of shit and he tried to spin them as being homophobic, but then later had to make a video apologizing and admitting he's just a fucking unlikeable person.
Nah you should take it a step further
>have pc switch and ps4
>each week I decide to falseflag as one, using my many sony/nintendo/pc soijaks
So much fun when people think you genuinely support a console like a football team.
Nobody needed to know that.
What's it like being a cuckold to three different corporations?
>100m ps4s sold
>sony is dead
Why do crackers love other men taking their wives.
>someone you've never met or cares about you ends up dying
>first instinct is to record yourself crying
Anyone who makes videos like this is a narcissistic nutcase by making it about themselves. They wouldn't last an hour if one of their family members died.
>chimping out over "losing" an exclusive is a rational emotional response
But it's not, this is literally peak autism
I mean, I like nintendo but not to this degree. I do cry a lot, like pretty much everyday. I've had depression for 12 years plus other mental issues, so is that the reason? Like sad music makes me cry so easily. I'll be in the cry and I'll play certain songs and just start bawling.
It doesn't take much to get me to cry. I'm very emotional, kind of wish I wasn't. Heart on my sleeve and all that jazz.
They were all sold at a loss. Sony actually lost countless money on the PS4.
Post the video
>cosole war
Swallow lead redditnigger.
the only devisive issue here is what exclusives you like and what menus you like to look at. I like all three for different reasons, go fuck yourself.
It's not really that much a problem. The problem arises when he tries to touch your balls or kiss your cock when you're plunging into his wife.
aahhh that's a beautiful idea. gonna start doing that now.
talking about games isn't a debate or an issue to be revolved you wannabee intellectual
>PC brand
how the fuck you can have PC brand loyalty? What does it even means?
>thank you mega corporation
>thank you rich business man
absolute pathetic
I'm not gonna look for it, it was a few years ago.
>becoming a corporation simp
how does society rid itself of shills
three different coporations, your mother, and her bull tyrone.
>Please corporat daddy I was loyal to your brand
wow guess all PC owners and Android phone users are trannies too huh
Wouldn't this mean that people that don't like sony are the majority? Meaning that the majority are nintendofags?
kek that's how you know Sony's at the top
Those aren't mutually exclusive and Yas Forums isn't a majority