Cyberpunk 2077 new female V

Not sure if this has been brought up yet, but female V has a new look... And i'm not really liking it. Thought?

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Nice blog

can't you customize your character anyway so who cares?

Maybe they wanted to get away from that Witcher 3 look of her face. She was based on Ciri i think.

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Thank good this role-playing game let's you customize your character's appearance.

Really pissed me off when I saw they changed her. Thought the original looked like Sasha Foxxx and I liked her.

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this game is too normalfag to be any good

I don't like it either but we can change it.

This looks better than the old one.

I can't tell the difference.

Any changes they made were minor.

awful boobies. damn.
look at that droopy-ass tit


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Say that again.

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The CC isn't one of those were the face is malleable and you can do whatever the hell you feel like doing, rather you're given a bunch of presets and make your face from those. Less Oblivion, more Skyrim, if that makes any sense.
So unless they've kept the options in, we might straight up not be able to recreate old V's face.

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why change? new one looks better though

>"I'm blind so you're wrong"


>different eyebrows, haircut and no eyeshadows
Anything else worth of mentioning?

It will never stop until they change it. Since the La Goblina is the default female you'll be seeing her face in almost all media relating to the game as well.

Ah. The hair moved.

Well she's not holding her gun like a retard anymore.

Are you the guy from yesterday's thread? Because if so I'll cut this short by calling you a retard again and leaving it here.

Looks like they added a negro somewhere in her family tree

Realistically American now.

If you think she looks black you've probably never seen a black person in your life. She looks like your typical white girl after a weekend at the beach.

Her skin is too rough, she looks like a mutt.

I got the same eyes as you. She looks visibly more mulatto in the left pic than right Reminds me of Hannah John-Kamen now.

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literally looks the same. Yas Forums just has a hard time noticing makeup because they never have had any experience with women.

same lips, just less gloss. jawline same. nose shape exactly the same. eye shape same, left just has no eyeshadow or eyeliner and no/less exaggerated brow penciling.

also she wasn't black before but she is now

Her skin is darker and her features are sharper (masculine). She was made uglier to appease SJW, that's the problem.

Until they show new gameplay with default V I'll go on and call anyone that likes new V a fucking retard

This explains why she had cute fucking feet

>going off a gameplay preview from 2 years ago
itll be fine

It's called a tan, it's what happens when you leave your basement retard.

>character gets a tan in Night City
So we're back to the original complaint then

On this new episode of "Yas Forums falseflags like the niggers they are"...

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>Her skin is too rough
lmao dude. you think every white girl has flawless skin?

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The only sliver of hope I have is CDPR released a bunch of official renders of both Vs as guides for cosplay, just like they did with TW3. It'd be incredibly retarded to change the way female V has looked like for two years now right when the game goes Gold just because. I couldn't care less if that's how V looks like in the artworks and cover, I couldn't care less if it's one of the premade faces. But I liked default V's face from day one and changing it out of nowhere this late feels pretty poignant.

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I thought that the game had character creation. Unless they removed that feature it doesn't really matter what model they use for their promotional art. I'll be making a black qveen V
>fingers crossed for boob sliders or early big tit mods

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I'm playing as the white male you closet trannies deserve a shit preset

Are you surprised?

But your skin texture doesn't change you liberal who lives in a 100% white town. Her skin has the same texture as a black woman, no amount of tanning can change that.

you have braindamage you lobotomised drooling fucktard. get your eyes and brain checked. two completely different types.

left looks better than right

I can't wait to suck V's feminine BBC

same texture? wtf are you talking about?

kek. user, I'm agreeing with you, they look nothing alike.

It does, Yas Forums is just being autistic as usual. Whether it's Tifa - who looks exactly the same as always, just more detailed -, or a different angle and slight color change to a fucking preset female character that only truly boring basic ass bitches will bother playing anyway, they love going hail mary about the smallest minutiae that no sane person would even notice never mind care.

>I'll be making a black qveen V
Well now, I see you too are a man of great culture.

Seriously doubt boob sliders though. The liberal left (read: man-hating feminists) not only don't give a shit, but would likely be offended by it. And it would take extra effort from the animators. Haven't seen boob modifiers in a long time unless it was an Asian game, for those very same reasons.

Who cares what the female player character looks like. Don't tell me you were planning on playing as a girl?

>Her skin has the same texture as a black woman

I was hyped for this game until they dropped their music trailer. Older version of female V is much better than this.

But she was based that way. Now she is ugly. Male face, no make up. If you didn't know she is female, you would expect male.

>Her skin has the same texture as a black woman
You dumb or some shit? Her skin texture is that of a white girl that wears too much foundation.

both look like shit, it is clear at first glance they made two designs just to meet diversity, ugly inclusion quota.
Pirate day one, buy after a year or two for half the price.
Looking forward to checking out perpetual night mod and experience how it changes atmosphere.

It's weird the blind damage control from people looking at the same image and claiming she's not black now

Pic related, it's four white women

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A junkie sure is a good example

considering its cyberpunk I would certainly say so. V uses "combat stims" in the first fucking gameplay demo

>uh dur they made vidya character skin less white

fuck off and die, retard

>people are this unoriginal that they try and make bait threads about V having a different face when cdpr already said there is no official canon face of either genders of V

>t. played a custom Shepard

You can't fool me, user. That's Danny Devito on the left

>Yas Forums is one person
Get fucked, don't put words in my mouth

Wow I guess far left faggot really do love in all white communities. Black skin is rougher than literally ever other ethnic group, since you only see them on TV with makeup you might not have noticed.

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