Reminder that RWBY videogame exists :)

Reminder that RWBY videogame exists :)

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>RWBY still exists

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Friendly reminder that volume 5 was not only fully written but somehow considered good enough to be fully animated and released.

Ruby is so cute bros. It's a shame she's stuck in a trash series.

I prefer Blake


I want to marry Blake

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more like blacked haha

We know

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>sold a bunch of dlc to an unfinished product
>never fixed the core issues of the game
>people still happily bought it
highway robbery at its finest. rwbyfags are retards

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>tfw it's a game that's only fun with friends but none of your friends like RWBY

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V1/V2/V4 of her is so well designed.
Shame her design goes shit in V7

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There is no quality control at Rooster Teeth, the whole company is built on nepotism is basically a bunch of friends that gaslight each other into thinking they are talented and are lucky enough to have a rabid fanbase who will eat any shit they throw at them.

No one in the main cast has a good volume 7 design,
Except Ren, he looks damn good

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RWBY is such dogshit Jesus fucking Christ.
I hate weebs so fucking much

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Yeah, but it fucking sucks.

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>Somehow RT approved this design
Imagine if Monty was still alive seeing this he would die again for dissapointment

Literally only decent thing about this series is the girls and the starting premise.

>ruby porn animations stopped being made
>one of the three good ones has a nigger in it

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>absolute garbage series
>god tier waifu designs
Why is it like this bros

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They all shit, but from Worst to Worstest
Ruby > Blake > Yang >>> Weiss

It still baffles me how this really happened in the real world.

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>looking worse than Yang
I mean they're all bad but I'd say Yangs is the least shit

Wait what happen in this ?
Did RWBY goes to Timeskip again ?? What reason for them to change the outfits ?

Reminder that Vicious Circle exists :(
They tried giving it away to RT FIRST members,
then when that didn't work they made it Free to Play,
when that still didn't work they laid off 13% of the company including the game devs.

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Porn animators were interested in Overwatch / DOA / and other popular stuff.
Just be happy for what you get, user.

All of your friends have better taste than you

they got gear "upgrades"

My time has come

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Theres barely fanart of V7 characters at all because they all agree it was shit

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Blake has really nice tits in her new outfit.

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So whats the reason for Ruby, Weiss, and Blake to completely changed their hairstyle ?

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Too bad she's such a womanlet.

>Weiss got taller
>Also her boobs grow

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>based futa porn: the series

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I never understood why people hate it so much on other boards. I won't deny that it has a shit ton of problems and that the writers are terrible but the show isn't that bad.

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was it rape?

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Which one is for mating press?

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>he watches ecelebs


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>god tier waifu designs
They're literally the most generic NPC shit ever.

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I want to anal Weiss, Blake and Yang.

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>Monty died and a bunch of faggots too his fanfic dream and shit all over it.
I wish Rooster Teeth would burn down.

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Based Neochad