Can we have a Jessie thread?

Can we have a Jessie thread?

Attached: Thirsty Jessie.jpg (1284x711, 194.62K)

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Someone post the model

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superficial whore

Attached: jessie.webm (852x476, 968.5K)

Everyone had her

I can't wait for the scene where she makes a pancake for Cloud

Fuck you Dutch

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*switches Tifa and Jessie’s models*
lol get wrecked

>a cute girl who expresses interest in Cloud in a very tame, almost timid way
>make her a thirsty roastie in the remake
but why?

can redmoa hurry the fuck up

>shaved armpits
what a beta

you really think cloud has the ability to grow hair anywhere except for his head?

all women are whores

Jessie lives

What did she mean by this?

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>childless eco-terrorist is a thirsty roastie
sounds accurate to me

This conversation is a bit weird considering that Biggs is actually more handsome than Cloud in the remake. It'd work better in the original.

I'll play the first game, but I'm really excited for an expanded Golden Saucer. Especially if they expand the "dating" section. If nothing else I'm excited to ride the gondola with Nanaki again.

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I thought Yas Forums hated roasties. She's the definition of it: a total slut over the brooding bad boy. Literally the most useless kind of woman there is. All I felt during the gameplay demos was cringe and disgust towards her.

Or, as another one put it:
>superficial whore

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>expand dating scenes at Gold Saucer
>at the expense of no Yuffie or Barret date option

Careful what you wish for, user.

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Need's a black man's gun to reach the deep far away places

what should she be like?

She had one line showing interest in Cloud in the original now it's her entire character.
This does not bode well for the writing of this game going forward.

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You WILL save her and recruit her for your party, right user?

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This one?

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Holy based

Biggs doesnt have sexy mako eyes

It's not like she had many lines to begin with, did you expect her to be mute for the most part?

Did you forget the whole bit where she basically used the Midgar map in the train as an excuse to cuddle up with Cloud and show off her tech expertise to him?

>Biggs is actually more handsome than Cloud in the remake.
This holy shit, and that voice makes it better.
I don't underatand the exchange between him and Jesse though, excuse my ESL but I got lost at the page/book part.

No, there were a few. Flirting with her was basically a way to lower Tifa's disposition with Cloud so that you could work on Aeris or Yuffie later instead of her.

Cucks and simps only like Jessie.

good, who the fuck is fag or shitaste to choose barret or yuffie

Anons... please.

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What the fuck is a simp

brand new twitterspeak for "beta"

>What the fuck is a simp

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another terrible forced meme to try and replace cuck

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I see, thanks.


it's not even new

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Simp has been around for a long ass time. Why has it suddenly started making the rounds here?

This. Look at thise fucking cheekbones. The only way the conversation makes sense is if Biggs and Jesse are siblings or at least early childhood friends

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T-they're going to make her recruitable, right guys?

No, no, I meant expand all the options. Maybe even include extra ones since the disc is going to be its own self-contained game. Imagine the zany antics with Nanaki, Cid or Vincent. I'd take that over serious date shit with aerith or tifa any day.

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I'm going to cosplay as her!

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Yes yes, very nice, now give me a link with Red XIII railing her.

Jesus fuck that's supermodel looks right there. Yeah there's no way with Jessie being the horny slut she clearly is that those two haven't had something going on without a serious excuse to stop them.

You will not pull it off!

I have plenty of time to make it look great!

I never thought once in my life that after 20 years from first playing FF7, that we'd have 4k character porn renders, and that Jesse would be the first one.

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Where's the dick?

So she's already confirmed alive? So much for the remake including everything from the original and then some, right.

God I hope we can save him

in your mouth

If someone says "I'm not on the same page" it's the same as saying "I don't understand". Kind of like if your in school doing a read-along in a textbook with the teacher but you have no idea what he's reading because you're on the wrong page and can't follow along.
Jessie's making fun of him by saying he's not even reading the same book.
Hope that helps, ESL-user.
