Soul vs Soulless thread

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Persona 2 has more soul than every nu-sona game put together

Persona 4 is one of the least soulful rpgs I've ever played, persona 5 had far more.
P3 had the most of course

3 and 4 kept it simple, i really respect it. im not normally a fan of minimalism but they did it right


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Thing I like >soul
Thing I hate >soulless

4 is peak soulless to me. They took everything that made 3 good and went "But now we want the otaku money".

That's because they did their own take on it and not just the typical copy/paste shit you see in most modern games.

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ugly vs cluttered right there. did left actually think it's ugly single tone bs actually looks good? Why is the right so overdesigned?


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I hate this fucking board

That God of War UI is some lazy shit.

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How did nu-God of War get top rating from so many people when it clearly lacks in the aesthetics/design department?

Thankfully anyone who posts the SOUL meme can be safely ignored due to their low IQ

>Not much personality
>Looks like it was made in ms paint
>Just take a screenshot of the model and make some parts dark blue/yellow and the other parts bright blue/yellow
>Not very much visual flair, a single color takes up the majority of the screen without anything to break it up
>Has actual artwork
>Tons of visual flair and graphic designs
>red still is the dominant color on the screen but it's not ONLY red

Couldn't agree more, the 5th entry was a real step further and not continuing following their "not soulless" creations making part 3 and story dlc for it but with soul

Aspect and RAIDOU-pilled.

It has the old grizzled adult male go through a period of deep and profound growth by escorting a young child through a dangerous landscape.
Turning the game into a pre-teen escort quest automatically bumps it up to become a 9/10 at least.

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>he says while Aigis is still the most prime example of waifufaggotry in the series

I want to play persona 2 but I hear you need to also play 1 and it's absolutely shit

Why do all gaming journalists and SJW love daddy simulators so much? It's like they all have daddy iss- Oh wait....

Localized Persona 2 PSP is enough. No part 2 needed.

Not really

old vs new
old vs new
old vs new
old vs new

these threads are so predictable

P5 aesthetics are filled to the brim with soul, just its story lacks substance.

OP is a fag as always.

it’s almost like they’re created for the sole purpose of baiting retards

I feel like this is either a stealth P3fag seethe thread or someone decided to make a false flag because there's another soul/soulless thread up and they made this to seethe about it

i really felt like i had friends, gang

This but replace 3 with SMT and 4 with Persona in general

The gameplay in 1/2 are both shit, 2 is the easiest game in the fucking series. The story in one is barely comprehensible and 2s story is literally the only reason people defend it, it's like a more extreme example of P3

I want a P3 remake. I wanna see their take on the style after P5

At least P2’s story was interesting enough. P3’s was just “muh memento mori” but for brainlets who like to pretend they’re smart

read the persona 1 manga instead

Is this the thread where I post my favourite smt game and say persona is shit to be based depsite liking them both?
Its Soul Hackers

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To be fair Devil Summoner is SOUL incarnate and better than Mainline and Persona

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>muh memento mori
you're the brainlet if anything, the meaning of P3 isn't remembering that you will die, it's about finding meaning in your life and dealing with loss.

>not one mention of the smash bros image used for p5

damn bro this post will get reddit gold from me

>UI consists of browser tabs, 'not-Arial' font, and the most stock icons you could imagine
It's not terrible, it's just utterly lifeless. I fucking hate it

I don't get it, is every dev outsourcing their menu design to some other designer? Every game since like 2015 has this bland polished look to the menus and UI

whoops, meant Carpe Diem

I don't think you know what carpe diem means.

God of War 2018 is actually a step above what I'm used to getting now honestly. So many games just use the black background/white text and icons for everything. It's like the standard "we didn't put any effort in" UI. Even a medieval RPG like Skyrim used this shit.

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It's more
Stylized, minimalist
Over designed

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Futaba is way worse. Rise in 4 is pretty fucking annoying as well.

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It's also insultingly easy and can be practically be beaten on Auto, like almost every SMT game pre-Nocturne.

THIS is functional and non intrusive. It auto hides the UI too in-game.

What's exactly wrong with that menu? It's a fucking menu, it's navigable and straightforward.

I'll take something I can actually read over that edgelord diablo font bullshit any day.

It works fine. It's just really bland and safe. I didn't love the original concepts they did for the menus but atleast they were trying something different.

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RE2 Remake's UI is great.
I like the old ones too, but they would just look cheesy and out of place if they were adopted in a 2019 game

I like Persona 5's UI and all of you have shit taste

i'm 90% sure the OP is bait

>congratulations on completing the quest
Dagda and the demonica OS just isn't the same.

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I think that's the joke. Nobody actually thinks P3 and 4 had a better UI