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What happened this time

Exclusives getting ported to PC and PS5 getting delayed to 2021 after their factory workers for assembling the damn thing got killed by corona-chan

there was no ape escape 4

Thank coronochan for eliminating the console market.
Every game will be released on the PC from now one

Threads like these have been happening for years
Just salty virgins who have an eternal hate boner for Sony

so thats the meme of the day?
Yesterday it was gay Alucard.
Whats the next meme of the day?

oh yeah, it's the incel virgins who are mad haha

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Good. Fuck Snoy


A game no one gives two shits about got ported to PC

Which one this time?

Horizon Zero Dawn

About fucking time

>decades thrown away
What does that mean?

>One literal who on twitter = everyone who plays PS

>being mad over game losing exclusivity status year after launch
Did you ever witness children in the kindergarten?
There is always a retard who wants someone's toy. If you take the toy from other child and give it to him, he is satisfied for a second, but when he notices other child playing with a different toy, he instantly loses interest to his new toy and now he wants this toy other child just picked up.

This is what you are dealing with here. This is a spoiled mentality of retarded 3 y old child who's only interest is the fact that he alone owns the toy. He doesn't even want it, he just wants you to not have it and be jelly about his toy and give him attention.

Human beings are truly pathetic creatures.

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Somehow I thought it already had.

It was terminal cancer that started many years ago. Only God Himself can heal or resurrect it at the moment.

And the Sony fanbase is comprised entirely of those people.

Don't be so dramatic

Twitter is a craddle of degeneracy and retards, dumbasses doing dumb things in there aint news

But they will port everything in the end you mong.

"Everything" being...?

Lmao like barely anyone cares HZD is a Joke


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Nice reddit spacing, you have to go back

t. oldfag

>he just wants you to not have it and be jelly about his toy and give him attention

And that's how've described the whole [spoiker]human[/spoiker] western civilisation and the basic concept of proprietorship you fucking moron.

Are you the same user that used to make those daily threads the all in caps, talking about how there isn't going to be a PS4 and that PS3 was going to fail in last place forcing Sony to drop out?


Whatever they produced and funded and doesn't require eyetoy or any ither children's potty to play.

Uh They still have a exclusivity of Persona 5
Sony ain't dead yet...
Ill always buy a PS5 if there is a persona 6 game nowhere else.

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They didnt even fucking port Demons Souls to the PS4 or PC, much less BB.
As much as i would like to see Bloodborne on PC to finally discover all the shit Miyazaki erased from the game in his enagenation i doubt they are going to ever port it

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>Hermen Hulst (Guerilla studios) replaced Shuhei Yoshida.
>Jim Ryan (some marketing suit) replaced Andrew fucking House.

Sony as we knew it is dead and no one noticed. We were betrayed boys.

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>Sony income 2017
>Nintendo income 2018
I wonder, why didn't you compare income for both companies in the same years?

Can I get some context please?

Why are you talking about toys?

Fact is it's just a bad decision for Sony,
royalies will make them more long term
not to mention they differentiate consoles.
"Exclusives ur anti consumer" people are the
open borders fags of video game discussion.

You either die a hero or live long enough to become the villain


>This is what you are dealing with here. This is a spoiled mentality of retarded 3 y old child who's only interest is the fact that he alone owns the toy.
>who's only interest
whose, user

Now post the handhelds and the updated switch sales. ;^)

No one cares about the handhelds they aren't part of the console war

lmao cope snoy

I'd say it died a quick death but it was anything but.

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Damn. So when/if Switch reach 100 mil unit you won't classify it as a console because it's a hybrid, right?

899 us dollars

So I guess everyone complaining about
Diablo Immortal are just petulant kiddos?
"Muh wider audience" is atomically good.

The big N is back. On your knees dog.

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>be me
>finally buy PS4 because friebd will share his acc with me
>want to play Driveclub, but servers will shut down soon
Why is that a norm on PS? If a game is 5 years old, they shut down servers.

>losing all its exclusives by the time PS5 comes out
Not giving a good image, Snoy.

Because you have to be a good consumer by buying new things and forgetting about old obsolete things

This is what the snoys have to look forward to.


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Another one bites the dust

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Why are people so salty about this? Honestly though, I think this is a good thing. I grew up with Playstation, but just got into PC gaming recently. I keep coming back to Sony because they really do make some incredible exclusives. I think that having it accessible on PC would help preserve the longevity and appeal of these games. I had to buy Siren Blood Curse on the PS3 because that's the only way I can get it. People will say, "Just emulate it," but I like owning my games and this is the only way I can have them. So many of the PS2-PS3 exclusives are incredible games and I can't own/play them if they're locked behind region codes and people overpricing them.

If people want to play these games on the PS5, then that's fine. I might buy a PS5, but honestly though it's gonna have to depend on the games. Shit, people should just stop acting like children and enjoy playing video games.

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Why is there MGS4 missing or am I fucking blind?

Konami published MGS4, not Sony

Long cope

Horizon zero fucks, ill pirate it day one mod it with anime and post it here for you to see. Thanks for betatesting

It was a good run, sonybros... I'll never forget the good memories we made together

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>ATV Offroad Fury

>Why are you talking about toys?
>Proceeds to make an open borders analogy as if that makes more sense
Pretty sure games have more in common with toys than immigrants.

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Not like this... not like this...

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Sony won so they're the bad guys again. If the PS5 flops they'll go back to being the good guys.

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>It was a good run, sonybros... I'll never forget the good memories we made together
it was a good run bro. don't be sad it's over. be glad it happened.

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windows vista fuck you!


>incredible exclusives

You fuckers pay 60 dollars to watch a fucking movie. Your games are in the bargain bin 3 weeks after release but your all hype to pay up on release day. The most retarded fanbase in gaming.

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