I don't get it

I don't get it.

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Indians with voice changing softwares providing companionship to trannies and obese amerisharts

Don't tell me this is real.

can't wait for hilarious youtube twats to all be spamming "I PAYED AN E-GIRL TO PLAY RAINBOW6 WITH ME!!!" reaction vids


Yeah, that's what youtube needs....more garbage.

where do i sign up for this job

I can't wait to read about all the bullying and sexual abuse

why care about this when a healslut discord server already exists

>pay a prostitute who doesn't even let you fuck her
What's the point?
Female companionship is a meme and this bought type is even a bigger meme.

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>Become an E-girl
Here comes the free money lads

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It's a fetish

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>Have a few cute female friends I met via League of Legends
>Simply ask her if she wants to duo
>Free without charge

I don't get it either. I get the same companionship when I play with my male friends. Unless I'm in love with her then maybe but I don't get that feeling often.

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Ten years ago the saddest thing I could think of was someone paying a hooker to play video games with them. Now, people have sunk to the level of paying pajeets to pretend they are women using voice software and the pajeets are still somehow the less pathetic person in the transaction.

Using a lighter instead of a tasty match. Faggot

What happens if i click top right?

Some people don't have male friends either

Don't do it, it's a prank

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I guess getting CoronaVirus it's not that bad after all.

That Geisha looks creepy as fuck

>you can search for boys too
what the

Is it weird I wish I knew where to get an escort that would blow and/or ride me while I play videogames?


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I win less often when I group up with a girl. Why would anyone pay for this?

Because their delusional little brains think that by giving a girl money she'll somehow notice him and see he's mister right. Never mind that their relationship was built upon money, which obviously always ends well.

I was thinking this was a game where you managed an e-girl, that would've actually been interesting.

Why just one? Introducing e-girl manager 2020!
>find pretty girls interested in streaming
>choose what kind of makeup each one uses to make her the prettiest
>manage workout routines
>secure streaming partnerships with twatch, moxer and more
>hide their retationship statuses from overly devoted fans
>market your babes on /vidya/,roddit,twatter and quickounce
>choose which games they play
>lobby against digital avatar streamers

>avg female prices are like $1-2 a game
That averages out to about $3.5/hr hahahaha holy shit why would you sell your dignity for that little money

Why not just play eu4 with her instead

well if you're gonna play video games then you might as well get paid for it

If you're playing video games anyway why the fuck not? If I could sign up for a service to play with some noob ass girl for a few bucks an hour and carry her I'd do it. I'm always carrying people anyway. Being on mic at the same time isn't a problem.

It's just unfortunate that there's no demand for skilled video game nerds from the lonely girl population.

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>fucking website called E-GIRL

are these people dumb?
i mean i dont give a fuck about women and their fight for whatever bullshit they are fighting for but jesus, the fucking website should be female only

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Every anime avatar is either a male or a lard ass.

boys can be e-girls too bigot

Geisha are classically trained to play instruments and dance and shit though. And they'll put out if you know how to ask.

Fucking incredible that after all the noise about female oversexualization in vidya, that character is too under-dressed, #notyourfucktoy etc., women are so quick to willingly prostitute themselves.

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That already exists via fiverr. Like, thousands of that exact video title.

>cheap suit smoking a cigar in japan
the whites are at it again

I have no friends, and am cripplingly lonely and desire any affection and friendship and companionship, but even I wouldn't pay for someone to play v idya with me. How fucking bad does it have to be for you to do something like that?

I dont get it

e-girls (male)

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Found my favourite

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Sounds like the type of minigame to appear on a future Yakuza title.

seems like a site that offers boosting services, but through a lens of "friendly matches played together". Can't wait till ubi and riot rip it apart.

certain women have differing goals and values

>Become an e-girl
So this is going to be full of trannies right?

>implying that would even matter
user please

Why would you turn down cash from virgins who want to drink your bath water though. Its always the least attractive people that take issue with this.

This would be super funny if he did a good impression of W. on voice and roleplayed as him well

You ever feel like we've been around here for too long?
As humans I mean.

If you want to play with women, go check out the 0-5 viewer sections of games on twitch, 99% of them will play with you for just a follow and some time in the chat. Their self esteem is so low and they just want company and to be appreciated. Just like most of you, probably.

Hypocrisy for one.

I'm not against prostitution or making money off of losers. I just want them to fuck off with the pretense

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well it's just bad marketing to acknowledge your clientele is lonely pathetic fucking losers who play video games.

pay 9 bucks per game in fortnite. Get killed in the first 5 minutes.

Im more upset that his is what qualifies as prostituing themselves. I miss the days where women selling themselves actually involved me getting to fuck them.

E girls are the best thing out of our current culture. I hope they take over lets plays and streaming. Fuck twitch and fuck lets plays, egirls forever.

I never said anything about insulting their clientele?
I was talking about the pretense that women were above sexualization and arent just mere walking pussies. Especially when they use that to fuck with my vidyer designs

>Become an e-girl

But its not hypocrisy

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