>go fast
How was anyone ever okay with this?
Go fast
Other urls found in this thread:
People had better reflexes back then. All the mercury in your vaccines has dulled you to the point that you actually get hit in Sonic the Hedgehog, like the subhuman you have allowed yourself to become.
I’ve never gotten hit in this game, you’re just a faggot.
>Hold down right
This was Mario's main rival huh...?
Gid gud
roll you retard
git gud
>Hold run button
Peak platformer everyone
Sega looked at SMB3 and looked at SMW and realized pretty quickly they could never build a platformer as good as Nintendo. SMW was so perfect that 90% of mario maker levels use their mechanics today. Sonic on the other hand could only be played with 1 button.
So they had to advertise the only advantage they had. The speed at which Sonic moved across the screen. Never mind that most of the levels in sonic you need to stand still and wait for things to move, and that if you moved too fast you were unable to react to enemies or spikes. So while they advertised Sonic's speed, they also influenced kids into thinking Sonic was a speed game which inevitably left many genesis owners to jump ship at the next generation.
Sure Sonic had amazing music and graphics, but Sega pushed Sonic into so many directions that they never really nailed down what made a good platformer. Sonic as a platformer has always been overrated and B tier. Simple as.
sonic 3 and sonic 2 are good
sonic 1,cd and &knuckles are shit
that is all
>This series is bad because it markets itself based on the player being good at the game, but being good takes skill and practice, which is bad in this one instance and not in every other case
How was anyone ever okay with this?
But I thought it was hold right to win?
>fall and die
This saved the industry?
You're wrong
But that's ok
Do you guys get tired of posting the same threads with the same descriptions? It's almost like you're a bunch of bots automating posts. I'm genuinely worried.
Rolling any time you gain momentum just to be safe or the terrain looks like it's going downhill gets rid of half the challenge of the game.
>play poorly
>get punished
It's because they are the only descriptions that get responses to get a conversation going. It's the necessary cancer, especially since page 10 is death.
Sonic isn't about going fast. It's about resisting your autistic urge to go fast.
You had to be rolling you retard
Sonic is and was a glorified marketing tool. The technology literally wasn't there yet for making a Sonic game when they were actually popular.
Are you some kind of braindead zoomer who didn’t experience the 90s? How was the technology not there?
>water zone
>so cool
>let's add another one at the end of the game
Is it safe to assume that bad game design is just Eggman doing his job?
Speed in Genesis Sonic was meant to be a reward for learning and perfecting a stage (think Mario-speedrunning but on steroids) as opposed to the hand-holding automated racetracks Sonic adopted from Adventure-onwards instead of expanding upon it.
>go fast
>realize you can go fast if you learn the unique physics that sonic has
>attempt to go fast with your new knowledge
>go fast, but realize you can go faster
>realize that you need to pair your mechanical knowledge with proper level routing
>go faster than you ever did before
>have fun
Sonic was never good desu.
8/10, everything minus the "jump ship" reasoning and consolewar-reaching was pretty accurate. Would have convinced many anons otherwise.
Out of the four Labyrinth Zone acts (including SBZ Act 3) three of them have major shortcuts which let you skip most of the level. Scrap Brain Zone Act 3 in particular can be beaten in like fifteen seconds
played this on release as a child and figured it out. are you a journalist or something?
Have you played the original Sonic games recently? There is no way this shit should have flown and it only did because only it was almost exclusively literal children playing videogames. The screen isn't nearly wide enough for it to actually be fun to make Sonic go fast anywhere near your fast try, and the 3D Sonics suffered from the same issue of the technology not being there yet which made all of them pathetic games.
Does Sonic even have a single good game, honestly?
>Never mind that most of the levels in sonic you need to stand still and wait for things to move, and that if you moved too fast you were unable to react to enemies or spikes.
You got filtered, zoomer
Owl mommy didn't die in the movie did she?
>it was impossible to react to 4:3 screens!
No it wasn’t, zoomer. No one was complaining about this back then. Plus Sonic Mania just came out and was better than any 2D Mario game
> No one was complaining about this back then
Because everyone was a literal child you mongoloid, and it was fairly impressive for the time. This is like arguing Crysis is a top 10 game because the graphics were great when it came out.
What do you think the rings are for you retard?
Do you guys remember when this was the complaint?
The holding right meme really only applies to boostshit, they're all scripted as hell
It's so obvious you're a zoomer who never played a single retro sonic game. There's only two speeds. So fast you can't react to what's ahead of you, and walking pace.
The ring system is pretty dumb.
Kids are easily entertained by mediocre things.
Only a zoomer would think "speed" is the only way you can enjoy the 2D Sonic games.
Now try that on Marble zone.
>So fast you can't react to what's ahead of you
Zoomer detected. Sorry you suck at video games.
This. OP's just a stupid zoomer.
Notice how he needed to remove everything to prove a point?
The only thing interesting about Sonic is being fast. It's a mediocre platformer, the story is obviously kiddie shit as it should be, the music is mediocre at best and the characters are so bad that the people who like them are almost all autistic.
Imagine if you went to play DOOM and you could only have any fun and play the game like it's meant to be played after you've gone through every level already, and have every bit of it memorized.
Exactly. Anything to prove their "Sonic is a hold right simulator" bullshit. If they got any further into the game passed the first zone they would realise how wrong they are.
Sonic 3 & Knuckles is one game, you dick.
>the music is mediocre at best
Absolute sub-70 IQ
>you have to memorize sonic levels to play them!
Spoken like a true braindead zoomer. I’m sorry about your reaction speed being pathetic.
>hold right
>jump when you stop
>removes everything including rings and half the level
>the music is mediocre at best
> buzzword buzzword buzzword
not an argument fag
This garbage literally hurts my ears. Both the NES and Genesis had games with far, FAR better-sounding music. In fact Spring Yard Zone is almost Atari-tier of "this is the best we can do".
He’s not wrong though.
the &knuckles half sucks
and they removed the kino invincibility music
“You have to memorize the levels” isn’t an argument because it’s not true, zoom zoom
There’s no accounting for bad taste I guess. Sorry about your awful taste in music. The Sonic series is legendary for its incredible soundtracks. Go look up some Sonic hate threads in the archive and even they’ll be full of people saying they don’t care for the games but love the music.
I really think gamers have grown soft. I had never seen this stupid fucking complaint until the late 00s
Just put in a cheat code if you suck this bad, geez
And use the role function. Sonic games aren’t that fucking difficult.
There's literally no joke there you fucking retard.
>I don’t understand, I should be good at a game the moment I start playing it! It should hold my hand! This is impossible, you have to memorize the levels!
The mind of a zoomer
Aquatic Ruin Zone has weak level design.
Yeah, that ended up hurting Sonic cause that's all people heard. Then people tried to go through levels fast and end up hitting stuff, making them mad and calling it a stupid game. It worked great at the time though.
People consider Sonic games difficult?
The webm was of a rom hack that was making fun of the "hold right to win" complaint. Calm down.
>SMW adds one additional button to the mix
>suddenly it's superior to s3k in every way.
Top path is bretty fun, a little too short tho
Every Sonic thread is besieged by two groups of zoomers, ones who never played the classic sonic games and says they’re just “hold right to win” and one that tried to play a sonic game but when it tested their basic reaction skills they declare it impossible to play and must require pre-memorization
This is also why you only saw Green Hill Zone and some of the bits from Star Light Zone where you could go fast, especially the bits with loops.