>professor asks what your hobbies are
Is there any acceptable answer besides sports or music? Why are video games looked down upon, bros?
Professor asks what your hobbies are
the fuck are you from? A third world country from Europe?
Video Games are accepted in countries worth their shit.
>Why are video games looked down upon,
They aren't, you're just fucking retarded.
Yeah, I'm sure tons of people in your college say "I like video games and anime!" when they present themselves. You fucking hypocrites. You wouldn't say that even if they paid you for it
My MAC1140 class has around 30 students, and I still remember how 7 or 8 said they liked to play vidya, and I think 2 or 3 liked anime.
I said I like game develpment so now the professor asks me how some math shit can be used for game devving every week.
My advisor is Japanese, so we talked about Dragon Quest and GameCenter CX.
there is still a negative stigma attached to them.
ive had to hide it my whole life and now im fucking good and everybody knows. suck it bitches who didnt let me be myself
There’s no reason you can’t be into vidya sports and music champ.
They did. I went to a college that was full of other nerds and people just as or even spergier than me. Sorry you go to a school where people are mega normies that dont like video games.
Alternatively, you can accept being nothing but trash and own it,like i did. be the guy who shouts I like video games and let the other vidya dorks know its okay, be trash together.
the solution to this is to not be an insecure loser
you'd probably have more interests if you weren't an insecure loser, but you could still say you like video games without facing any "heh, figures" kind of responses
Who gives a fuck if they accept you or not?
For your own good you should adopt another hobby, something more productive. Vidya as a hobby is only productive if you intend to pursue a career in the industry.
Then, your answer can be "X and video games."
Liking video games is fine, and I said it was one of my hobbies when I was in college. It's only when it's your only hobby that it seems weird. Anime is super cringe irl though.
Is this an euro thread? Video Games are no longer something people look down upon, hell if you go for a computer science degree you bet your ass the majority of your peers are fucking weebs and/or like vidya.
Surprisingly not the case anymore. I had to take a creative writing class last year and when we were all introducing ourselves the first day, this fucking massive black dude is like "I really enjoy anime" for his fact about himself. Caught me offguard
Everyone plays video games you fucking sperg, you probably just present yourself as a weak faggot so anything you say sounds retarded.
dawg steins;gate my nigga? shiiiiet i'm bout to fuck dat trap kid nawmsayin
That's because if anyone gave him shit about liking anime, well, he's still a fucking massive black dude.
I've begun admitting more that I like to play videogames as a hobby but then I can't get past the "Oh so you play Call of Duty a lot" when really all I play is unknown weeb rpg's
I don't tell people I like video games either but it's not because "omg nerd" is a thing; it's not a thing. I don't tell people because everyone is a fucking normie and wants to talk about Minecraft and Control or whatever's big now.
I was caught off guard recently though. My mom's employee, an adorable petite redhead, asked me if I'd played any good games recently.
I'm an idiot.
I told her about Code Vein.
I should've told her about something less cringey but it's all that came to mind because it had only been out for a week or so and I was really into it.
Yes they do.
Teenagers nowadays say straight to your face their hobby is streaming fortnite. Even the fucking girls.
t. High school professor.
>tell people I've been playing CTR
>they dont know what crash bandicoot is or dont even know if it had a remake
>they're just as old as me
I'm alone on this bitch of an earth
>high school
Stop being ashamed and call it what it is.
If you're that ashamed, pick up another hobby to do as well. It's probably for the best that video games aren't the only thing you do in your free time anyway. Lately I've started reading again, and I've been learning a little bit of woodcarving as well.
I'd end up looking either like a nerd or a pretentious retard. Horrible idea
I literally fucked a girl in college for two years who liked Berserk and her favorite scene was Casca getting raped. No she wasn't fat.
Step it up my man.
just say you like reading and building scale models
I like sneezing and puking at the same time. It's exhilarating.
How did you keep it up for 2 years my dude?
because it leads to underdeveloped social skills
Being embarrassed of your hobbies is why people make fun of you
Just channel Chad, be confident, and tell them you like to play video games and watch Japanese girls pretend to be anime characters on Youtube
I'm sorry you live such an uptight and insecure life.
>what hobbies do you have user
>I enjoy reading, shooting, video games, lifting, anime, and running
Get more hobbies.
Be like me and before anyone even asks the question, take out your 3ds, Switch... or Vita, and start playing it when you have nothing to do, then they already know and you wont have to be ashamed.
how nuts was she and how good was the sex that you stuck around that long?
Should I pick up fencing guys? I'm about to turn 20 and I'm interested in it but never did it when I was younger
yes, you certainly should. even if you completely suck at it and quit it will be a fun conversation topic later down the road.
All solitary hobbies...
Aim better, noob
I'm not talking about the day you're going to do it in school
Thanks for repeating my joke back to me you humorless sperg
Nah I go shooting with my friends
Run with one of my friends
Play fighting games so I go to locals
Lifting is fun if you have a good gym
Can talk about Anime with friends
Reading is solitary I'll give you that but preferably I'll get a gf to cuddle with when I read
>haha look at that loser staring at that glowing screen that isn't a smartphone
Music isn't an acceptable hobby, everyone listens to music. Nobody older than 15 thinks this is a hobby unless they're a complete burnout.
Just because it's stupid doesn't mean normalfags don't think like that. They do.
Getting into fights and making money.
Nigger most people are going to assume you like cowadooty and green naruto and not give a fuck
Everything you like is casual as hell and being an autistic faggot about it is what's ruining your life
Just say photography, it's a meme hobby everyone can do to feel better about themselves, takes 0 skill to claim as your own and is still respected.
is mountaineering an acceptable answer
I do most of those things with friends. Except lifting, I need total focus for that.
>There's a girl who reminds me of that shut-in loser with no friends in my college class who has some nice tits but covers them with a black hoodie all the time
>We group up
>We talk for a bit
>She's so damn insecure she barely talks but smiled when I mentioned I play Vidya
>She mentions she likes playing League and other casual shit
>Like the way she looks
>But her video game taste sucks
>I made up what games I play (CoD,Madden, League)
Good God how do I stop being a sperg and just fucking sit next to her next class and talk to her about Vidya Again bros? I'm afraid she will ask what characters I play and I don't know jack shit about League or overwatch.
the correct answer is to say you're into model trains
you are into model trains, right?
Well I like to run trains on models
Reading, writing and video games.
I hope you're a cool teach. Niggas will remember you fondly over some faggot who follows the rules word by word
Just fucking say games nigger, if people ask what you play say some known shit like Mario, Zelda Kirby and stuff
whenever this happens to me their are at least 10 other people that say "video games". Grow some balls and answer a simple question, OP
Do americans really
Target shooting is actually fun
You just get some clay pigeons and something to throw them and have a fun time
The other day I heard some woman refer to herself as a "university educator" because she worked in the financial aid office and helped students with their loans.
As an actual fucking professor that kinda ticked me off.
Eh Most kids in my highschool liked video games, and since most of the kids there were middle to lower class Mexicans most liked anime
simple user
>i like guns
I shoot skeet all the time. Especially in the mornings, skeet skeet skeet.
as a university student i call myself "doctor"
That's exactly what I say, but since I'm 6'1'' people wouldn't dare to say shit unless it was behind my back.
The kind of snivelling coward that would crumble the moment I got in their face.
Even though I haven't been in a fight in years. Big=win now, gg retards
You've got to learn how to be confident somewhere, might as well start by not being embarrassed by doing totally normal shit like playing video games
Just say you dropped them a while ago for class and want to get back into it. Or fuck, just admit you were nevous and tell her what you actually play. Lying to chicks you want to bone is a temporary solution, always. Only do it if you're trying to seal the deal. As for working up the courage? Idk, pretend you're someone cooler
"Why yes, I play untranslated Japanese games and sometimes make translation patches for them, it's impressive that you could tell."
My dream is to attach four mechanical tentacles to my back, become a super villain, and also call myself doctor.
Any hobby is acceptable if you dont look like a simp/incel.
Just be attractive, dont be ugly, dont be short.
absolutely, try all the weird shit you think about. that's the best way to have fun and learn new things as an adult. I'm about to take a blacksmithing class this summer.
I did it and made some friends thanks to that you big insecure faggot.
To this day they're still my friends and we play some vidya and watch some series.
tell her you were nervous talking to such a cute girl
*cracks open monster ultra*
Eat shit user. Reading is one of the absolute most respectable hobbies out there, and if you're so god damned insecure you can't even say that you fucking read, then you're a god damned smoothbrained lost cause you stupid fuck. Just off yourself. I thought I was bad for hiding my weeb habits but holy fucking shit user.
anime no, unless its something like dragonball. vidja you can definitely say as long as its something normalfag friendly like COD or GTA or madden or some shit.
Also, it does depend on the class, my programming classes were autism city so you could say the nerdiest shit and be fine.
If you make music I think it is, just listening to it is not.
American detected.
I pretty much say this to make myself sounds more interesting than I actually am. Most of my reading is just browsing the web and the occasional manga/article/self-help book. I own a gun, but I only really shoot it once a year because being at the shooting range with other people makes me nervous. Only really run in the warmer months and do occasional push-ups/planks whenever I feel like it. Really, the vidya and anime are only true, but even then I spend more time browsing Yas Forums and watching YouTube shit.
Bookfags are the easiest to charm, low CHA resistance
>Girl at work starts reading a book during lunch
>"Are you making fun of me?"
>Shoots me a perplexed look
>"You know I can't read"
>She busts a gut laughing.
ezpz booksluts